{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, BangPatterns, ViewPatterns, CPP #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  FreeGame.Backend.GLFW
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Fumiaki Kinoshita
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Fumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module FreeGame.Backend.GLFW (runGame) where
import Control.Monad.Free.Church
import Control.Monad.Trans.Iter
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.IORef
import Data.Reflection
import Data.BoundingBox
import FreeGame.Class
import FreeGame.Internal.Finalizer
import FreeGame.UI
import FreeGame.Types
import Linear
#if (MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0))
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified FreeGame.Internal.GLFW as G
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Codec.Picture.RGBA8
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Lens (view)

keyCallback :: IORef (Map.Map Key ButtonState) -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.Key -> Int -> GLFW.KeyState -> GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
keyCallback keyBuffer _ key _ GLFW.KeyState'Pressed _ = modifyIORef' keyBuffer $ Map.adjust buttonDown (toEnum $ fromEnum key)
keyCallback keyBuffer _ key _ GLFW.KeyState'Released _ = modifyIORef' keyBuffer $ Map.adjust buttonUp (toEnum $ fromEnum key)
keyCallback _ _ _ _ _ _ = return ()

mouseButtonCallback :: IORef (Map.Map Int ButtonState) -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.MouseButton -> GLFW.MouseButtonState -> GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
mouseButtonCallback mouseBuffer _ btn GLFW.MouseButtonState'Pressed _ = modifyIORef' mouseBuffer $ Map.adjust buttonDown (fromEnum btn)
mouseButtonCallback mouseBuffer _ btn GLFW.MouseButtonState'Released _ = modifyIORef' mouseBuffer $ Map.adjust buttonUp (fromEnum btn)

runGame :: WindowMode -> BoundingBox2 -> IterT (F UI) a -> IO (Maybe a)
runGame mode bbox m = G.withGLFW mode bbox (execGame m)

initialKeyBuffer :: Map.Map Key ButtonState
initialKeyBuffer = Map.fromList $ zip [minBound..] (repeat Release)

initialMouseBuffer :: Map.Map Int ButtonState
initialMouseBuffer = Map.fromList $ zip [0..7] (repeat Release)

execGame :: IterT (F UI) a -> G.System -> IO (Maybe a)
execGame m sys = do
    texs <- newIORef IM.empty
    keyBuffer <- newIORef initialKeyBuffer
    mouseBuffer <- newIORef initialMouseBuffer
    GLFW.setKeyCallback (G.theWindow sys) $ Just $ keyCallback keyBuffer
    GLFW.setMouseButtonCallback (G.theWindow sys) $ Just $ mouseButtonCallback mouseBuffer

        $ give (RefKeyStates keyBuffer)
        $ give (RefMouseButtonStates mouseBuffer)
        $ give (TextureStorage texs)
        $ give sys
        $ gameLoop m

gameLoop ::
    ( Given G.System
    , Given TextureStorage
    , Given KeyStates
    , Given MouseButtonStates
    ) => IterT (F UI) a -> FinalizerT IO (Maybe a)
gameLoop m = do
    liftIO $ G.beginFrame given

    fs <- liftIO $ newIORef ([] :: [IO ()])

    r <- give fs $ iterM runUI $ runIterT m

    b <- liftIO $ do
        modifyIORef' (getKeyStates given) (Map.map buttonStay)
        modifyIORef' (getMouseButtonStates given) (Map.map buttonStay)
        G.endFrame given
    liftIO (readIORef fs) >>= finalizer . sequence_

    if b
        then return Nothing
        else either (return . Just) gameLoop r

newtype TextureStorage = TextureStorage { getTextureStorage :: IORef (IM.IntMap G.Texture) }

type DrawM = ReaderT (Location ()) IO

newtype KeyStates = RefKeyStates { getKeyStates :: IORef (Map.Map Key ButtonState) }
newtype MouseButtonStates = RefMouseButtonStates { getMouseButtonStates :: IORef (Map.Map Int ButtonState) }

