   * Filename      : RRegTypes.hs                               *
   * Author        : Markus Forsberg                            *
   *                 d97forma@dtek.chalmers.se                  *
   * Last Modified : 5 July, 2001                               *
   * Lines         : 113                                        *

module FST.RRegTypes ( module FST.RegTypes,
                   RReg(..), -- data type for regular relations.
--                 (<|>),    -- union combinator for regular relations.
--                 (|>),     -- product combinator for regular relations.
--                 star,     -- Kleene's star for regular relations.
--                 plus,     -- Kleene's plus for regular relations.
--                 empty,    -- The empty set of regular relations.
                   (<*>),    -- Cross product opertor.
                   (<.>),    -- Composition operator.
                   idR,      -- Identity relation.
                   r,        -- Relation.
--                 symbols   -- Collect the symbols in a regular relations.
                 ) where

import FST.RegTypes
import FST.TransducerTypes (Symbol(..))

import Data.List(nub)

{- *************************************
   * Datatype for a regular relations  *

data RReg a
    =   Cross         (Reg a)      (Reg a)      -- ^ Cross product     
      | Comp          (RReg a)     (RReg a)     -- ^ Composition       
      | ProductR      (RReg a)     (RReg a)     -- ^ Concatenation     
      | UnionR        (RReg a)     (RReg a)     -- ^ Union             
      | StarR         (RReg a)                  -- ^ Kleene star       
      | Identity      (Reg a)                   -- ^ Identity relation 
      | Relation      (Symbol a) (Symbol a)     -- ^ (a:b)             
      | EmptyR                                  -- ^ Empty language    
      deriving (Eq)

{- *************************************
   * Instance of Combinators (RReg a)  *

instance Eq a => Combinators (RReg a) where
 EmptyR <|> r2     = r2      -- [ r1 | [] ] = r1
 r1     <|> EmptyR = r1      -- [ [] | r2 ] = r2
 r1     <|> r2
  | r1 == r2       = r1      -- [ r1 | r1 ] = r1
  | otherwise      = UnionR r1 r2
 EmptyR  |> _      = EmptyR  -- [ [] r2 ] = []
 _       |> EmptyR = EmptyR  -- [ r1 [] ] = []
 r1      |> r2     = ProductR r1 r2
 star (StarR r1)   = star r1 -- [ r1* ]* = r1*
 star r1           = StarR r1
 plus r1           = r1 |> star r1
 empty             = EmptyR

infixl 2 <*>
infixl 1 <.>

-- Cross product operator.
(<*>) :: Eq a => Reg a -> Reg a -> RReg a
(<*>) = Cross

-- Composition operator
(<.>) :: Eq a => RReg a -> RReg a -> RReg a
(<.>) = Comp

-- Identity relation.
idR :: Eq a => Reg a -> RReg a
idR = Identity

r :: Eq a => a -> a -> RReg a
r a b = Relation (S a) (S b)

{- *************************************
   * Instance of Symbols (RReg a)      *

instance Symbols RReg where
 symbols (Cross r1 r2)    = nub $ symbols r1 ++ symbols r2
 symbols (Comp r1 r2)     = nub $ symbols r1 ++ symbols r2
 symbols (ProductR r1 r2) = nub $ symbols r1 ++ symbols r2
 symbols (UnionR r1 r2)   = nub $ symbols r1 ++ symbols r2
 symbols (StarR r1)       = symbols r1
 symbols (Identity r1)    = symbols r1
 symbols (Relation a b)   = let sym (S c) = [c]
                                sym  _    = []
                             in nub $ sym a ++ sym b
 symbols _                = []

{- *************************************
   * Instance of Show (RReg a)         *

instance Show a => Show (RReg a) where
 show (Cross r1 r2)   = "[ " ++ show r1 ++ " .x. " ++ show r2 ++ " ]"
 show (Comp r1 r2)    = "[ " ++ show r1 ++ " .o. " ++ show r2 ++ " ]"
 show (UnionR r1 r2)  = "[ " ++ show r1 ++ " | " ++ show r2 ++ " ]"
 show (ProductR r1 r2)= "[ " ++ show r1 ++ " " ++ show r2 ++ " ]"
 show (Identity r)    = show r
 show (StarR r)       = "[ " ++ show r ++ " ]*"
 show (Relation a b)  = "[ " ++ show a ++":"++show b ++" ]"
 show (EmptyR)        = "[]"