XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 32 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 998 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 95968 / number of group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups TFIELDS = 4 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'COMPRESSED_DATA' / label for field 1 TFORM1 = '1PB(114)' / data format of field: variable length array TTYPE2 = 'GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA' / label for field 2 TFORM2 = '1PB(0) ' / data format of field: variable length array TTYPE3 = 'ZSCALE ' / label for field 3 TFORM3 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TTYPE4 = 'ZZERO ' / label for field 4 TFORM4 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE ZIMAGE = T / extension contains compressed image ZTENSION= 'IMAGE ' ZBITPIX = -64 ZNAXIS = 3 ZNAXIS1 = 100 / [pix] ZNAXIS2 = 998 / [pix] ZNAXIS3 = 1 / [pix] ZPCOUNT = 0 ZGCOUNT = 1 ZTILE1 = 100 / size of tiles to be compressed ZTILE2 = 1 / size of tiles to be compressed ZTILE3 = 1 / size of tiles to be compressed ZCMPTYPE= 'RICE_1 ' / compression algorithm ZNAME1 = 'BLOCKSIZE' / compression block size ZVAL1 = 32 / pixels per block ZNAME2 = 'BYTEPIX ' / bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8) ZVAL2 = 4 / bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8) ZNAME3 = 'NOISEBIT' / floating point quantization level ZVAL3 = 16.0 / floating point quantization level ZQUANTIZ= 'NO_DITHER' / No dithering during quantization BUNIT = 'ct ' DATE = '2023-04-22T04:10:58.392' DATE-BEG= '2022-06-03T18:34:29.559' DATE-END= '2022-06-03T18:34:29.825' TELAPSE = 0.2660001162439585 / [s] DATE-AVG= '2022-06-03T18:34:29.692000' ORIGIN = 'National Solar Observatory' TELESCOP= 'Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope' OBSRVTRY= 'Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site' NETWORK = 'NSF-DKIST' INSTRUME= 'VISP ' OBJECT = 'unknown ' CHECKSUM= '9kg8Akd53kd59kd5' / HDU checksum updated 2023-04-22T04:10:59 DATASUM = '2081763389' / data unit checksum updated 2023-04-22T04:10:59 COMMENT ------------------------------ Telescope ------------------------------- COMMENT Keys describing the pointing and operation of the telescope. Including COMMENT the FITS WCS keys describing the world coordinates of the array. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WCSAXES = 3 WCSAXESA= 3 WCSNAME = 'Helioprojective-cartesian' WCSNAMEA= 'Equatorial equinox J2000' CRPIX1 = -82.86774961586269 / [pix] CRPIX2 = 499.0 / [pix] CRPIX3 = 26.91207092114994 / [pix] CRPIX1A = -82.86778489684515 / [pix] CRPIX2A = 499.0 / [pix] CRPIX3A = 26.90673195834938 / [pix] CRVAL1 = 854.231 CRVAL2 = -378.0016001773252 CRVAL3 = -310.0099922384685 CRVAL1A = 854.231 CRVAL2A = 22.25861366077565 CRVAL3A = 71.54760640717045 CDELT1 = 0.000999811469978602 CDELT2 = 0.2134568481952311 CDELT3 = 0.2134568481952311 CDELT1A = 0.000999811469978602 CDELT2A = 5.92935689431197E-05 CDELT3A = 5.92935689431197E-05 CUNIT1 = 'nm ' CUNIT2 = 'arcsec ' CUNIT3 = 'arcsec ' CUNIT1A = 'nm ' CUNIT2A = 'deg ' CUNIT3A = 'deg ' CTYPE1 = 'AWAV ' CTYPE2 = 'HPLT-TAN' CTYPE3 = 'HPLN-TAN' CTYPE1A = 'AWAV ' CTYPE2A = 'DEC--TAN' CTYPE3A = 'RA---TAN' PC1_1 = 7.607822604906501 PC1_2 = 0.0 PC1_3 = -0.00036747296713833 PC2_1 = 0.03258800664428634 PC2_2 = 0.0 PC2_3 = 0.09119427316600115 PC3_1 = 0.0 PC3_2 = 1000.188565571669 PC3_3 = 0.0 PC1_1A = -7.376733469625965 PC1_2A = 0.0 PC1_3A = -0.02244171841344273 PC2_1A = -1.864093831036593 PC2_2A = 0.0 PC2_3A = 0.0883351211080864 PC3_1A = 0.0 PC3_2A = 1000.188565571669 PC3_3A = 0.0 LONPOLE = 180.0 / [deg] LONPOLEA= 180.0 / [deg] TAZIMUTH= 76.35481766529557 / [deg] RawTelescopeAzimuthAngle ELEV_ANG= 36.54532962098321 / [deg] RawTelescopeElevationAngle TELTRACK= 'Standard Differential Rotation Tracking' / TelescopeTrackingMode TTBLANGL= 197.0144008687807 / [deg] TelescopeCoudeTableAngle TTBLTRCK= 'Fixed coude table angle' / TelescopeCoudeTableTrackingMode DATEREF = '2022-06-03T18:34:29.559' OBSGEO-X= -5466045.256954942 / [m] OBSGEO-Y= -2404388.737412784 / [m] OBSGEO-Z= 2242133.887690042 / [m] SPECSYS = 'TOPOCENT' VELOSYS = 0.0 OBS_VR = -94.64534176238249 / [m s-1] WCSVALID= T / WCSValidityIndicator COMMENT ------------------------------ Datacenter ------------------------------ COMMENT Keys generated by the DKIST data center to describe processing COMMENT performed, archiving or extra metadata. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DSETID = 'BQKZZ ' POINT_ID= 'BQKZZ ' FRAMEVOL= 2.27700138092041 / [Mbyte] PROCTYPE= 'L1 ' RRUNID = 578 RECIPEID= 1 RINSTID = 350 EXTNAME = 'observation' SOLARNET= 1 OBS_HDU = 1 FILENAME= 'VISP_2022_06_03T18_34_29_559_00854231_I_BQKZZ_L1.fits' CADENCE = 0.3282829148595638 / [s] CADMIN = 0.02399992942810059 / [s] CADMAX = 3.071000099182129 / [s] CADVAR = 0.834011691783927 / [s] LEVEL = 1 HEADVERS= '3.5.0 ' HEAD_URL= 'https://docs.dkist.nso.edu/projects/data-products/en/v3.5.0' INFO_URL= 'https://docs.dkist.nso.edu' CALVERS = '2.0.1 ' CAL_URL = 'https://docs.dkist.nso.edu/projects/visp/en/v2.0.1/l0_to_l1_visp.ht&' CONTINUE 'ml' IDSPARID= 409 IDSOBSID= 444 IDSCALID= 434 WKFLNAME= 'l0_to_l1_visp' WKFLVERS= '2.0.1 ' COMMENT ------------------------------- Dataset -------------------------------- COMMENT Keys describing the dataset that this FITS file forms a part of. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DNAXIS = 4 DNAXIS1 = 2538 / [pix] DNAXIS2 = 998 / [pix] DNAXIS3 = 490 / [pix] DNAXIS4 = 4 / [pix] DTYPE1 = 'SPECTRAL' DTYPE2 = 'SPATIAL ' DTYPE3 = 'SPATIAL ' DTYPE4 = 'STOKES ' DPNAME1 = 'dispersion axis' DPNAME2 = 'spatial along slit' DPNAME3 = 'raster scan step number' DPNAME4 = 'polarization state' DWNAME1 = 'wavelength' DWNAME2 = 'helioprojective latitude' DWNAME3 = 'helioprojective longitude' DWNAME4 = 'polarization state' DUNIT1 = 'nm ' DUNIT2 = 'arcsec ' DUNIT3 = 'arcsec ' DUNIT4 = '' DAAXES = 2 DEAXES = 2 DINDEX3 = 490 / [pix] DINDEX4 = 1 / [pix] LINEWAV = 854.231 WAVEBAND= 'Ca II (854.21 nm)' WAVEUNIT= -9 WAVEREF = 'Air ' WAVEMIN = 854.3138521265572 / [nm] WAVEMAX = 856.8513736373629 / [nm] COMMENT ------------------------------ Statistics ------------------------------ COMMENT Statistical information about the data array contained in this FITS COMMENT file. