4.6 --- * Víctor López Juan and Fabian Ruch added many documentation improvements and a whole host of proofs of correctness. * Improvements in the template haskell code generator. * Added instances for `MonadWriter` and `MonadCont` where appropriate, thanks to Nickolay Kudasov. * Added `cutoff`, `iterTM`, and `never`. * Made modifications to some `Typeable` and `Data` instances to work correctly on both GHC 7.8.1rc1 and 7.8.1rc2. * Removed `Control.MonadPlus.Free`. Use `FreeT f []` instead and the result will be law-abiding. * Replaced `Control.Alternative.Free` with a new approach that is law-abiding for left-distributive Alternatives. 4.5 ----- * Added `Control.Monad.Free.TH` with `makeFree` to make it easier to write free monads. * Added missing instances for `MonadFix` and `MonadCont` where appropriate. 4.2 ----- * Added `Control.Monad.Trans.Iter` and `Control.Comonad.Trans.Coiter`. 4.1.1 ----- * Added a default signature to `wrap`, based on a construction by @fizruk. 4.0 --- * Updated to work with `semigroupoids` and `comonad` 4.0 * `instance ComonadCofree Maybe NonEmpty` * `instance ComonadCofree (Const b) ((,) b)` 3.4.2 ----- * Generalized `liftF`. * Added `iterM` 3.4.1 ----- * Added support for GHC 7.7's polykinded `Typeable` 3.4 --- * Added instance `MonadFree f (ContT r m)` 3.3.1 ----- * Refactored build system * Removed upper bounds on my own intra-package dependencies 3.3 --- * Added `Control.Alternative.Free` and `Control.MonadPlus.Free` 3.2 --- * Added `Control.Free.Applicative` * Moved `Control.Monad.Free.Church` from `kan-extensions` into this package.