{- HLINT ignore structField "Reduce duplication" -} {- HLINT ignore typeRef "Use <$>" -} module FlatBuffers.Internal.Compiler.Parser where import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Combinators.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Functor (void, (<&>)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Void (Void) import Data.Word (Word8) import FlatBuffers.Internal.Compiler.SyntaxTree import FlatBuffers.Internal.Constants (fileIdentifierSize) import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L import Text.Read (readMaybe) type Parser = Parsec Void String -- | Roughly based on: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_grammar.html. -- Differences between this parser and the above grammar: -- -- * Unions members now support aliases. -- * An enum's underlying type used to be optional (defaulting to @short@), but now it's mandatory. -- * Attributes can be reffered to either as an identifier or as a string literal (e.g. @attr@ or @"attr"@). -- * Struct fields can't have default values. -- * The grammar states that table/struct field defaults can only be scalars (integer/floating point constants), -- when in reality, it could be also be a boolean or an enum identifier. -- * The grammar says attribute values can be integers, floats or string literals. -- Flatc only allows integers and string literals. To make things simpler, we decided to go with flatc's -- approach and disallow floats. -- * The grammar says namespaces must include at least one fragment, but an empty namespace -- (i.e. @namespace ;@) is perfectly valid. -- * This supports @native_include@ statements -- (see: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp.html#flatbuffers_cpp_object_based_api) schema :: Parser Schema schema = do sc includes <- catMaybes <$> many (Just <$> include <|> Nothing <$ nativeInclude) decls <- many (decl <|> failOnInclude) eof pure $ Schema includes (catMaybes decls) where failOnInclude = rword "include" *> fail "\"include\" statements must be at the beginning of the file." <|> (rword "native_include" *> fail "\"native_include\" statements must be at the beginning of the file.") decl :: Parser (Maybe Decl) decl = choice [ Just . DeclN <$> namespaceDecl , Just . DeclT <$> tableDecl , Just . DeclS <$> structDecl , Just . DeclE <$> enumDecl , Just . DeclU <$> unionDecl , Just . DeclR <$> rootDecl , Just . DeclFI <$> fileIdentifierDecl , Just . DeclA <$> attributeDecl , Nothing <$ fileExtensionDecl , Nothing <$ jsonObj , Nothing <$ rpcDecl ] -- | space consumer - this consumes and ignores any whitespace + comments sc :: Parser () sc = L.space space1 lineCmnt blockCmnt where lineCmnt = L.skipLineComment "//" blockCmnt = L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/" lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a lexeme = L.lexeme sc symbol :: String -> Parser String symbol = L.symbol sc rword :: String -> Parser () rword w = (lexeme . try) (string w *> notFollowedBy (alphaNumChar <|> char '_')) curly, square, parens :: Parser a -> Parser a curly = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") square = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a] commaSep p = sepBy p (symbol ",") commaSep1 :: Parser a -> Parser (NonEmpty a) commaSep1 p = NE.sepBy1 p (symbol ",") commaSepEndBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser (NonEmpty a) commaSepEndBy1 p = NE.sepEndBy1 p (symbol ",") semi, colon :: Parser () semi = void $ symbol ";" colon = void $ symbol ":" ident :: Parser Ident ident = label "identifier" $ (lexeme . try) identifier where identifier = fmap (Ident . T.pack) $ (:) <$> letterChar <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_') typ :: Parser Type typ = TInt8 <$ (rword "int8" <|> rword "byte") <|> TInt16 <$ (rword "int16" <|> rword "short") <|> TInt32 <$ (rword "int32" <|> rword "int") <|> TInt64 <$ (rword "int64" <|> rword "long") <|> TWord8 <$ (rword "uint8" <|> rword "ubyte") <|> TWord16 <$ (rword "uint16" <|> rword "ushort") <|> TWord32 <$ (rword "uint32" <|> rword "uint") <|> TWord64 <$ (rword "uint64" <|> rword "ulong") <|> TFloat <$ (rword "float32" <|> rword "float") <|> TDouble <$ (rword "float64" <|> rword "double") <|> TBool <$ rword "bool" <|> TString <$ rword "string" <|> label "type identifier" (TRef <$> typeRef) <|> label "vector type" vector where vector = TVector <$> between (symbol "[" *> (notFollowedBy (symbol "[") <|> fail "nested vector types not supported" )) (symbol "]") typ typeRef :: Parser TypeRef typeRef = do idents <- many (try (ident <* symbol ".")) i <- ident pure $ TypeRef (Namespace (coerce idents)) i tableField :: Parser TableField tableField = do i <- ident colon t <- typ def <- optional (symbol "=" *> defaultVal) md <- metadata semi pure $ TableField i t def md structField :: Parser StructField structField = do i <- ident colon t <- typ md <- metadata semi pure $ StructField i t md tableDecl :: Parser TableDecl tableDecl = do rword "table" i <- ident md <- metadata fs <- curly (many tableField) pure $ TableDecl i md fs structDecl :: Parser StructDecl structDecl = do rword "struct" i <- ident md <- metadata fs <- curly (NE.some structField) pure $ StructDecl i md fs enumDecl :: Parser EnumDecl enumDecl = do rword "enum" i <- ident colon t <- typ md <- metadata v <- curly (commaSepEndBy1 enumVal) pure $ EnumDecl i t md v enumVal :: Parser EnumVal enumVal = EnumVal <$> ident <*> optional (symbol "=" *> intLiteral) unionDecl :: Parser UnionDecl unionDecl = do rword "union" i <- ident md <- metadata v <- curly (commaSepEndBy1 unionVal) pure $ UnionDecl i md v unionVal :: Parser UnionVal unionVal = UnionVal <$> optional (try (ident <* colon)) <*> typeRef namespaceDecl :: Parser NamespaceDecl namespaceDecl = NamespaceDecl . Namespace . coerce <$> (rword "namespace" *> sepBy ident (symbol ".") <* semi) stringLiteral :: Parser StringLiteral stringLiteral = label "string literal" $ fmap (StringLiteral . T.pack) . lexeme $ char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"') intLiteral :: Parser IntLiteral intLiteral = label "integer literal" . lexeme $ L.signed sc L.decimal attributeVal :: Parser AttributeVal attributeVal = choice [ AttrI . unIntLiteral <$> intLiteral , AttrS . unStringLiteral <$> stringLiteral ] defaultVal :: Parser DefaultVal defaultVal = choice [ DefaultBool True <$ rword "true" , DefaultBool False <$ rword "false" , DefaultNum <$> label "number literal" (lexeme (L.signed sc L.scientific)) , ident <&> \(Ident ref) -> DefaultRef (ref :| []) , stringLiteral >>= \(StringLiteral str) -> case T.strip str of "true" -> pure $ DefaultBool True "false" -> pure $ DefaultBool False other -> case readMaybe @Scientific (T.unpack other) of Just n -> pure $ DefaultNum n Nothing -> case NE.nonEmpty (T.words str) of Just refs -> pure $ DefaultRef refs Nothing -> fail "Expected 'true', 'false', a number, or one or more identifiers" ] metadata :: Parser Metadata metadata = label "metadata" . fmap (Metadata . Map.fromList . maybe [] NE.toList) . optional . parens . commaSep1 $ (,) <$> attributeName <*> optional (colon *> attributeVal) include :: Parser Include include = Include <$> (rword "include" *> stringLiteral <* semi) -- | See: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp.html#flatbuffers_cpp_object_based_api nativeInclude :: Parser () nativeInclude = void (rword "native_include" >> stringLiteral >> semi) rootDecl :: Parser RootDecl rootDecl = RootDecl <$> (rword "root_type" *> typeRef <* semi) fileExtensionDecl :: Parser () fileExtensionDecl = void (rword "file_extension" *> stringLiteral <* semi) fileIdentifierDecl :: Parser FileIdentifierDecl fileIdentifierDecl = do rword "file_identifier" fi <- coerce stringLiteral let byteCount = BS.length (T.encodeUtf8 fi) let codePointCount = T.length fi when (byteCount /= fileIdentifierSize) $ if codePointCount == byteCount -- if the user is using ASCII characters then fail $ "file_identifier must be exactly " <> show (fileIdentifierSize @Word8) <> " characters" -- if the user is using multi UTF-8 code unit characters, show a more detailed error message else fail $ "file_identifier must be exactly " <> show (fileIdentifierSize @Word8) <> " UTF-8 code units" semi pure (FileIdentifierDecl fi) attributeDecl :: Parser AttributeDecl attributeDecl = AttributeDecl <$> (rword "attribute" *> attributeName <* semi) attributeName :: Parser Text attributeName = coerce stringLiteral <|> coerce ident jsonObj :: Parser () jsonObj = label "JSON object" (void jobject) where json = choice [void jstring, void jnumber, jbool, jnull, void jarray, void jobject] jnull = rword "null" jbool = rword "true" <|> rword "false" jstring = stringLiteral jnumber = lexeme $ L.signed sc L.scientific jarray = square (commaSep json) jobject = curly (commaSep keyValuePair) keyValuePair = do void stringLiteral <|> void ident colon json rpcDecl :: Parser () rpcDecl = void $ rword "rpc_service" >> ident >> curly (NE.some rpcMethod) rpcMethod :: Parser () rpcMethod = ident >> parens ident >> colon >> ident >> metadata >> void semi