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATAMIN = 0.05511225546976106 DATAMAX = 1.069711649853424 DATAMEAN= 0.7919474769881233 DATAMEDN= 0.8430040919513452 DATARMS = 0.8080610568147634 DATAKURT= 2.335709959309551 DATASKEW= -1.477126138763325 COMMENT ------------------------------- DKIST ID ------------------------------- COMMENT Unique identifiers for this FITS file and the observation that created COMMENT the data. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE_ID = '94ba9c5fbadf4f26baef48809f9b2ff3' / FileID DKISTVER= 'Data Model (SPEC-0122) Revision E' / DKISTFITSHeaderVersion OBSPR_ID= 'eid_1_118_opAvoqBr_R002.82591.14499687' / ObservingProgramExecutionID EXPER_ID= 'eid_1_118' / ExperimentID PROP_ID = 'pid_1_118' / ProposalID DSP_ID = 'eid_1_118_opAvoqBr_R002_ipM6wwxZ_dspCtVjmC' / DataSetParametersID IP_ID = 'id.85572.341432' / InstrumentProgramExecutionID HLSVERS = 'Alakai_5-1' / DKISTSoftwareVersion NPROPOS = 1 PROPID01= 'pid_1_118' NEXPERS = 1 EXPRID01= 'eid_1_118' COMMENT --------------------------- DKIST Operations --------------------------- COMMENT Information about this configuration or operations of the facility COMMENT when generating this data. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OCS_CTRL= 'Auto ' / OCSControl FIDO_CFG= 'OUT_C-M1_C-BS555_C-BS950_C-W1_C-W3' / FIDOConfiguration DSHEALTH= 'GOOD ' / DataSourceHealthStatus DSPSREPS= 1 / DSPSNumberOfRepeats DSPSNUM = 1 / DSPSRepeatNumber LIGHTLVL= 448.6954002173126 / [adu] LightLevel COMMENT -------------------------------- Camera -------------------------------- COMMENT Keys describing modes and operation of the camera(s) used. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAM_ID = '15:VSC-04533' / CameraUniqueID CAMERA = 'AndorZyla.03' / CameraName BITDEPTH= 16 / SensBitsPerPixel XPOSURE = 48.00811267605634 / [ms] FPAExposureTime TEXPOSUR= 4.000676056338028 / [ms] CamExposureTime CAM_FPS = 41.35716748837339 / [Hz] CamFrameRate CHIPDIM1= 2560 / [pix] ChipDimensionX CHIPDIM2= 2160 / [pix] ChipDimensionY HWBIN1 = 1 / [pix] HardwareBinningX HWBIN2 = 1 / [pix] HardwareBinningY SWBIN1 = 1 / [pix] SoftwareBinningX SWBIN2 = 1 / [pix] SoftwareBinningY NSUMEXP = 12 / NumRawFramesinFPA SWNROI = 1 / NumOfSWROI SWROI1OX= 0 / [pix] SWROI1OriginX SWROI1OY= 0 / [pix] SWROI1OriginY SWROI1SX= 2560 / [pix] SWROI1SizeX SWROI1SY= 2000 / [pix] SWROI1SizeY HWNROI = 2 / NumOfHWROI HWROI1OX= 0 / [pix] HWROI1OriginX HWROI1OY= 0 / [pix] HWROI1OriginY HWROI1SX= 2560 / [pix] HWROI1SizeX HWROI1SY= 1000 / [pix] HWROI1SizeY HWROI2OX= 0 / [pix] HWROI2OriginX HWROI2OY= 1160 / [pix] HWROI2OriginY HWROI2SX= 2560 / [pix] HWROI2SizeX HWROI2SY= 1000 / [pix] HWROI2SizeY NBIN1 = 1 NBIN2 = 1 NBIN3 = 1 NBIN = 1 FPABITPX= 20 / FPABitsPerPixel COMMENT ---------------- Polarization Analysis and Calibration ----------------- COMMENT Keys describing