module Text.XHtml.Strict.Formlets ( input, textarea, password, file
                                  , hidden, inputInteger, radio, enumRadio
                                  , XHtmlForm
                                  , module Text.Formlets
                                  ) where

import Text.Formlets
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as X
import Text.XHtml.Strict ((!), (+++))
import Control.Applicative.Error

type XHtmlForm a = Form X.Html a

instance Plus X.Html where
  zero = X.noHtml
  plus = (+++)

-- | An input field with an optional value
input :: Maybe String -> XHtmlForm String
input = input' (\n v -> X.textfield n ! [X.value v])

textarea :: Maybe String -> XHtmlForm String
textarea = input' (\n v -> X.textarea (X.toHtml v) ! [ n])

-- | A password field with an optional value
password :: Maybe String -> XHtmlForm String
password = input' (\n v -> X.password n ! [X.value v])

-- | A hidden input field
hidden  :: Maybe String -> XHtmlForm String
hidden  =  input' X.hidden

-- | A validated integer component
inputInteger :: Maybe Integer -> XHtmlForm Integer
inputInteger x = input (fmap show x) `check` asInteger 

file :: XHtmlForm File
file = inputFile X.afile

-- | A radio choice
radio :: [(String, String)] -> Maybe String -> XHtmlForm String
radio choices = input' mkRadios -- todo: validate that the result was in the choices
 where radio n v i = X.input ! [X.thetype "radio", n, X.identifier i, X.theclass "radio", X.value v]
       mkRadios name selected = X.concatHtml $ map (mkRadio name selected) (zip choices [1..])
       mkRadio  name selected ((value, label), idx) = (radio name value ident) ! attrs 
                                                   +++ X.label (X.toHtml label) ! [X.thefor ident, X.theclass "radio"]
        where attrs | selected == value = [X.checked]
                    | otherwise = []
              ident = name ++ "_" ++ show idx

enumRadio :: (Enum a) => [(a, String)] -> Maybe a -> XHtmlForm a
enumRadio values defaultValue = radio (map toS values) (fmap (show . fromEnum) defaultValue) 
                                `check` convert `check` tryToEnum
 where toS = fmapFst (show . fromEnum)
       convert v = maybeRead' v "Conversion error"