module Main where import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Variations.CounterExamples.Parser.ParseType (parseType') import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Variations.CounterExamples.ExFind (getForWebInterface) import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Variations.CounterExamples.Common.AlgCommon(showTerm, showTrackContApplicationWithNames, showTrackContApplicationSolved, Term(Var), TermVar(..), assignTypeRelFuncs, prependRelFunc, renumberVariables, showFuncNames, showVarList, getTypeRelFuncNamesNonStrict, mapDisRelFuncsToNames) import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Parser.Haskell98 as FTP import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems ( runChecks , check , filterSignatures , prettyTheorem , asTheorem , interpret , unfoldLifts , prettyUnfoldedLift , LanguageSubset(SubsetWithFix) , TheoremType(EquationalTheorem) , PrettyTheoremOption(OmitTypeInstantiations,OmitLanguageSubsets) , specialise , relationVariables ) import Network.CGI import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString) import Text.XHtml import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Generics import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Variations.CounterExamples.Internal.TimeOut import Language.Haskell.FreeTheorems.Variations.CounterExamples.Internal.FTSync askDiv v e = maindiv << ( p << ( "Please enter a type. " +++ "You can prepend it with a list of type variables " +++ "that should not be considered for counterexample generation, e.g. " +++ primHtmlChar "ldquo" +++ tt << "a b. ((a,c) -> b) -> b" +++ primHtmlChar "rdquo" +++ "." +++ p << ( input ! [name "type", value v] +++ " " +++ submit "submit" "Generate" )) +++ e ) askTypeForm = askDiv "[a] -> [a]" noHtml typeError typeStr err = askDiv typeStr ( p << ("There was a problem parsing your type: " +++ pre << err ) ) generateResult typeStr typ = do counter_example <- counter_exampleM return (askDiv typeStr noHtml +++ maindiv << ( h3 << "The Free Theorem" +++ (case ft_full of Left err -> p << "The full Free Theorem deriver failed:" +++ pre << err Right s -> p << "The theorem generated for functions of the type" +++ pre << (termName ++ " :: " ++ dropedPreFix) +++ "is:" +++ pre << s )) +++ maindiv << ( h3 << "The Counterexample" +++ ( case counter_example of Left err -> p << if err == "_timeOut" then "Unfortunately the generator for the counterexample timed out. Time was restricted to 3 seconds." +++ "" else (let nonstrict = getTypeRelFuncNamesNonStrict typ funcNames in case nonstrict of [] -> "No type variables were made available for consideration for counterexample generation." +++ "" [x] -> "Even without strictness condition on " +++ tt << x +++ " the algorithm found no counterexample." xs -> "Even without strictness conditions on " +++ tt < let (term,trackCont,funcs) = result names = mapDisRelFuncsToNames funcs drelNames varNames nonstricts = getTypeRelFuncNamesNonStrict typ funcNames in p << ((if length nonstricts == 1 then ("By disregarding the strictness condition on " +++ tt << showVarList nonstricts +++ " the theorem becomes wrong.") else ("By disregarding the strictness conditions on " +++ tt << showVarList nonstricts +++ " the theorem becomes wrong.")) +++ " The term" +++ pre << tt << (termName ++ " = " ++ (showTerm.head.renumberVariables $ [term])) +++ "is a counterexample.") +++ p << ("By setting " +++ tt << "t1 = t2 = ... = ()" +++ " and" +++ pre << assignTypeRelFuncs typ funcNames) +++ p << ("the following would be a consequence of the thus " +++ primHtmlChar "ldquo" +++ "naivified" +++ primHtmlChar "rdquo" +++ " free theorem:" +++ pre << prependRelFunc funcNames (fst trackCont) ((showTrackContApplicationWithNames trackCont names (Var (TermVar 0))) ++ "\n\nwhere\n\n" ++ showFuncNames (zip (snd.unzip$names) (snd.unzip$funcs)))) +++ p << ("But