module Yhc.Core.Firstify.Mitchell(mitchell) where import Yhc.Core hiding (uniqueBoundVarsCore, uniqueBoundVars) import Yhc.Core.FreeVar3 import Yhc.Core.UniqueId import Yhc.Core.Util import Yhc.Core.Firstify.Mitchell.Template import Yhc.Core.Firstify.Mitchell.Terminate import qualified Yhc.Core.Firstify.Mitchell.BiMap as BiMap import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import Safe logger :: String -> SS a -> SS a logger x = id type SS a = State S a data S = S {terminate :: Terminate -- termination check ,special :: BiMap.BiMap CoreFuncName CoreExpr -- which special variants do we have ,suspend :: CoreFuncMap ,coreRest :: Core -- the functions are not there ,varId :: Int -- what is the next variable id to use ,funcId :: Int -- what is the next function id to use } instance UniqueId S where getId = varId putId x s = s{varId = x} -- First lambda lift (only top-level functions). -- Then perform the step until you have first-order. mitchell :: Core -> Core mitchell c = fromCoreFuncMap c2 res where res = evalState (liftM toCoreFuncMap (uniqueBoundVarsCore c2) >>= step) (s0 :: S) s0 = S (emptyTerminate True) BiMap.empty Map.empty c2 0 (uniqueFuncsNext c2) c2 = ensureInvariants [NoRecursiveLet,NoCorePos] c -- In each step first inline all top-level function bindings -- and let's that appear to be bound to an unsaturated -- -- Then specialise each value step :: CoreFuncMap -> SS CoreFuncMap step = f acts where (*) = (,) acts = ["lambdas" * lambdas, "simplify" * simplify, "inline" * inline, "specialise" * specialise] f [] x = return x f ((name,act):ys) x = do x2 <- trace name $ act x if x == x2 then f ys x else f acts x2 -- make sure every function is given enough arguments, by introducing lambdas lambdas :: CoreFuncMap -> SS CoreFuncMap lambdas c | checkFreeVarCoreMap c = do s <- get let funcs = c `Map.union` suspend s alive = coreReachableMap ["main"] funcs put $ s{suspend = Map.filterWithKey (\key _ -> key `Map.notMember` alive) funcs} applyBodyCoreMapM (f alive) alive where f alive o@(CoreApp (CoreFun x) xs) = do xs <- mapM (f alive) xs let arity = coreFuncArity $ alive Map.! x extra = arity - length xs if extra <= 0 then return $ coreApp (CoreFun x) xs else do vs <- getVars arity return $ coreApp (coreLam vs (coreApp (CoreFun x) (map CoreVar vs))) xs f alive (CoreFun x) = f alive $ CoreApp (CoreFun x) [] f alive x = descendM (f alive) x -- perform basic simplification to remove lambda's -- basic idea is to lift lambda's outwards to the top simplify :: CoreFuncMap -> SS CoreFuncMap simplify c = return . applyFuncCoreMap g =<< transformExprM f c where g (CoreFunc name args (CoreLam vars body)) = CoreFunc name (args++vars) body g x = x f (CoreApp (CoreLam vs x) ys) = do x2 <- transformExprM f x2 return $ coreApp (coreLam vs2 x2) ys2 where i = min (length vs) (length ys) (vs1,vs2) = splitAt i vs (ys1,ys2) = splitAt i ys (rep,bind) = partition (\(a,b) -> isCoreVar b || countFreeVar a x <= 1) (zip vs1 ys1) x2 = coreLet bind $ replaceFreeVars rep x f (CoreCase (CoreLet bind on) alts) = do cas <- f $ CoreCase on alts f $ CoreLet bind cas f (CoreCase on alts) | not $ null ar = do vs <- getVars $ maximum ar transformExprM f $ CoreLam vs $ CoreCase on [(a, CoreApp b (map CoreVar vs)) | (a,b) <- alts] where ar = [length vs | (_, CoreLam vs x) <- alts] f (CoreLet bind x) | not $ null bad = do x <- transformM g x x <- transformM f x return $ coreLet good x where (bad,good) = partition (any h . universe . snd) bind h (CoreFun x) | isCoreFunc res && boxedLambda (coreFuncBody res) = True where res = c Map.! x h x = isCoreLam x g (CoreVar x) = case lookup x bad of Nothing -> return $ CoreVar x Just y -> duplicateExpr y g x = return x f (CoreCase on@(CoreApp (CoreCon x) xs) alts) = transformM