-- |
-- Module      : Foundation.Primitive.Endianness
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Haskell Foundation
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Set endianness tag to a given primitive. This will help for serialising
-- data for protocols (such as the network protocols).


module Foundation.Primitive.Endianness
      -- * Big Endian
    , BE(..), toBE, fromBE
      -- * Little Endian
    , LE(..), toLE, fromLE
    ) where

import Foundation.Internal.Base
import Foundation.Internal.ByteSwap

#if !defined(ARCH_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN)
import Foundation.System.Info (endianness, Endianness(..))

-- | Little Endian value
newtype LE a = LE { unLE :: a }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance (ByteSwap a, Ord a) => Ord (LE a) where
    compare e1 e2 = compare (fromLE e1) (fromLE e2)

-- | Big Endian value
newtype BE a = BE { unBE :: a }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance (ByteSwap a, Ord a) => Ord (BE a) where
    compare e1 e2 = compare (fromBE e1) (fromBE e2)

-- | Convert a value in cpu endianess to big endian
toBE :: ByteSwap a => a -> BE a
toBE = BE . byteSwap
toBE = BE
toBE = BE . (if endianness == LittleEndian then byteSwap else id)
{-# INLINE toBE #-}

-- | Convert from a big endian value to the cpu endianness
fromBE :: ByteSwap a => BE a -> a
fromBE (BE a) = byteSwap a
fromBE (BE a) = a
fromBE (BE a) = if endianness == LittleEndian then byteSwap a else a
{-# INLINE fromBE #-}

-- | Convert a value in cpu endianess to little endian
toLE :: ByteSwap a => a -> LE a
toLE = LE
toLE = LE . byteSwap
toLE = LE . (if endianness == LittleEndian then id else byteSwap)
{-# INLINE toLE #-}

-- | Convert from a little endian value to the cpu endianness
fromLE :: ByteSwap a => LE a -> a
fromLE (LE a) = a
fromLE (LE a) = byteSwap a
fromLE (LE a) = if endianness == LittleEndian then a else byteSwap a
{-# INLINE fromLE #-}