this is wrong since with the above " +++ tt << termName +++ " it reduces to:" +++ pre << prependRelFunc funcNames (fst trackCont) (showTrackContApplicationSolved trackCont funcs term)) ))) where ft_full = let properType = termName ++ " :: " ++ case span (/='.') typeStr of (t,"") -> t (_,_:t) -> t either = "data Either a b = Left a | Right b" bool = "data Bool = False | True" maybe = "data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a" parse_input = unlines [either, bool, maybe, properType] (ds,es) = runChecks (parse parse_input >>= check) [s] = filterSignatures ds in if null es then case interpret ds (SubsetWithFix EquationalTheorem) s of Nothing -> Left "interpret returned nothing" Just i -> let i' = foldl specialise i (relationVariables i) in Right $ render (prettyTheorem [OmitTypeInstantiations,OmitLanguageSubsets] (asTheorem i')) ++ case unfoldLifts ds i' of [] -> "" ls -> (if length ls == 1 then "\n\nThe structural lifting occuring therein is defined as follows:\n\n " else "\n\nThe structural liftings occuring therein are defined as follows:\n\n") ++ unlines (map (render . prettyUnfoldedLift []) ls) else Left (unlines (map render es)) counter_exampleM = do res <- liftIO (watchdog2 3000 (getForWebInterface typ)) return (case res of Nothing -> Left "_timeOut" Just x -> x) dropedPreFix = let (prefix,typ) = break (=='.') typeStr in if typ == [] then prefix else tail typ main = runCGI (handleErrors cgiMain) cgiMain = do setHeader "Content-type" "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" mTypeStr <- getInput "type" let content = case mTypeStr of Nothing -> return askTypeForm Just typeStr -> case parseType' typeStr of Left err -> return (typeError typeStr err) Right typ -> generateResult typeStr typ con <- content outputFPS $ fromString $ showHtml $ header ( thetitle << "Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems" +++ style ! [ thetype "text/css" ] << cdata cssStyle ) +++ body ( form ! [method "POST", action "#"] << ( thediv ! [theclass "top"] << ( thespan ! [theclass "title"] << "Haskell" +++ thespan ! [theclass "subtitle"] << "Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems" ) +++ maindiv ( p << ("This tool allows you to run the algorithm described in the paper " +++ primHtmlChar "ldquo" +++ hotlink "" << "Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems" +++ primHtmlChar "rdquo" +++ " (FLOPS'10) by Daniel Seidel and " +++ hotlink "" << (toHtml "Janis Voigtländer") +++ ".") +++ p << ("You may also want to try the following related tools:" +++ ulist << [ li << (primHtmlChar "ldquo" +++ hotlink "" << "Automatic Generation of Free Theorems" +++ primHtmlChar "rdquo") , li << (primHtmlChar "ldquo" +++ hotlink "" << "Taming Selective Strictness" +++ primHtmlChar "rdquo") ])) +++ con +++ maindiv ( p << ("The source code is available for " +++ hotlink "" << "download" +++ ".") +++ p << ("© 2010 Daniel Seidel <" +++ hotlink "" << "" +++ "> and Joachim Breitner <" +++ hotlink "" << "" +++ ">") ) )) maindiv = thediv ! [theclass "main"] cdata s = primHtml ("") cssStyle = unlines [ "body { padding:0px; margin: 0px; }" , " { margin:0px; padding:10px; margin-bottom:20px;" , " background-color:#efefef;" , " border-bottom:1px solid black; }" , "span.title { font-size:xx-large; font-weight:bold; }" , "span.subtitle { padding-left:30px; font-size:large; }" , "div.main { border:1px dotted black;" , " padding:10px; margin:10px; }" , "div.submain { padding:10px; margin:11px; }" , "p.subtitle { font-size:large; font-weight:bold; }" , "input.type { font-family:monospace; }" , "input[type=\"submit\"] { font-family:monospace; background-color:#efefef; }" , "span.mono { font-family:monospace; }" , "pre { margin:10px; margin-left:20px; padding:10px;" , " border:1px solid black; }" , "textarea { margin:10px; margin-left:20px; padding:10px; }" , "p { text-align:justify; }" ]