{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  FreeGame.Util
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Fumiaki Kinoshita
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Fumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable

module FreeGame.Util (
    -- * Controlling
    -- * Random
    -- * Helper
    -- * Loading
    -- * Keyboard
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Iter
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Free.Church
import Data.Char
import Data.Void
import FreeGame.Data.Bitmap
import FreeGame.Class
import FreeGame.Types
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Linear
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random
import System.Environment

-- | Delimit the computation to yield a frame.
{-# DEPRECATED tick "use delay or foreverFrame instead" #-}
tick :: (Monad f, MonadFree f m) => m ()
tick = delay (return ())

-- | An infinite loop that run 'tick' every frame after the given action.
foreverTick :: (Monad f, MonadFree f m) => m a -> m any
foreverTick m = let m' = foreverTick m in m >> wrap (return m')

-- | @foreverFrame :: Frame a -> Game any@
foreverFrame :: (Monad f, Monad m, MonadTrans t, MonadFree f (t m)) => m a -> t m any
foreverFrame m = foreverTick (lift m)

-- | Extract the next frame of the action.
untick :: (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => IterT (F f) a -> m (Either (IterT (F f) a) a)
untick = liftM (either Right Left) . iterM wrap . runIterT where

-- | An infinite version of 'untick'.
untickInfinite :: (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => IterT (F f) Void -> m (IterT (F f) Void)
untickInfinite = liftM (either absurd id) . iterM wrap . runIterT where

-- | An unit vector with the specified angle.
unitV2 :: Floating a => a -> V2 a
unitV2 t = V2 (cos t) (sin t)

-- | An angle of the given vector.
angleV2 :: RealFloat a => V2 a -> a
angleV2 (V2 a b) = atan2 b a

-- | Get a given range of value.
randomness :: (Random r, FromFinalizer m) => (r, r) -> m r
randomness r = embedIO $ randomRIO r
{-# INLINE randomness #-}

-- | Convert radians to degrees.
degrees :: Floating a => a -> a
{-# INLINE degrees #-}
degrees x = x / pi * 180

-- | Convert degrees to radians.
radians :: Floating a => a -> a
{-# INLINE radians #-}
radians x = x / 180 * pi

-- | Create a 'Picture' from the given file.
loadPictureFromFile :: (Picture2D p, FromFinalizer m) => FilePath -> m (p ())
loadPictureFromFile = embedIO . fmap bitmap . readBitmap

-- | The type of the given 'Name' must be @FilePath -> IO FilePath@
loadBitmapsWith :: ExpQ -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
loadBitmapsWith getFullPath path = do
    loc <- (</>path) <$> takeDirectory <$> loc_filename <$> location
    paths <- runIO $ getFileList loc
    sequence $ do
        p <- paths
        let name = pathToName p
        [ return $ SigD (mkName name) (ConT ''Bitmap)
            , funD (mkName name) [clause [] (normalB $ load name $ loc </> p) []]
        load name fp = do
            runIO $ putStrLn $ "Defined: " ++ fp ++ " as `" ++ name ++ "'"

            appE (varE 'unsafePerformIO) $ uInfixE (appE getFullPath $ litE $ StringL fp)
                (varE '(>>=))
                (varE 'readBitmap)

-- | Load and define all pictures in the specified directory.
loadBitmaps :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
loadBitmaps path = do
    v <- newName "v"
    loadBitmapsWith (lamE [varP v] $
        appsE [varE 'fmap, uInfixE
                    (infixE Nothing (varE '(</>)) (Just (varE v)))
                    (varE '(.))
                    (varE 'takeDirectory)
                , varE 'getExecutablePath]) path

getFileList :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getFileList path = do
    allContents <- filter notHidden `fmap` getDirectoryContents path

    files <- filterM (doesFileExist . (path</>)) allContents
    dirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (path</>)) allContents
    fmap ((files++).concat) $ forM dirs $ \i -> map (i</>) `fmap` getFileList (path</>i)
        notHidden ('.':_) = False
        notHidden _ = True

pathToName :: FilePath -> String
pathToName = ('_':) . map p where
    p c | isAlphaNum c = c
        | otherwise = '_'

charToKey :: Char -> Key
charToKey ch
    | isAlpha ch = toEnum $ fromEnum KeyA + fromEnum ch - fromEnum 'A'
    | isDigit ch = toEnum $ fromEnum Key0 + fromEnum ch - fromEnum '0'
charToKey '-' = KeyMinus
charToKey ',' = KeyComma
charToKey '.' = KeyPeriod
charToKey '/' = KeySlash
charToKey ' ' = KeySpace
charToKey '\'' = KeyApostrophe
charToKey '\\' = KeyBackslash
charToKey '=' = KeyEqual
charToKey ';' = KeySemicolon
charToKey '[' = KeyLeftBracket
charToKey ']' = KeyRightBracket
charToKey '`' = KeyGraveAccent
charToKey '\n' = KeyEnter
charToKey '\r' = KeyEnter
charToKey '\t' = KeyTab
charToKey _ = KeyUnknown

keyChar :: Keyboard f => Char -> f Bool
keyChar = keyPress . charToKey

{-# DEPRECATED keySpecial "use keyPress instead" #-}
keySpecial :: Keyboard f => Key -> f Bool
keySpecial = keyPress