[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/forsyde/forsyde-shallow.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/forsyde/forsyde-shallow) ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language =================================================== Description ----------- The ForSyDe (Formal System Design) methodology has been developed with the objective to move system design to a higher level of abstraction and to bridge the abstraction gap by transformational design refinement. This library provides a shallow implementation of ForSyDe as a Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language (DSL) For more information, please see [ForSyDe's website](http://forsyde.ict.kth.se/). Installation ------------ The [`forsyde-shallow`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/forsyde-shallow) package is available through [HackageDB](https://hackage.haskell.org/) and the latest stable release can be installed via your favorite Haskell package manager, e.g.: cabal update cabal install forsyde-shallow To install the latest updates and nightly builds you need clone [this repository](https://github.com/forsyde/forsyde-shallow). To install and use the contents of this repository globally, some useful commands are: cabal install -j4 --enable-tests cabal configure --enable tests cabal test # runs the test suites cabal haddock # generates the API documentation ghci # starts an interpreter session To install and use the contents of this repository in a sandbox environment (recommended), the equivalent commands are: cabal sandbox init cabal install -j4 --enable-tests cabal configure --enable tests cabal test # runs the test suites cabal haddock # generates the API documentation cabal repl # starts an interpreter session with the sandbox loaded Getting started --------------- To get started with using `ForSyDe.Shallow`, once succesfully installed open an interpreter session and load the library: > :m +ForSyDe.Shallow > let s = signal [1..4] :: Signal Int > mooreSY (+) (*2) 0 s {0,2,6,12,20} The example above implements a Moore finite state machine that calculates the running sum and multiplies the output with 2. For more examples and tutorials please check the [forsyde-shallow-examples](https://github.com/forsyde/forsyde-shallow-examples) repository, and the online [API documentation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/forsyde-shallow)