runUI :: forall a.
    ( Given G.System
    , Given TextureStorage
    , Given KeyStates
    , Given MouseButtonStates
    , Given (IORef [IO ()])
    ) => UI (FinalizerT IO a) -> FinalizerT IO a
runUI (Draw m) = do
    (cont, xs) <- liftIO $ do
        cxt <- newIORef []
        cont <- give (Context cxt) $ runReaderT (m :: DrawM (FinalizerT IO a)) (Location id id)
        xs <- readIORef cxt
        return (cont, xs)
    unless (null xs) $ finalizer $ forM_ xs $ \(t, h) -> G.releaseTexture t >> modifyIORef' (getTextureStorage given) (IM.delete h)
runUI (FromFinalizer m) = join m
runUI (PreloadBitmap bmp cont) = do
    t <- liftIO $ G.installTexture bmp
    h <- liftIO $ addrImage bmp
    liftIO $ modifyIORef' (getTextureStorage given) (IM.insert h t)
    finalizer $ G.releaseTexture t >> modifyIORef' (getTextureStorage given) (IM.delete h)
runUI (KeyStates cont) = liftIO (readIORef $ getKeyStates given) >>= cont
runUI (MouseButtons cont) = liftIO (readIORef $ getMouseButtonStates given) >>= cont
-- runUI _ _ (MouseWheel cont) = GLFW.getMouseWheel >>= cont
runUI (MousePosition cont) = do
    (x, y) <- liftIO $ GLFW.getCursorPos (G.theWindow given)
    cont $ V2 x y
runUI (Bracket m) = join $ iterM runUI m
runUI (TakeScreenshot cont) = liftIO (G.screenshot given) >>= cont
runUI (ClearColor col cont) = do
    liftIO $ GL.clearColor GL.$= unsafeCoerce col
runUI (SetTitle str cont) = do
    liftIO $ GLFW.setWindowTitle (G.theWindow given) str
runUI (ShowCursor cont) = do
    liftIO $ GLFW.setCursorInputMode (G.theWindow given) GLFW.CursorInputMode'Normal
runUI (HideCursor cont) = do
    liftIO $ GLFW.setCursorInputMode (G.theWindow given) GLFW.CursorInputMode'Hidden
runUI (SetFPS n cont) = do
    liftIO $ writeIORef (G.theFPS given) n
runUI (GetFPS cont) = liftIO (readIORef (G.currentFPS given)) >>= cont
runUI (ForkFrame m cont) = do
    _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
        (_, f) <- runFinalizerT $ iterM runUI m
        modifyIORef' given (f:)
runUI (GetBoundingBox cont) = liftIO (readIORef (G.refRegion given)) >>= cont
runUI (SetBoundingBox bbox@(view (size zero)-> V2 w h) cont) = do
    liftIO $ GLFW.setWindowSize (G.theWindow given) (floor w) (floor h)
    liftIO $ writeIORef (G.refRegion given) bbox

mapReaderWith :: (s -> r) -> (m a -> n b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT s n b
mapReaderWith f g m = unsafeCoerce $ \s -> g (unsafeCoerce m (f s))
{-# INLINE mapReaderWith #-}

instance Affine DrawM where
    translate v = mapReaderWith (translate v) (G.translate v)
    {-# INLINE translate #-}
    rotateD t = mapReaderWith (rotateD t) (G.rotateD t)
    {-# INLINE rotateD #-}
    rotateR t = let t' = t / pi * 180 in mapReaderWith (rotateR t) (G.rotateD t')
    {-# INLINE rotateR #-}
    scale v = mapReaderWith (scale v) (G.scale v)
    {-# INLINE scale #-}

newtype Context = Context { getContext :: IORef [(G.Texture, Int)] }

instance (Given Context, Given TextureStorage) => Picture2D DrawM where
    bitmap bmp = liftIO $ do
        m <- readIORef (getTextureStorage given)
        h <- addrImage bmp
        case IM.lookup h m of
            Just t -> G.drawTexture t
            Nothing -> do
                t <- G.installTexture bmp
                writeIORef (getTextureStorage given) $ IM.insert h t m
                modifyIORef (getContext given) ((t, h) :)
                G.drawTexture t
    bitmapOnce bmp = liftIO $ do
        t <- G.installTexture bmp
        G.drawTexture t
        G.releaseTexture t

    circle r = liftIO (G.circle r)
    {-# INLINE circle #-}
    circleOutline r = liftIO (G.circleOutline r)
    {-# INLINE circleOutline #-}
    polygon vs = liftIO (G.polygon vs)
    {-# INLINE polygon #-}
    polygonOutline vs = liftIO (G.polygonOutline vs)
    {-# INLINE polygonOutline #-}
    line vs = liftIO (G.line vs)
    {-# INLINE line #-}
    thickness t = mapReaderWith id (G.thickness t)
    {-# INLINE thickness #-}
    color c = mapReaderWith id (G.color c)
    {-# INLINE color #-}
    blendMode m = mapReaderWith id (G.blendMode m)
    {-# INLINE blendMode #-}

instance Local DrawM where
    getLocation = asks coerceLocation