f $ head $ concatMap g alts where g (PatDefault, y) = [y] g (PatCon c vs, y) = [coreLet (zip vs xs) y | c == x] g _ = [] f (CoreCase (CoreCase on alts1) alts2) | any isCoreLam $ concatMap (universe . snd) alts1 = transformM f =<< liftM (CoreCase on) (mapM g alts1) where g (lhs,rhs) = do CoreCase _ alts22 <- duplicateExpr $ CoreCase (CoreLit $ CoreInt 0) alts2 return (lhs, CoreCase rhs alts22) f (CoreLam vs1 (CoreLam vs2 x)) = return $ CoreLam (vs1++vs2) x f (CoreLet bind (CoreLam vs x)) = return $ CoreLam vs (CoreLet bind x) f (CoreApp (CoreApp x y) z) = return $ CoreApp x (y++z) f x = return x -- BEFORE: box = [even] -- foo = box -- AFTER: all uses of box as a case scrutinee are inlined -- all uses of foo are inlined inline :: CoreFuncMap -> SS CoreFuncMap inline c = do s <- get let boxy = Map.fromList [(name,(True, coreLam args body)) | CoreFunc name args body <- Map.elems c ,boxedLambda body] fwd = Map.fromList [(name,(False,coreLam args body)) | CoreFunc name args body <- Map.elems c ,Just x <- [simpleForward body], x `Map.member` boxy] both = Map.union boxy fwd if Map.null both then return c else applyFuncBodyCoreMapM (\name -> transformM (f (terminate s) both name)) c where f term both within o = case o of CoreCase (CoreFun x) alts -> f term both within $ CoreCase (CoreApp (CoreFun x) []) alts CoreCase (CoreApp (CoreFun x) xs) alts | test x True -> do res <- inline x return $ CoreCase (coreApp res xs) alts CoreCase (CoreApp (CoreFun x) []) alts -> return $ CoreCase (CoreFun x) alts CoreFun x | test x False -> inline x _ -> return o where test x b = maybe False ((==) b . fst) $ Map.lookup x both inline name | askInline within name term = do modify $ \s -> s{terminate = addInline within name (terminate s)} y <- duplicateExpr $ snd $ both Map.! name -- try and inline in the context of the person you are grabbing from transformM (f term (Map.delete name both) name) y inline name = return $ CoreFun name -- is a boxed lambda if there is a lambda before you get to a function -- assume simplify/promote/lambda have all been fixed pointed boxedLambda :: CoreExpr -> Bool boxedLambda = any isCoreLam . universe . transform f where f (CoreApp (CoreFun x) _) = CoreFun x f x = x -- is this function an absolutely trivialy forwarder simpleForward :: CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreFuncName simpleForward (CoreFun x) = Just x simpleForward (CoreLet _ x) = simpleForward x simpleForward (CoreApp x _) = simpleForward x simpleForward _ = Nothing -- BEFORE: map even x -- AFTER: map_even x specialise :: CoreFuncMap -> SS CoreFuncMap specialise c = do s <- get (c,(new,s)) <- return $ flip runState (Map.empty,s) $ applyFuncBodyCoreMapM (\name -> transformM (f name)) c put s return $ c `Map.union` new where isPrim x = maybe False isCorePrim $ Map.lookup x c isBoxy x = not (isPrim x) && maybe False (boxedLambda . coreFuncBody) (Map.lookup x c) f within x | t /= templateNone = do (new,s) <- get let tfull = templateExpand (`BiMap.lookup` special s) t holes = templateHoles x t case BiMap.lookupRev t (special s) of -- OPTION 1: Not previously done, and a homeomorphic embedding Nothing | not $ askSpec within tfull (terminate s) -> return x -- OPTION 2: Previously done Just name -> return $ coreApp (CoreFun name) holes -- OPTION 3: New todo done -> do let name = uniqueJoin (templateName t) (funcId s) findCoreFunc name = Map.findWithDefault (new Map.! name) name c fun <- templateGenerate findCoreFunc name t modify $ \(new,s) -> (Map.insert name fun new, s{terminate = cloneSpec within name $ addSpec within tfull $ terminate s ,funcId = funcId s + 1 ,special = BiMap.insert name t (special s) }) return $ coreApp (CoreFun name) holes where t = templateCreate isPrim isBoxy x f name x = return x