-- | FitSpec Test Types:
-- 'Nat',
-- 'Int2', 'Int3', 'Int4',
-- 'UInt2', 'UInt3', 'UInt4'.
-- This module basically re-exports LeanCheck's Test.Types module
-- and defines Mutable and ShowMutable instances for the types
-- defined there.
module FitSpec.TestTypes (module Test.LeanCheck.Utils.Types) where

import FitSpec.Mutable
import FitSpec.ShowMutable
import Test.LeanCheck.Utils.Types

-- {- Standard implementation:
instance Mutable Nat   where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Int1  where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Int2  where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Int3  where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Int4  where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Word1 where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Word2 where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Word3 where mutiers = mutiersEq
instance Mutable Word4 where mutiers = mutiersEq
-- -}
{- Alternative implementation:
instance Mutable Nat   where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Int2  where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Int3  where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Int4  where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Word2 where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Word3 where mutants = mutantsIntegral
instance Mutable Word4 where mutants = mutantsIntegral
-- -}
instance ShowMutable Nat   where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Int1  where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Int2  where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Int3  where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Int4  where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Word1 where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Word2 where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Word3 where mutantS = mutantSEq
instance ShowMutable Word4 where mutantS = mutantSEq