Monad instance for CofreeT ========================== If the underlying functor f is an instance of Alternative, then CofreeT is also a Monad. Note that the only required properties of Alternative are associativity and identity element, so one could also use functors that are instances of Plus (semigroupoid package). ```haskell instance (Alternative f, Monad w) => Monad (CofreeT f w) where return = CofreeT . return . (:< empty) (CofreeT cx) >>= f = CofreeT $ do (a :< m) <- cx (b :< n) <- runCofreeT $ f a return $ b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= f) m) ``` This definition is equivalent to that of the Cofree module if 'w' is identity. The tokens `CofreeT` and `runCofreeT` are abreviated as `C` and `unC`, respectively, for readability. ## Left identity ```haskell return x >>= f == {- definition of return -} C (return (x :< empty)) >>= f == {- definition of bind -} C $ (return (x :< empty)) >>= (\a :< m -> unC (f a) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= f) m) == {- Left identity for 'w' -} C $ unC (f x) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= f) empty) == {- fmap over empty -} C $ unC (f x) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= f) empty) == {- empty is identity for <|> -} == C $ unC (f x) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< n == {- η-reduction, right identity for w -} C $ unC (f x) == f x ``` ## Right identity ```haskell (C wx) >>= return == {- definition of return -} (C wx) >>= (\x -> C $ return $ (x :< empty)) == {- definition of bind -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> unC (C $ return $ a :< empty) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= return) m) == {- coinduction (“produce 1, consume 1”) -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> unC (C $ return $ a :< empty) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> fmap id m) == {- fmap id == id -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> unC (C $ return $ a :< empty) >>= (\b :< n -> return $ b :< (n <|> m) == {- unC . C == id, left identity for w -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> let b :< n = a :< empty in return $ b :< (n <|> m) == {- β-equivalence -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> return $ a :< (empty <|> m)) == {- empty is identity for <|> -} C $ wx >>= (\a :< m -> return $ a :< m)) == {- right identity for w -} C wx ``` ## Associativity ```haskell (C wa >>= g) >>= h == {- definition -} C $ do unC (C wa >>= g) >>= \(c :< o) -> unC $ h c >>= \(d :< p) _> return $ d :< (p <|> fmap (>>= h) o) == {- definition -} C $ do (wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> return $ b :< (m <|> fmap (>>= g) n) ) >>= \(c :< o) -> unC $ h c >>= \(d :< p) _> return $ d :< (p <|> fmap (>>= h) o) == {- associativity of 'w' -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> return $ b :< (m <|> fmap (>>= g) m) >>= \(c :< o) -> unC $ h c >>= \(d :< p) _> return $ d :< (p <|> fmap (>>= h) o) == {- left identity -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) _> return $ d :< (p <|> fmap (>>= h) (n <|> fmap (>>= g) m)) == {- fmap distributes over (<|>), <|> is associative -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) return $ d :< (p <|> (fmap (>>= h) n) <|> fmap (>>= h) (fmap (>>= g) m)) == {- ∀f ∀g . fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) return $ d :< (p <|> (fmap (>>= h) n) <|> fmap ((>>= h) . (>>= g)) m) == {- coinduction -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) return $ d :< (p <|> (fmap (>>= h) n) <|> fmap (>>= (\x -> g x >>= h)) m) == {- associativity of <|> -} c $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) return $ d :< ((p <|> fmap (>>=h) n) <|> fmap (>>= (\x -> g x >>= h)) m == {- associativity, right identity for monads -} c $ do (wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a) >>= \(b :< n) -> unC (h b) >>= \(d :< p) return (d :< (p <|> (fmap >>= h) n))) >>= \(c :< o) -> return $ c :< (o <|> fmap (>>= (\x -> g x >>= h)) m == {- definition of bind -} C $ do wa >>= \(a :< m) -> unC (g a >>= h) >>= \(c :< o) -> return $ c :< (o <|> fmap (>>= (\x -> g x >>= h)) m) == {- definition of bind -} (C wa) >>= (\x -> g x >>= h) ``` ## Consistency with Applicative definition See [proof for applicative instance](