module Text.XHtml.Strict.Formlets ( input, textarea, password, file, checkbox , hidden, inputInteger, radio, enumRadio , label , selectXHtml, selectRaw, select, enumSelect , XHtmlForm, XHtmlFormlet , module Text.Formlets ) where import Text.Formlets hiding (massInput) import qualified Text.Formlets as F import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as X import Text.XHtml.Strict ((!), (+++), (<<)) import Control.Applicative import Control.Applicative.Error import Data.List (elemIndex) type XHtmlForm m a = Form X.Html m a type XHtmlFormlet m a = Formlet X.Html m a -- | An input field with an optional value input :: Monad m => XHtmlFormlet m String input = input' (\n v -> X.textfield n ! [X.value v]) -- | A textarea with optional rows and columns, and an optional value textarea :: Monad m => Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> XHtmlFormlet m String textarea r c = input' (\n v -> X.textarea (X.toHtml v) ! (attrs n)) where rows = maybe [] (\x -> [X.rows $ show x]) r cols = maybe [] (\x -> [X.cols $ show x]) c attrs n = [ n] ++ rows ++ cols -- | A password field with an optional value password :: Monad m => XHtmlFormlet m String password = input' (\n v -> X.password n ! [X.value v]) -- | A hidden input field hidden :: Monad m => XHtmlFormlet m String hidden = input' X.hidden -- | A validated integer component inputInteger :: Monad m => XHtmlFormlet m Integer inputInteger x = input (fmap show x) `check` asInteger -- | A file upload form file :: Monad m => XHtmlForm m File file = inputFile X.afile -- | A checkbox with an optional default value checkbox :: Monad m => XHtmlFormlet m Bool checkbox d = (optionalInput (xml d)) `check` asBool where asBool (Just _) = Success True asBool Nothing = Success False xml (Just True) n = X.widget "checkbox" n [X.value "on", X.checked] xml _ n = X.checkbox n "on" -- | A radio choice radio :: Monad m => [(String, String)] -> XHtmlFormlet m String radio choices = input' mkRadios -- todo: validate that the result was in the choices where radio n v i = X.input ! [X.thetype "radio", n, X.identifier i, X.theclass "radio", X.value v] mkRadios name selected = X.concatHtml $ map (mkRadio name selected) (zip choices [1..]) mkRadio name selected ((value, label), idx) = (radio name value ident) ! attrs +++ X.label (X.toHtml label) ! [X.thefor ident, X.theclass "radio"] where attrs | selected == value = [X.checked] | otherwise = [] ident = name ++ "_" ++ show idx -- | An radio choice for Enums enumRadio :: (Monad m, Enum a) => [(a, String)] -> XHtmlFormlet m a enumRadio values defaultValue = radio (map toS values) (fmap (show . fromEnum) defaultValue) `check` convert `check` tryToEnum where toS = fmapFst (show . fromEnum) convert v = maybeRead' v "Conversion error" label :: (Monad m, X.HTML h) => h -> Form X.Html m () label = xml . X.label . X.toHtml -- | This is a helper function to generate select boxes selectXHtml :: (X.HTML h) => [X.HtmlAttr] -- ^ Optional attributes for the select-box -> [(String, h)] -- ^ The values and their labels -> String -- ^ The name -> String -- ^ The value that is selected -> X.Html selectXHtml attr choices name selected = ! ( name:attr) $ X.concatHtml $ map (mkChoice selected) choices where mkChoice selected (value, label) = X.option ! (attrs ++ [X.value value]) << label where attrs | selected == value = [X.selected] | otherwise = [] -- | A drop-down for selecting values selectRaw :: (Monad m, X.HTML h) => [X.HtmlAttr] -- ^ Optional attributes for the select-element -> [(String, h)] -- ^ Pairs of value/label -> XHtmlFormlet m String selectRaw attrs choices = input' $ selectXHtml attrs choices -- todo: validate that the result was in the choices -- | A drop-down for anything that is an instance of Eq select :: (Eq a, Monad m, X.HTML h) => [X.HtmlAttr] -> [(a, h)] -> XHtmlFormlet m a select attrs ls v = selectRaw attrs (map f $ zip [0..] ls) selected `check` asInt `check` convert where selected = show <$> (v >>= flip elemIndex (map fst ls)) f (idx, (_,l)) = (show idx, l) convert i | i >= length ls || i < 0 = Failure ["Out of bounds"] | otherwise = Success $ fst $ ls !! i asInt s = maybeRead' s (s ++ " is not a valid int") -- | A drop-down for all the options from |a|. enumSelect :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Show a, Eq a, Monad m) => [X.HtmlAttr] -- Optional attributes on the select-box -> XHtmlFormlet m a enumSelect attrs = select attrs (zip items (map show items)) where items = [minBound..maxBound]