#!/bin/csh # Turn off the option if its env. var. isn't defined: if ( ! $?FS_ANNOTATED ) setenv FS_ANNOTATED 0 if ( ! $?FS_PARALLEL ) setenv FS_PARALLEL 0 if ( ! $?FS_GHC_F ) setenv FS_GHC_F 0 echo ANNOTATED=$FS_ANNOTATED echo PARALLEL=$FS_PARALLEL echo GHC_F=$FS_GHC_F mkdir -p dist/build/freesect/freesect-tmp >&! /dev/null # BINPATHNAME (do not remove comment, or change the following two lines) set binpathname = /media/ramdisk/freesect #set binpathname = ./dist/build/freesect/freesect ghc --make \ -idist/build/freesect/freesect-tmp \ -outputdir dist/build/freesect/freesect-tmp \ # Since 2010 or so, GHC requires this option to use +RTS ... -RTS: \ -rtsopts \ # For -prof, don't forget you need the +RTS -p -RTS when running \ # -prof \ # -auto-all \ # -ticky \ -threaded # needed for Control.Concurrent /and/ Control.Parallel \ # -O2 \ -optP "-DANNOTATED=$FS_ANNOTATED" \ -optP "-DPARALLEL=$FS_PARALLEL" \ -optP "-DGHC_F=$FS_GHC_F" \ -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns \ Main -o $binpathname \ ##!!