Module      :  Graphics.UI.FreeGame
Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Fumiaki Kinoshita
License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer  :  Fumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>

This module just re-exports other submodules.
module Graphics.UI.FreeGame
  ( -- * Main
    -- * Reexports
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Base,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Data.Bitmap,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Data.Font,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.GUI,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Util,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Text,
    module Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Types,
    module Control.Monad,
    module Control.Applicative,
    module Control.Bool,
    module Data.Color,
    module Data.Color.Names,
    module Linear
) where

import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Base
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.GUI (GUI, GUIParam(..))
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Util
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Types
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Text
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Data.Bitmap
import Graphics.UI.FreeGame.Data.Font
import qualified Graphics.UI.FreeGame.GUI.GLFW as GLFW
import Control.Monad.Free.Church
import Data.Default
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Bool
import Data.Color
import Data.Color.Names
import Linear hiding (rotate)

-- | 'Game' is a "free" monad which describes GUIs.
-- This monad is an instance of 'Picture2D' so you can construct it using 'fromBitmap' and can be transformed with 'translate', 'scale', 'rotate', 'colored'.
-- It is also an instance of 'Keyboard' and 'Mouse'. Note that 'mousePosition' returns a relative position. For example:
-- > foo = foreverTick $ do
-- >   p <- mousePosition
-- >   translate p $ colored blue $ polygonOutline [V2 (-8) (-8), V2 8 (-8), V2 8 8, V2 (-8) 8]
-- When we run @foo@ using 'runGame', a blue square follows the cursor.
-- And 'translate' (V2 240 240) @foo@, 'rotate' 45 @foo@, 'scale' 1.5 @foo@ also does in the same way.
-- You have to call 'tick' at the end of the frame.
-- The only way to embody a 'Game' as a real stuff is to apply 'runGame'.
-- for more examples, see <https://github.com/fumieval/free-game/tree/master/examples>.

type Game = F GUI

-- | Run a 'Game'.
runGame :: GUIParam -> Game a -> IO (Maybe a)
runGame = GLFW.runGame