----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Copyright : (C) 2015 Anselm Jonas Scholl, (C) 2023 Julia Longtin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : Julia Longtin -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC-specific -- -- Provides increment-by-ulp, decrement-by-ulp, and get-ulp functions for -- Doubles, and Floats. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Data.Bits.Floating.Ulp ( doubleNextUlp ,doublePrevUlp ,doubleUlp ,floatNextUlp ,floatPrevUlp ,floatUlp ) where import Prelude (Double, Float, Integral, Num, RealFloat, Show, (<), (>), ($), (+), (-), (>=), (&&), (==), (||), abs, fromIntegral, isInfinite, isNaN, isNegativeZero, otherwise) import Data.Int (Int64, Int32) import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.), shiftL, shiftR) import Data.Bits.Floating.Prim (double2WordBitwise, float2WordBitwise, word2DoubleBitwise, word2FloatBitwise) -- Tell HLint to ignore suggestions to eta-reduce expressions in this module. {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Eta reduce" #-} --------------------- -- * Double constants --------------------- doubleMinValue :: Double doubleMinValue = 4.94065645841246544176568792868E-324 doubleMaxExponent :: Int64 doubleMaxExponent = 1023 doubleMinExponent :: Int64 doubleMinExponent = -1022 doubleSignificandWidth :: Int64 doubleSignificandWidth = 53 doubleExpBias :: Int64 doubleExpBias = 1023 doubleExpBitMask :: Int64 doubleExpBitMask = 0x7FF0000000000000 -------------------- -- * Float constants -------------------- floatMinValue :: Float floatMinValue = 1.40129846432481707092372958329E-45 floatMaxExponent :: Int32 floatMaxExponent = 127 floatMinExponent :: Int32 floatMinExponent = -126 floatSignificandWidth :: Int32 floatSignificandWidth = 24 floatExpBias :: Int32 floatExpBias = 127 floatExpBitMask :: Int32 floatExpBitMask = 0x7F800000 --------------------------- -- * Generic implementation --------------------------- -- | Advance a RealFloat by one unit in the last place (ULP). -- -- If the argument is NaN, NaN is returned. -- If the argument is +INF, +INF is returned. -- If the argument is (-)0.0, the minimum value greater than 0.0 is returned. -- if the argument is -INF, -INF is returned. {-# INLINE genericUp #-} genericUp :: (RealFloat f, Num w) => (f -> w) -> (w -> f) -> f -> f genericUp mkW mkF f | isNaN f || (isInfinite f && f > 0.0) = f | isNegativeZero f = genericUp mkW mkF 0.0 | otherwise = mkF $ mkW f + (if f >= 0.0 then 1 else -1) {-# INLINE genericDown #-} genericDown :: (RealFloat f, Num w) => (f -> w) -> (w -> f) -> f -> f -> f genericDown mkW mkF minValue f | isNaN f || (isInfinite f && f < 0.0) = f | f == 0.0 = -minValue | otherwise = mkF $ mkW f + (if f > 0.0 then -1 else 1) {-# INLINE genericUlp #-} genericUlp :: forall f i w . (RealFloat f, Bits w, Integral w, Bits i, Integral i, Show i) => (f -> w) -> (w -> f) -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> f -> f -> f genericUlp mkW mkF expBitMask significandWidth expBias maxExponent minExponent minValue f | expnt == (maxExponent + 1) = abs f -- NaN or INF | expnt == (minExponent - 1) = minValue | expnt2 >= minExponent = powerOfTwo expnt2 -- | expnt > maxExponent = error $ "Exponent too large: " ++ show expnt ++ " > " ++ show maxExponent -- | expnt < minExponent = error $ "Exponent too small: " ++ show expnt ++ " < " ++ show minExponent | otherwise = mkF $ 1 `shiftL` fromIntegral (expnt2 - (minExponent - (significandWidth - 1))) where expnt :: i expnt = ((fromIntegral (mkW f) .&. expBitMask) `shiftR` fromIntegral (significandWidth - 1)) - expBias expnt2 :: i expnt2 = expnt - (significandWidth - 1) powerOfTwo :: i -> f powerOfTwo n = mkF $ fromIntegral $ ((n + expBias) `shiftL` fromIntegral (significandWidth - 1)) .&. expBitMask ----------------------------- -- * Specific implementations ----------------------------- -- | Advance a 'Double' by one ULP. {-# INLINABLE doubleNextUlp #-} doubleNextUlp :: Double -> Double doubleNextUlp d = genericUp double2WordBitwise word2DoubleBitwise d -- | Subtract one ULP from a 'Double'. {-# INLINABLE doublePrevUlp #-} doublePrevUlp :: Double -> Double doublePrevUlp d = genericDown double2WordBitwise word2DoubleBitwise doubleMinValue d -- | Return the distance to the next floating point number. {-# INLINABLE doubleUlp #-} doubleUlp :: Double -> Double doubleUlp d = genericUlp double2WordBitwise word2DoubleBitwise doubleExpBitMask doubleSignificandWidth doubleExpBias doubleMaxExponent doubleMinExponent doubleMinValue d -- | Advance a 'Float' by one ULP. {-# INLINABLE floatNextUlp #-} floatNextUlp :: Float -> Float floatNextUlp f = genericUp float2WordBitwise word2FloatBitwise f -- | Subtract one ULP from a 'Float'. {-# INLINABLE floatPrevUlp #-} floatPrevUlp :: Float -> Float floatPrevUlp f = genericDown float2WordBitwise word2FloatBitwise floatMinValue f -- | Return the distance to the next floating point number. {-# INLINABLE floatUlp #-} floatUlp :: Float -> Float floatUlp f = genericUlp float2WordBitwise word2FloatBitwise floatExpBitMask floatSignificandWidth floatExpBias floatMaxExponent floatMinExponent floatMinValue f