-- |
-- Module      : Foundation.VFS.Path
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : foundation
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Foundation.VFS.Path
      -- * Path class

    , parent
    , filename
    , prefix
    , suffix
    ) where

import Foundation.Internal.Base

-- | Path type class
-- defines the Path associated types and basic functions to implement related
-- to the path manipulation
-- # TODO, add missing enhancement:
-- ```
--    splitExtension :: PathEnt path -> (PathEnt path, PathEnt path)
--    addExtension  :: PathEnt path -> PathEnt path -> PathEnt path
--    (<.>) :: path -> PathEnt path -> path
--    (-<.>) :: path -> PathEnt path -> path
-- ```
class Path path where
    -- | the associated PathEntity of the given `path`
    -- this type is the minimal element contained in the Path
    -- a Path is not a collection but it is possible to see this
    -- associated type equivalent to the `Foundation.Collection.Element` type family
    type PathEnt path

    -- | the associated prefix of the given `path`
    -- in the case of a `FilePath`, it is a void (i.e. `()`)
    -- in the case of an `URI`, it is the schema, host, port...
    type PathPrefix path

    -- | the associated suffix of the given path
    -- in the case of the `FilePath`, it is a void (i.e. `()`)
    -- in the case of the `URI`, it is a the query, the fragment
    type PathSuffix path

    -- | join a path entity to a given path
    (</>) :: path -> PathEnt path -> path

    -- | split the path into the associated elements
    splitPath :: path -> ( PathPrefix path
                         , [PathEnt path]
                         , PathSuffix path
    -- | build the path from the associated elements
    buildPath :: ( PathPrefix path
                 , [PathEnt path]
                 , PathSuffix path
              -> path

-- | parent is only going to drop the filename.
-- if you actually want to reference to the parent directory, simply uses:
-- ```
-- parent "." /= "." </> ".."
-- ```
parent :: Path path => path -> path
parent path = buildPath (p, init ps, s)
    (p, ps , s) = splitPath path

-- | get the filename of the given path
-- If there is no filename, you will receive the mempty of the PathEnt
filename :: (Path path, Monoid (PathEnt path)) => path -> PathEnt path
filename path = case ps of
    [] -> mempty
    _  -> last ps
    (_, ps , _) = splitPath path

-- TODO: this might be better in Sequential ?
init :: [a] -> [a]
init [] = []
init [_] = []
init (x:xs) = x : init xs

-- TODO: this might be better in Sequential ?
last :: [a] -> a
last [] = undefined
last [x] = x
last (_:xs) = last xs

-- | get the path prefix information
-- ```
-- prefix "/home/tab" == ()
-- ```
-- or for URI (TODO, not yet accurate)
-- ```
-- prefix "http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-foundation?w=1"
--    == URISchema http Nothing Nothing "github.com" Nothing
-- ```
prefix :: Path path => path -> PathPrefix path
prefix p = pre
    (pre, _, _) = splitPath p

-- | get the path suffix information
-- ```
-- suffix "/home/tab" == ()
-- ```
-- or for URI (TODO, not yet accurate)
-- ```
-- suffix "http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-foundation?w=1"
--    == URISuffix (["w", "1"], Nothing)
-- ```
suffix :: Path path => path -> PathSuffix path
suffix p = suf
    (_, _, suf) = splitPath p