Readme for fix-imports-1.0.1

There are a few things which can be configured. Edit src/Main.hs and mess with the Config it passes in. There isn't much configurability but what there is should be documented in the modules in which it is defined. See the vimrc for an exmaple of how it can be bound to a key in vim. It'll reformat the import lines, including an import list if you have one. Sorry about that. The formatting style of Language.Haskell.Exts.prettyPrint is not my personal style. If it ever bothers me enough maybe I'll write my own formatter, or come up with a way to not reformat unqualified imports. Also, it will search for modules starting from '.', so you should be in the root of the module hierarchy. It wouldn't be hard to add a -i flag though. haskell-src-exts will crash the program if it gets an ambigious operator fixity parse. I don't know why it does that, but if you get a crash like that you can add your custom operators to the Config. It can be a little slow. Most of this is probably that it rebuilds the package index on every run. So if you have a large package db and it's too slow, caching the package index would probably help.