{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Data.Fold.M1
  ( M1(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Lens
import Data.Fold.Class
import Data.Fold.Internal
import Data.Functor.Apply
import Data.Pointed
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Data.Semigroupoid
import Prelude hiding (id,(.))
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | A semigroup reducer
data M1 a b = forall m. M1 (m -> b) (a -> m) (m -> m -> m)

instance Scan M1 where
  run1 a (M1 k h _) = k (h a)
  prefix1 a (M1 k h m) = case h a of
     x -> M1 (\y -> k (m x y)) h m
  postfix1 (M1 k h m) a = case h a of
     y -> M1 (\x -> k (m x y)) h m
  interspersing a (M1 k h m) = M1 k h m' where
    m' x y = x `m` h a `m` y
  {-# INLINE run1 #-}
  {-# INLINE prefix1 #-}
  {-# INLINE postfix1 #-}
  {-# INLINE interspersing #-}

instance Functor (M1 a) where
  fmap f (M1 k h m) = M1 (f.k) h m
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  b <$ _ = pure b
  {-# INLINE (<$) #-}

instance Pointed (M1 a) where
  point x = M1 (\() -> x) (\_ -> ()) (\() () -> ())
  {-# INLINE point #-}

instance Apply (M1 a) where
  (<.>) = (<*>)
  {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
  (<.) m = \_ -> m
  {-# INLINE (<.) #-}
  _ .> m = m
  {-# INLINE (.>) #-}

instance Applicative (M1 a) where
  pure x = M1 (\() -> x) (\_ -> ()) (\() () -> ())
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  M1 kf hf mf <*> M1 ka ha ma = M1
    (\(Pair' x y) -> kf x (ka y))
    (\a -> Pair' (hf a) (ha a))
    (\(Pair' x1 y1) (Pair' x2 y2) -> Pair' (mf x1 x2) (ma y1 y2))
  (<*) m = \ _ -> m
  {-# INLINE (<*) #-}
  _ *> m = m
  {-# INLINE (*>) #-}

instance Monad (M1 a) where
  return x = M1 (\() -> x) (\_ -> ()) (\() () -> ())
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  m >>= f = M1 (\xs a -> walk xs (f a)) Tip1 Bin1 <*> m where
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  _ >> n = n
  {-# INLINE (>>) #-}

instance Semigroupoid M1 where
  o = (.)
  {-# INLINE o #-}

instance Category M1 where
  id = M1 id id const
  {-# INLINE id #-}
  M1 k h m . M1 k' h' m' = M1 (\(Pair' b _) -> k b) h'' m'' where
    m'' (Pair' a b) (Pair' c d) = Pair' (m a c) (m' b d)
    h'' a = Pair' (h (k' d)) d where d = h' a
  {-# INLINE (.) #-}

instance Arrow M1 where
  arr h = M1 h id const
  {-# INLINE arr #-}
  first (M1 k h m) = M1 (first k) (first h) m' where
    m' (a,b) (c,_) = (m a c, b)
  {-# INLINE first #-}
  second (M1 k h m) = M1 (second k) (second h) m' where
    m' (a,b) (_,c) = (a, m b c)
  {-# INLINE second #-}
  M1 k h m *** M1 k' h' m' = M1 (k *** k') (h *** h') m'' where
    m'' (a,b) (c,d) = (m a c, m' b d)
  {-# INLINE (***) #-}
  M1 k h m &&& M1 k' h' m' = M1 (k *** k') (h &&& h') m'' where
    m'' (a,b) (c,d) = (m a c, m' b d)
  {-# INLINE (&&&) #-}

instance Profunctor M1 where
  dimap f g (M1 k h m) = M1 (g.k) (h.f) m
  {-# INLINE dimap #-}
  lmap f (M1 k h m) = M1 (k) (h.f) m
  {-# INLINE lmap #-}
  rmap g (M1 k h m) = M1 (g.k) h m
  {-# INLINE rmap #-}
  ( #. ) _ = unsafeCoerce
  {-# INLINE (#.) #-}
  x .# _ = unsafeCoerce x
  {-# INLINE (.#) #-}

instance Strong M1 where
  first' = first
  {-# INLINE first' #-}
  second' = second
  {-# INLINE second' #-}

instance Choice M1 where
  left' (M1 k h m) = M1 (_Left %~ k) (_Left %~ h) step where
    step (Left x) (Left y) = Left (m x y)
    step (Right c) _ = Right c
    step _ (Right c) = Right c
  {-# INLINE left' #-}

  right' (M1 k h m) = M1 (_Right %~ k) (_Right %~ h) step where
    step (Right x) (Right y) = Right (m x y)
    step (Left c) _ = Left c
    step _ (Left c) = Left c
  {-# INLINE right' #-}

instance ArrowChoice M1 where
  left (M1 k h m) = M1 (_Left %~ k) (_Left %~ h) step where
    step (Left x) (Left y) = Left (m x y)
    step (Right c) _ = Right c
    step _ (Right c) = Right c
  {-# INLINE left #-}

  right (M1 k h m) = M1 (_Right %~ k) (_Right %~ h) step where
    step (Right x) (Right y) = Right (m x y)
    step (Left c) _ = Left c
    step _ (Left c) = Left c
  {-# INLINE right #-}

data Tree1 a = Bin1 (Tree1 a) (Tree1 a) | Tip1 a

walk :: Tree1 a -> M1 a b -> b
walk xs0 (M1 k h m) = k (go xs0) where
  go (Tip1 a) = h a
  go (Bin1 xs ys) = m (go xs) (go ys)
{-# INLINE walk #-}