{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Web.Front.Broadcast where import Bridge import Conduit import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import Control.Monad (forever) import Data.Aeson (Value, decode, toJSON) import Data.Aeson.Text import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Data import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText) import Fay.Convert (showToFay) import Network.WebSockets hiding (Headers) -- | The common way how to use websocket 'Connection' obtained from 'Handler' via 'Conduit'. -- 'interact' starts two concurrent processes. -- First one is responsible for reading data from stream, decoding JSON message, executing custom business logic implemented by user and pushing the produced outgoing 'message' to 'TChan'. -- The second process is constantly reading from 'TChan', encoding the given message and pushing it to all subscribers. interact :: (CommandHandler cache model message, Data message, Data message2) => Connection -> TChan (Out (Action message)) -> TChan (Out message2) -> cache model -> ClientId -> IO () interact stream in' out' tvar client = do race_ (readLoop stream in' tvar client) (writeLoop stream out' client) where writeLoop :: Data message => Connection -> TChan (Out message) -> ClientId -> IO () writeLoop _stream _out _client = forever $ liftIO $ do cmd <- atomically $ readTChan _out json <- pure $ toJSON $ showToFay cmd case cmd of EmptyCmd -> sendTextData _stream (toLazyText $ encodeToTextBuilder json) ExecuteClient cid task strategy -> do let sid = _client if sid == cid && strategy == ExecuteExcept then do json2 <- pure $ toJSON $ showToFay $ ExecuteClient cid task ExecuteExcept sendTextData _stream (toLazyText $ encodeToTextBuilder json2) else do json2 <- pure $ toJSON $ showToFay $ ExecuteClient cid task ExecuteAll sendTextData _stream (toLazyText $ encodeToTextBuilder json2) readLoop :: (CommandHandler cache model message, Data message) => Connection -> TChan (Out (Action message)) -> cache model -> ClientId -> IO () readLoop _stream _in _tvar _client = forever $ liftIO $ do data' <- receiveData _stream runConduit $ yield data' .| mapM_C (\cmdstr -> do case (decode $ BL.fromChunks [encodeUtf8 cmdstr] :: Maybe Value) of Nothing -> error "No JSON provided" Just cmd -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ show cmd res <- onCommand cmd _tvar _client atomically $ writeTChan _in res) -- | 'CommandHandler' class contains all business logic, i.e. how to change the given state ('cache model'), synchronize state for all online sessions and produce outgoing message with the 'Action'. 'Action' contains 'ClientId' to separate different sessions, 'ExecuteStrategy' to tell the 'Client' how to handle incoming message. class Data cmd => CommandHandler cache model cmd where onCommand :: Value -> cache model -> ClientId -> IO (Out (Action cmd))