-- |
-- Module      : Foundation.System.Info
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : foundation
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable


module Foundation.System.Info
      -- * Operation System info
    , os
      -- * CPU info
    , Arch(..)
    , arch
    , cpus
    , Endianness(..)
    , endianness
      -- * Compiler info
    , compilerName
    , System.Info.compilerVersion
    , Data.Version.Version(..)
    ) where

import qualified System.Info
import qualified Data.Version
import           Data.Data
import qualified GHC.Conc
import Foundation.String
import Foundation.Internal.Base

import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (poke, peek)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

data OS
    = Windows
    | OSX
    | Linux
    | Android
    | BSD
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable)

-- | get the operating system on which the program is running.
-- Either return the known `OS` or a strict `String` of the OS name.
-- This function uses the `base`'s `System.Info.os` function.
os :: Either String OS
os = case System.Info.os of
    "darwin"  -> Right OSX
    "mingw32" -> Right Windows
    "linux"   -> Right Linux
    "linux-android" -> Right Android
    "openbsd" -> Right BSD
    "netbsd"  -> Right BSD
    "freebsd" -> Right BSD
    str       -> Left $ fromList str

-- | Enumeration of the known GHC supported architecture.
data Arch
    = I386
    | X86_64
    | PowerPC
    | PowerPC64
    | Sparc
    | Sparc64
    | ARM
    | ARM64
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable)

-- | get the machine architecture on which the program is running
-- Either return the known architecture or a Strict `String` of the
-- architecture name.
-- This function uses the `base`'s `System.Info.arch` function.
arch :: Either String Arch
arch = case System.Info.arch of
    "i386"          -> Right I386
    "x86_64"        -> Right X86_64
    "powerpc"       -> Right PowerPC
    "powerpc64"     -> Right PowerPC64
    "powerpc64le"   -> Right PowerPC64
    "sparc"         -> Right Sparc
    "sparc64"       -> Right Sparc64
    "arm"           -> Right ARM
    "aarch64"       -> Right ARM64
    str             -> Left $ fromList str

-- | get the compiler name
-- get the compilerName from base package but convert
-- it into a strict String
compilerName :: String
compilerName = fromList System.Info.compilerName

-- | returns the number of CPUs the machine has
cpus :: IO Int
cpus = GHC.Conc.getNumProcessors

data Endianness
    = LittleEndian
    | BigEndian
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | endianness of the current architecture
endianness :: Endianness
endianness = LittleEndian
endianness = BigEndian
endianness = unsafePerformIO $ bytesToEndianness <$> word32ToByte input
    input :: Word32
    input = 0x01020304
{-# NOINLINE endianness #-}

word32ToByte :: Word32 -> IO Word8
word32ToByte word = alloca $ \wordPtr -> do
         poke wordPtr word
         peek (castPtr wordPtr)

bytesToEndianness :: Word8 -> Endianness
bytesToEndianness 1 = BigEndian
bytesToEndianness _ = LittleEndian