  , GADTs
  , RankNTypes
  , TypeOperators
  , FlexibleInstances
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , UndecidableInstances
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , DeriveFunctor
  , DeriveFoldable
  , DeriveTraversable
  , TemplateHaskell
  , PolyKinds
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Functor.Free
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- A free functor is left adjoint to a forgetful functor.
-- In this package the forgetful functor forgets class constraints.
module Data.Functor.Free (

  , deriveInstances
  , unit
  , rightAdjunct
  , rightAdjunctF
  , rightAdjunctT
  , counit
  , leftAdjunct
  , transform
  , unfold
  , convert
  , convertClosed

  -- * Coproducts
  , Coproduct
  , coproduct
  , inL
  , inR
  , InitialObject
  , initial

  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Function

import Data.Constraint hiding (Class)
import Data.Constraint.Forall

import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Void

import Data.Algebra
import Data.Algebra.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

-- | The free functor for class @c@.
--   @Free c a@ is basically an expression tree with operations from class @c@
--   and variables/placeholders of type @a@, created with `unit`.
--   Monadic bind allows you to replace each of these variables with another sub-expression.
newtype Free c a = Free { runFree :: forall b. c b => (a -> b) -> b }

-- | `unit` allows you to create `Free c` values, together with the operations from the class @c@.
unit :: a -> Free c a
unit a = Free $ \k -> k a

-- | `rightAdjunct` is the destructor of `Free c` values.
rightAdjunct :: c b => (a -> b) -> Free c a -> b
rightAdjunct f g = runFree g f

rightAdjunctF :: ForallF c f => (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b
rightAdjunctF = h instF rightAdjunct
    h :: ForallF c f
      => (ForallF c f :- c (f b))
      -> (c (f b) => (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b)
      -> (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b
    h (Sub Dict) f = f

rightAdjunctT :: ForallT c t => (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b
rightAdjunctT = h instT rightAdjunct
    h :: ForallT c t
      => (ForallT c t :- c (t f b))
      -> (c (t f b) => (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b)
      -> (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b
    h (Sub Dict) f = f

-- | @counit = rightAdjunct id@
counit :: c a => Free c a -> a
counit = rightAdjunct id

-- | @leftAdjunct f = f . unit@
leftAdjunct :: (Free c a -> b) -> a -> b
leftAdjunct f = f . unit

-- | @transform f as = as >>= f unit@
-- @transform f . transform g = transform (g . f)@
transform :: (forall r. c r => (b -> r) -> a -> r) -> Free c a -> Free c b
transform t (Free f) = Free (f . t)

-- | @unfold f = coproduct (unfold f) unit . f@
-- `inL` and `inR` are useful here. For example, the following creates the list @[1..10]@ as a @Free Monoid@:
-- @unfold (\b -> if b == 0 then mempty else `inL` (b - 1) \<> `inR` b) 10@
unfold :: (b -> Coproduct c b a) -> b -> Free c a
unfold f = fix $ \go -> transform (\k -> either (rightAdjunct k . go) k) . f

-- | @convert = rightAdjunct pure@
convert :: (c (f a), Applicative f) => Free c a -> f a
convert = rightAdjunct pure

-- | @convertClosed = rightAdjunct absurd@
convertClosed :: c r => Free c Void -> r
convertClosed = rightAdjunct absurd

instance Functor (Free c) where
  fmap f = transform (. f)

instance Applicative (Free c) where
  pure = unit
  fs <*> as = transform (\k f -> rightAdjunct (k . f) as) fs

instance Monad (Free c) where
  return = unit
  as >>= f = transform (\k -> rightAdjunct k . f) as

instance (ForallF c Identity, ForallF c (Compose (Free c) (Free c)))
  => Comonad (Free c) where
  extract = runIdentity . rightAdjunctF Identity
  duplicate = getCompose . rightAdjunctF (Compose . unit . unit)

instance c ~ Class f => Algebra f (Free c a) where
  algebra fa = Free $ \k -> evaluate (fmap (rightAdjunct k) fa)

-- | Products of @Monoid@s are @Monoid@s themselves. But coproducts of @Monoid@s are not.
-- However, the free @Monoid@ applied to the coproduct /is/ a @Monoid@, and it is the coproduct in the category of @Monoid@s.
-- This is also called the free product, and generalizes to any algebraic class.
type Coproduct c m n = Free c (Either m n)

coproduct :: c r => (m -> r) -> (n -> r) -> Coproduct c m n -> r
coproduct m n = rightAdjunct (either m n)

inL :: m -> Coproduct c m n
inL = unit . Left

inR :: n -> Coproduct c m n
inR = unit . Right

type InitialObject c = Free c Void

initial :: c r => InitialObject c -> r
initial = rightAdjunct absurd

-- | Derive the instances of @`Free` c a@ for the class @c@, `Show`, `Foldable` and `Traversable`.
-- For example:
-- @deriveInstances ''Num@
deriveInstances :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveInstances nm = concat <$> sequenceA
  [ deriveSignature nm
  , deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature freeHeader $ return []
  , deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature liftAFreeHeader $ return []
  , deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature showHelperHeader $ return []
    freeHeader = return $ ForallT [PlainTV a] []
      (AppT c (AppT (AppT free c) (VarT a)))
    liftAFreeHeader = return $ ForallT [PlainTV f,PlainTV a] [AppT (ConT ''Applicative) (VarT f)]
      (AppT c (AppT (AppT (AppT liftAFree c) (VarT f)) (VarT a)))
    showHelperHeader = return $ ForallT [PlainTV a] []
      (AppT c (AppT (AppT showHelper sig) (VarT a)))
    free = ConT ''Free
    liftAFree = ConT ''LiftAFree
    showHelper = ConT ''ShowHelper
    c = ConT nm
    sig = ConT $ mkName (nameBase nm ++ "Signature")
    a = mkName "a"
    f = mkName "f"

newtype LiftAFree c f a = LiftAFree { getLiftAFree :: f (Free c a) }

instance (Applicative f, c ~ Class s) => Algebra s (LiftAFree c f a) where
  algebra = LiftAFree . fmap algebra . traverse getLiftAFree

instance ForallT c (LiftAFree c) => Foldable (Free c) where
  foldMap = foldMapDefault

instance ForallT c (LiftAFree c) => Traversable (Free c) where
  traverse f = getLiftAFree . rightAdjunctT (LiftAFree . fmap unit . f)

data ShowHelper f a = ShowUnit a | ShowRec (f (ShowHelper f a))

instance Algebra f (ShowHelper f a) where
  algebra = ShowRec

instance (Show a, Show (f (ShowHelper f a))) => Show (ShowHelper f a) where
  showsPrec p (ShowUnit a) = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "unit " . showsPrec 11 a
  showsPrec p (ShowRec f) = showsPrec p f

instance (Show a, Show (Signature c (ShowHelper (Signature c) a)), c (ShowHelper (Signature c) a)) => Show (Free c a) where
  show = show . rightAdjunct (ShowUnit :: a -> ShowHelper (Signature c) a)