{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Vision.Image.Transform.ScaleDCT
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2015 Oleg Grenrus, 2015 Alex Mason
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Alex Mason <axman6@gmail.com>
-- Scale pictures using Discrete Cosine Transform.
module Vision.Image.Transform.ScaleDCT (scale) where

import           Prelude                ()
import           Prelude.Compat

import           Data.Array.CArray.Base (CArray (..))
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable   as VS
import           Vision.Image           hiding ((!))
import           Vision.Primitive.Shape

import           Data.Array.CArray      (amap, array, bounds, elems, size, (!))
import           Data.Ix                (range)
import           Math.FFT               (dct2N, dct3N)

import qualified Data.Vector            as V

type Array2D = CArray (Int, Int) Double

-- | @`scale' (w,h) img@ scales the image @img@ to size @w * h@.
-- It is unlikely to do the right thing for "non-linear" colour spaces, such as HSV, where hue is an angle.
-- In future versions there may be a class to restrict this function to only working on "linear" pixel types.
-- @pix@ is the type of pixels in the image (see `ImagePixel'),
-- @pixChan@ is the underlying (Integral) pixel component type, ie `Word8`, `Word16` (see `PixelChannel').
-- Future versions will support scaling floating point images with `Float' and `Double' channels.
-- Example types for this function:
-- > scale :: (Int,Int) -> Manifest RGBAPixel -> Manifest RGBAPixel
-- > scale :: (Int,Int) -> Delayed RGBPixel -> Manifest RGBPixel
-- Here @pix@ is, for example, 'RGBAPixel', with @pixChan@ being 'Word8'
-- Some assumptions are made about the @pix@ type, particularly that if @pix@
-- is made up of channels of type @pixChan@, then they are stored directly next to
-- each other by @pix@'s `Storable' instance. If this is not the case, then the
-- resulting image may produce garbage results. This should not be an issue for all
-- of the @friday@ pixel types.
{-# INLINEABLE scale #-}
-- {-# SPECIALIZE scale :: (Int,Int) -> Manifest RGBAPixel -> Manifest RGBAPixel #-}
-- {-# SPECIALIZE scale :: (Int,Int) -> Manifest RGBPixel -> Manifest RGBPixel #-}
scale ::
    ( ImagePixel i ~ pix
    , PixelChannel pix ~ pixChan
    , Integral pixChan
    , Pixel pix
    , VS.Storable pixChan
    , Image i)
      => (Int, Int)         -- ^ Output width, height
      -> i                  -- ^ Input image
      -> Manifest (ImagePixel i) -- ^ Output image
scale dim@(w,h) img = Manifest (Z :. w :. h) res'

    Manifest ((Z :. iw) :. ih) ivec = compute img

    -- ivec' :: (VS.Storable pixChan) => VS.Vector pixChan
    !ivec' = castVec img ivec

    !nchans = nChannels img

    -- This is necessary to ensure that we don't constantly do a lookup
    -- for which implementation of fromIntegral we want to use in chanVec
    -- below
    fi :: (Integral pixChan) => pixChan -> Double
    fi x = fromIntegral x

    chanVec = V.generate nchans (\chan ->
                imageToArray (Manifest ((Z :. iw) :. ih) $
                    VS.generate (iw*ih) $ \ix ->
                        fi $ VS.unsafeIndex ivec' (ix * nchans + chan)))

    chanVec' :: V.Vector Array2D
    chanVec' = fmap transform chanVec

    {-# INLINE truncate' #-}
    truncate' :: (Image i, Integral (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i)), VS.Storable (ImagePixel i))
              => i
              -> Double
              -> PixelChannel (ImagePixel i)
    truncate' _ = truncate

    -- res :: (VS.Storable t', Integral t', t' ~ t) => VS.Vector t'
    res = VS.generate (nchans * h * w) (\ix -> case quotRem ix nchans of
                (i,v) -> truncate' img . limit $ V.unsafeIndex chanVec' v ! (quotRem i w)

    res' :: (VS.Storable pix) => VS.Vector pix
    res' = VS.unsafeCast res

    {-# INLINE castVec #-}
    castVec :: (ImagePixel i ~ pix', Image i, VS.Storable pix', VS.Storable (PixelChannel pix'))
            => i
            -> VS.Vector pix'
            -> VS.Vector (PixelChannel pix')
    castVec _ = VS.unsafeCast

    transform ch = amap (k*) ch'
        ch' = dct3N [1, 0] . cut dim . dct2N [0, 1] $ ch
        k   = imgNorm ch / imgNorm ch'

{-# INLINE imgNorm #-}
imgNorm :: Array2D -> Double
imgNorm ch = sqrt . (/n) . sum . fmap sq . elems $ ch
  where sq x = x * x
        n = fromIntegral $ size ch

{-# INLINE cut #-}
cut :: (Int, Int) -> Array2D -> Array2D
cut (w, h) img = array b [ (i, pick i) | i <- range b ]
  where b            = ((0,0), (h-1, w-1))

        (_,(w',h'))  = bounds img
        pick i@(x,y) | x < h' && y < w' = img ! i
                     | otherwise    = 0

{-# INLINE imageToArray #-}
imageToArray :: Manifest Double -> Array2D
imageToArray img = case img of
    Manifest ((Z :. h) :. w) vec -> case VS.unsafeToForeignPtr0 vec of
        (fptr, len) -> CArray (0,0) (h-1,w-1) len fptr

{-# INLINE limit #-}
limit :: Double -> Double
limit x | x < 0     = 0
        | x > 255   = 255
        | otherwise = x