-- | This library provides Uniplate-style generic traversals and other recursion schemes for fixed-point types.
-- There are many advantages of using fixed-point types instead of explicit recursion:
--   * we can easily add attributes to the nodes of an existing tree;
--   * there is no need for a custom type class, we can build everything on the top of
--     'Functor', 'Foldable' and 'Traversable', for which GHC can derive the instances for us;
--   * we can provide interesting recursion schemes
--   * some operations can retain the structure of the tree, instead flattening
--     it into a list;
--   * it is relatively straightforward to provide generic implementations of the zipper, tries, tree drawing, hashing, etc...
-- The main disadvantage is that it does not work well for
-- mutually recursive data types, and that pattern matching becomes
-- more tedious (but there are partial solutions for the latter).
-- Consider as an example the following simple expression language,
-- encoded by a recursive algebraic data type:
-- > data Expr 
-- >   = Kst Int 
-- >   | Var String 
-- >   | Add Expr Expr
-- >   deriving (Eq,Show)
-- We can open up the recursion, and obtain a /functor/ instead:
-- > data Expr1 e 
-- >   = Kst Int 
-- >   | Var String 
-- >   | Add e e 
-- >   deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
-- The fixed-point type 'Mu'@ Expr1@ is isomorphic to @Expr@.
-- However, we can also add some attributes to the nodes:
-- The type 'Attr' @Expr1 a = @'Mu'@ (@'Ann'@ Expr1 a)@ is the type of
-- with the same structure, but with each node having an extra
-- field of type @a@.
-- The functions in this library work on types like that: 'Mu'@ f@,
-- where @f@ is a functor, and sometimes explicitely on 'Attr'@ f a@.
-- The organization of the modules (excluding Util.\*) is the following:
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Base" - core types and type classes
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Functor" - sum and product functors
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Traversals" - Uniplate-style traversals
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Morphisms" - recursion schemes
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Attributes" - annotated trees
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Open" - functions operating on functors
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Zipper" - generic zipper
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Draw" - generic tree drawing (both ASCII and graphviz)
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Pretty" - pretty-printing of expression trees
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Trie" - generic generalized tries
-- * "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Hash" - annotating trees with their hashes
-- This module re-exports the most common functionality present in the library
-- (but not for example the zipper, tries, hashing).
-- The library itself should be fully Haskell98 compatible; no language extensions are used.
-- The only exception is the "Data.Generics.Fixplate.Functor" module, which uses the TypeOperators
-- language extension for syntactic convenience (but this is not used anywhere else).
-- Note: to obtain 'Eq', 'Ord', 'Show', 'Read' and other instances for 
-- fixed point types like @Mu Expr1@, consult the documentation of the
-- 'EqF' type class (cf. the related 'OrdF', 'ShowF' and 'ReadF' classes)

module Data.Generics.Fixplate 
  ( module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Base
  , module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Traversals
  , module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Morphisms
  , module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Attributes
--  , module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Zipper
  , module Data.Generics.Fixplate.Draw
  , Functor(..) , Foldable(..) , Traversable(..)
import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Base
import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Traversals
import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Morphisms
import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Attributes
-- import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Zipper
import Data.Generics.Fixplate.Draw

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
