# * Add support for `deriving ... via GenericBuildable T` # * Cleared `hspec` upper bound * Qualified all Data.List imports * Fixed tests to work with newer (>=0.4) neat-interpolation (#30) * Adjusted lower bounds of formatting dependency to avoid unsigned 0 issues (#31) * fixed floatF handling of negative numbers (#36) * unconfused ``||++|`` and ``|++||`` (#29) # * Bumped the `hspec` upper bound. * Fixed doctests. # * Added `HasCallStack` to partial functions. # 0.6.1 * Added `instance FromBuilder ByteString` (for both lazy and strict bytestrings) and `instance FromBuilder BS.Builder`. These instances generate UTF8-encoded bytestrings. This allows producing formatting strings for various HTTP libraries that are intent on using `ByteString` for text. * Added `pretty :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> b` for formatting anything as `Buildable`. There's also `prettyLn` for consistency with `fmt` and `fmtLn`. # 0.6 * Switched to `Buildable` from `formatting` (since `text-format` is unmaintained). * Removed the `double-conversion` dependency (which was sometimes causing compilation issues). As the result, `exptF`, `fixedF` and `floatF` have become slower. * The `precF` formatter was removed completely because its semantics was too confusing. You can use `Numeric.showGFloat` to achieve a similar effect. * `floatF` now always prints a point, even if the number is integral. * `tupleLikeF` has been removed. `TupleF` now has an additional instance that lets `tupleF` be used to format lists. * The `base16-bytestring` dependency was removed. * Compatibility with GHC 7.6 and 7.8 was dropped. # * From this version on, `blockListF` never puts blank lines between items. If you want blank lines between items, I'm afraid that you'll have to add them manually (by e.g. adding a blank line to each item). * Now `blockListF'` can be used to create lists with custom bullets. * Added `unwordsF` and `unlinesF`. * Added the `F` suffix to `indent` and `indent'`. # * Renamed `#|` and `|#` to `+|` and `|+` because HLint can't handle `#|` and everyone uses HLint apparently. # * Added time formatters (see `Fmt.Time`). # * Changed `format` and `formatLn` to be polyvariadic. # * Added `genericF` for formatting arbitrary data. * Changed `%<` and `>%` to `#|` and `|#` because they turn out to be easier to type. * Added a migration guide from `formatting`. * Changed output of `eitherF`. * Added bechmarks. # * Added `format` from `text-format`, because in some cases it's nicer than brackets. * Renamed `padCenterF` to `padBothF`. * Modified `indent` and `indent'` to always add newlines. # * Wrote documentation. * Added some formatters: * `indent` * formatters for lists, maps and tuples (`listF`, etc) * `octF`, `binF`, `baseF` and floating-point formatters * `hexF` which works on both numbers and bytestrings * `ordinalF` and `commaizeF` * padding and trimming formatters * `base64F` and `base64UrlF` * conditionals (`whenF` and `unlessF`) * Merged `Fmt.IO` with `Fmt` because orphan instances are controversial. * Exported internal classes and functions from `Fmt.Internal`. * Added `fmt` and `fmtLn`. * Made all operators associate to the right (`Builder` documentation says it's faster than the opposite). * Reexported `Buildable` and `Builder`. # * Added `>%%<` so that it'd be possible to write `%%%%` instead of weird `%%`. * Added `%<< ... >>%`, which work work `Show` instead of `Buildable`. If you don't care about speed and just want to output something, use them. * Added an `IO ()` instance in `Fmt.IO`. If you import that module, raw formatted strings would print themselves. * Added tests. * Changed fixities of operators so that `%%` would work. * Changed license to BSD3 since all our dependencies are BSD3 and we can't use MIT. # First (completely experimental) release.