{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-} {- | Module : Data.FileStore.Generic Copyright : Copyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane, Gwern Branwen, Sebastiaan Visser License : BSD 3 Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : GHC 6.10 required Generic utility functions for working with filestores. -} module Data.FileStore.Generic ( modify , create , Diff , diff , searchRevisions , smartRetrieve , richDirectory ) where import Data.FileStore.Types import Control.Exception as E import Data.FileStore.Utils import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Algorithm.Diff (Diff #if MIN_VERSION_Diff(0,4,0) , PolyDiff #endif (..), getGroupedDiff) import System.FilePath (()) handleUnknownError :: E.SomeException -> IO a handleUnknownError = E.throwIO . UnknownError . show -- | Like save, but first verify that the resource name is new. If not, throws a 'ResourceExists' -- error. create :: Contents a => FileStore -> FilePath -- ^ Resource to create. -> Author -- ^ Author of change. -> Description -- ^ Description of change. -> a -- ^ Contents of resource. -> IO () create fs name author logMsg contents = E.catch (latest fs name >> E.throwIO ResourceExists) (\e -> if e == NotFound then save fs name author logMsg contents else E.throwIO e) -- | Modify a named resource in the filestore. Like save, except that a revision ID -- must be specified. If the resource has been modified since the specified revision, -- @Left@ merge information is returned. Otherwise, @Right@ the new contents are saved. modify :: Contents a => FileStore -> FilePath -- ^ Resource to create. -> RevisionId -- ^ ID of previous revision that is being modified. -> Author -- ^ Author of change. -> Description -- ^ Description of change. -> a -- ^ Contents of resource. -> IO (Either MergeInfo ()) modify fs name originalRevId author msg contents = do latestRevId <- latest fs name latestRev <- revision fs latestRevId if idsMatch fs originalRevId latestRevId then save fs name author msg contents >> return (Right ()) else do latestContents <- retrieve fs name (Just latestRevId) originalContents <- retrieve fs name (Just originalRevId) (conflicts, mergedText) <- E.catch (mergeContents ("edited", toByteString contents) (originalRevId, originalContents) (latestRevId, latestContents)) handleUnknownError return $ Left (MergeInfo latestRev conflicts mergedText) -- | Return a unified diff of two revisions of a named resource. -- Format of the diff is a list @[(Diff, [String])]@, where -- @DI@ is @F@ (in first document only), @S@ (in second only), -- or @B@ (in both), and the list is a list of lines (without -- newlines at the end). diff :: FileStore -> FilePath -- ^ Resource name to get diff for. -> Maybe RevisionId -- ^ @Just@ old revision ID, or @Nothing@ for empty. -> Maybe RevisionId -- ^ @Just@ oew revision ID, or @Nothing@ for latest. -> IO [Diff [String]] diff fs name Nothing id2 = do contents2 <- retrieve fs name id2 return [Second (lines contents2) ] -- no need to run getGroupedDiff here - diff vs empty document diff fs name id1 id2 = do contents1 <- retrieve fs name id1 contents2 <- retrieve fs name id2 return $ getGroupedDiff (lines contents1) (lines contents2) -- | Return a list of all revisions that are saved with the given -- description or with a part of this description. searchRevisions :: FileStore -> Bool -- ^ When true the description must -- match exactly, when false partial -- hits are allowed. -> FilePath -- ^ The resource to search history for. -> Description -- ^ Revision description to search for. -> IO [Revision] searchRevisions repo exact name desc = do let matcher = if exact then (== desc) else (desc `isInfixOf`) revs <- history repo [name] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing) Nothing return $ Prelude.filter (matcher . revDescription) revs -- | Try to retrieve a resource from the repository by name and possibly a -- revision identifier. When retrieving a resource by revision identifier fails -- this function will try to fetch the latest revision for which the -- description matches the given string. smartRetrieve :: Contents a => FileStore -> Bool -- ^ @True@ for exact description match, @False@ for partial match. -> FilePath -- ^ Resource name to retrieve. -> Maybe String -- ^ @Just@ revision ID or description, or @Nothing@ for empty. -> IO a smartRetrieve fs exact name mrev = do edoc <- E.try (retrieve fs name mrev) case (edoc, mrev) of -- Regular retrieval using revision identifier succeeded, use this doc. (Right doc, _) -> return doc -- Retrieval of latest revision failed, nothing we can do about this. (Left e, Nothing) -> E.throwIO (e :: FileStoreError) -- Retrieval failed, we can try fetching a revision by the description. (Left _, Just rev) -> do revs <- searchRevisions fs exact name rev if Prelude.null revs -- No revisions containing this description. then E.throwIO NotFound -- Retrieve resource for latest matching revision. else retrieve fs name (Just $ revId $ Prelude.head revs) -- | Like 'directory', but returns information about the latest revision. richDirectory :: FileStore -> FilePath -> IO [(Resource, Either String Revision)] richDirectory fs fp = directory fs fp >>= mapM f where f r = E.catch (g r) (\(e :: FileStoreError)-> return ( r, Left . show $ e ) ) g r@(FSDirectory _dir) = return (r,Left "richDirectory, we don't care about revision info for directories") g res@(FSFile file) = do rev <- revision fs =<< latest fs ( fp file ) return (res,Right rev)