the configuration of the Gregorian Optical System (GOS) COMMENT COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOS_STAT= 'open ' / Upper GOS shutter LVL3STAT= 'clear ' / Level 3 (Lamp) LAMPSTAT= 'none ' / Lamp status LVL2STAT= 'clear ' / Level 2 (Polarizer) POLANGLE= 'none ' / [deg] Polarizer Angle LVL1STAT= 'clear ' / Level 1 (Retarder) RETANGLE= 'none ' / [deg] Retarder angle LVL0STAT= 'FieldStop (2.8arcmin)' / Level 0 (Apeture) APERTURE= '2.8arcmin' / [arcmin, arcsec, mm] Aperture Property LGOSSTAT= 'open ' / Lower GOS shutter GOS_TEMP= 16.70166015625001 / [C] Upper GOS optics temperature COMMENT --------------------------- Adaptive Optics ---------------------------- COMMENT Keys describing aspects of the adaptive optics system. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATMOS_R0= 0.1116264892989071 / [m] HOAOFriedParameter AO_LOCK = T / HOAOLockStatus AO_LOCKX= 0.0 / [arcsec] HOAOLockOffPointingX AO_LOCKY= 0.0 / [arcsec] HOAOLockOffPointingY WFSLOCKX= 0.0 / [arcsec] LOWFSLockOffPointingX WFSLOCKY= 0.0 / [arcsec] LOWFSLockOffPointingY LIMBRPOS= 0.0 / [arcsec] LimbSensorRadialSetPos LIMBRATE= 1000.0 / [Hz] LimbSensorRate COMMENT --------------------------- Weather Station ---------------------------- COMMENT Keys describing information reported by the weather station at the COMMENT facility during this observation. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WSSOURCE= 'dkist ' / WeathSource WIND_SPD= 4.958944660448225 / [m s-1] WeathWindSpeed WIND_DIR= 219.0563882913457 / [deg] WeathWindDirection WS_TEMP = 11.95233890933754 / [C] WeathOutsideTemperature WS_HUMID= 14.39925363345676 / [10**-2] WeathRelativeHumidity WS_DEWPT= -16.21179492029672 / [C] WeathDewPoint WS_PRESS= 710.0214144384906 / [hPa] WeathBarometricPressure SKYBRIGT= -1.0 / WeathSkyBrightness COMMENT --------------------------- VISP Instrument ---------------------------- COMMENT Keys specific to the operation of the VISP instrument. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VSPARMID= 3 / ArmID VSPARMPS= -20.0786 / [deg] ArmPosition VSPARMFC= 54.127 / [mm] ArmFocus VSPFILT = 'FF01-857_30-25' / FilterID VSPFWVLN= 856.229 / [nm] FilterWavelength VSPPOLMD= 'observe_polarimetric' / PolarimeterMode VSPMODID= '0004 ' / ModulatorID VSPMOD = 'continuous' / ModulationType VSPEXPRT= 41.3571674884 / [Hz] ExposureRate VSPGRTID= 'Newport_316.0_63.40__M20160612_SN3' / GratingID VSPGRTCN= 316.0 / [mm-1] GratingConstant VSPGRTBA= 63.4 / [deg] GratingBlazeAngle VSPGRTAN= -65.36539999999999 / [deg] GratingAngle VSPWID = 0.2142 / [arcsec] SlitWidth VSPSLTSS= 0.132675941182 / [mm] SlitSteppingSize VSPNSTP = 490 / NumberofSpatialSteps VSPSTP = 489 / CurrentSpatialStep VSPTPOS = 82.81485000000001 / [mm] SlitTranslationPosition VSPMIRPS= 39.2904 / [mm] FoldMirrorPosition VSPSPOS = 12.15 / [mm] SlitSelectorPosition VSPNMAPS= 1 / TotalMapScans VSPMAP = 1 / CurrentMapScan ZHECKSUM= 'UMSGaMQFVMQFaMQF' / HDU checksum updated 2023-04-22T04:10:59 ZDATASUM= '550335088' / data unit checksum updated 2023-04-22T04:10:59 END