-- |
-- Module      : Foundation.Timing
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Foundation maintainers
-- An implementation of a timing framework
module Foundation.Timing
    ( Timing(..)
    , Measure(..)
    , stopWatch
    , measure
    ) where

import           Basement.Imports
import           Basement.IntegralConv
import           Basement.Monad
-- import           Basement.UArray hiding (unsafeFreeze)
import           Basement.UArray.Mutable (MUArray)
import           Foundation.Collection
import           Foundation.Time.Types
import           Foundation.Numerical
import           Foundation.Time.Bindings
import           Control.Exception (evaluate)
import           System.Mem (performGC)
import           Data.Function (on)
import qualified GHC.Stats as GHC

data Timing = Timing
    { timeDiff           :: !NanoSeconds
    , timeBytesAllocated :: !(Maybe Word64)

data Measure = Measure
    { measurements :: UArray NanoSeconds
    , iters        :: Word

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
type GCStats = GHC.RTSStats

getGCStats :: IO (Maybe GCStats)
getGCStats = do
    r <- GHC.getRTSStatsEnabled
    if r then pure Nothing else Just <$> GHC.getRTSStats

diffGC :: Maybe GHC.RTSStats -> Maybe GHC.RTSStats -> Maybe Word64
diffGC gc2 gc1 = ((-) `on` GHC.allocated_bytes) <$> gc2 <*> gc1
type GCStats = GHC.GCStats

getGCStats :: IO (Maybe GCStats)
getGCStats = do
    r <- GHC.getGCStatsEnabled
    if r then pure Nothing else Just <$> GHC.getGCStats

diffGC :: Maybe GHC.GCStats -> Maybe GHC.GCStats -> Maybe Word64
diffGC gc2 gc1 = integralCast <$> (((-) `on` GHC.bytesAllocated) <$> gc2 <*> gc1)

-- | Simple one-time measurement of time & other metrics spent in a function
stopWatch :: (a -> b) -> a -> IO Timing
stopWatch f !a = do
    gc1 <- getGCStats
    (_, ns) <- measuringNanoSeconds (evaluate $ f a)
    gc2 <- getGCStats
    return $ Timing ns (diffGC gc2 gc1)

-- | In depth timing & other metrics analysis of a function
measure :: Word -> (a -> b) -> a -> IO Measure
measure nbIters f a = do
    d <- mutNew (integralCast nbIters) :: IO (MUArray NanoSeconds (PrimState IO))
    loop d 0
    Measure <$> unsafeFreeze d
            <*> pure nbIters
    loop d !i
        | i == nbIters = return ()
        | otherwise    = do
            (_, r) <- measuringNanoSeconds (evaluate $ f a)
            mutUnsafeWrite d (integralCast i) r
            loop d (i+1)