Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
To (de)serialise a data type, make it an instance of the Flat
There is Generics based support to automatically derive a correct instance.
Let’s see some code.
We need a couple of extensions:
:set -XDeriveGeneric -XDeriveAnyClass
The Flat
top module:
import Flat
And, just for fun, a couple of functions to display an encoded value as a sequence of bits:
import Flat.Instances.Test (flatBits,allBits)
Define a few custom data types, deriving Generic
and Flat
data Result = Bad | Good deriving (Show,Generic,Flat)
data Direction = North | South | Center | East | West deriving (Show,Generic,Flat)
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving (Show,Generic,Flat)
Now we can encode a List of Directions using flat
flat $ Cons North (Cons South Nil)
The result is a strict ByteString.
And decode it back using unflat
unflat . flat $ Cons North (Cons South Nil) :: Decoded (List Direction)
Right (Cons North (Cons South Nil))
The result is a Decoded
value: Either
a DecodeException
or the actual value.
Optimal Bit-Encoding
A pecularity of Flat is that it uses an optimal bit-encoding rather than the usual byte-oriented one.
One bit is sufficient to encode a Result
or an empty List
flatBits Good
flatBits (Nil::List Direction)
Two or three bits suffice for a Direction
flatBits South
flatBits West
For the serialisation to work with byte-oriented devices or storage, we need to add some padding.
To do so, rather than encoding a plain value, flat
encodes a PostAligned
value, that's to say a value followed by a Filler
that stretches till the next byte boundary.
In practice, the padding is a, possibly empty, sequence of 0s followed by a 1.
For example, this list encodes as 7 bits:
flatBits $ Cons North (Cons South Nil)
And, with the added padding of a final "1", will snugly fit in a single byte:
allBits $ Cons North (Cons South Nil)
But .. you don't need to worry about these details as byte-padding is automatically added by the function flat
and removed by unflat
Pre-defined Instances
Flat instances are already defined for relevant types of some common packages: array, base, bytestring, containers, dlist, mono-traversable, text, unordered-containers, vector.
They are automatically imported by the Flat module.
For example:
flatBits $ Just True
Wrapper Types
There are a few wrapper types that modify the way encoding and/or decoding occur.
- Flat.AsBin and Flat.AsSize decode to a value's flat binary representation or size in bits respectively.
encode/decode a sequence as a List or Array respectively, see Flat.Instances.Mono for details.UTF8Text
encode/decode a Text as UTF8 or UTF16 respectively.