{- arch-tag: FTP protocol parser
Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

{- |
   Module     : Network.FTP.Client.Parser
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2004 John Goerzen
   License    : GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or above

   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org> 
   Stability  : provisional
   Portability: systems with networking

This module provides a parser that is used internally by
"Network.FTP.Client".  You almost certainly do not want to use
this module directly.  Use "Network.FTP.Client" instead.

Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org


module Network.FTP.Client.Parser(parseReply, parseGoodReply,
                                         toPortString, fromPortString,
                                         -- * Utilities
                                         unexpectedresp, isxresp,

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Utils
import Data.List.Utils
import Data.Bits.Utils
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Log.Logger
import Network.Socket(SockAddr(..), PortNumber(..), inet_addr, inet_ntoa)
import System.IO(Handle, hGetContents)
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Text.Regex
import Data.Word
type FTPResult = (Int, [String])

-- import Control.Exception(Exception(PatternMatchFail), throw)

logit :: String -> IO ()
logit m = debugM "Network.FTP.Client.Parser" ("FTP received: " ++ m)

-- Utilities

unexpectedresp m r = "FTP: Expected " ++ m ++ ", got " ++ (show r)

isxresp desired (r, _) = r >= desired && r < (desired + 100)

forcexresp desired r = if isxresp desired r
                       then r
                       else error ((unexpectedresp (show desired)) r)

forceioresp :: Int -> FTPResult -> IO ()
forceioresp desired r = if isxresp desired r
                        then return ()
                        else fail (unexpectedresp (show desired) r)

crlf :: Parser String
crlf = string "\r\n" <?> "CRLF"

sp :: Parser Char
sp = char ' '

code :: Parser Int
code = do
       s <- codeString
       return (read s)

codeString :: Parser String
codeString = do
             first <- oneOf "123456789" <?> "3-digit reply code"
             remaining <- count 2 digit <?> "3-digit reply code"
             return (first : remaining)

specificCode :: Int -> Parser Int
specificCode exp = do
                   s <- string (show exp) <?> ("Code " ++ (show exp))
                   return (read s)

line :: Parser String
line = do
       x <- many (noneOf "\r\n")
       -- return $ unsafePerformIO $ putStrLn ("line: " ++ x)
       return x

-- The parsers

singleReplyLine :: Parser (Int, String)
singleReplyLine = do
                  x <- code
                  text <- line
                  return (x, text)

expectedReplyLine :: Int -> Parser (Int, String)
expectedReplyLine expectedcode = do
                                 x <- specificCode expectedcode
                                 text <- line
                                 return (x, text)

startOfMultiReply :: Parser (Int, String)
startOfMultiReply = do
                    x <- code
                    char '-'
                    text <- line
                    return (x, text)

multiReplyComponent :: Parser [String]
multiReplyComponent = (try (do
                            notMatching (do 
                                        ) "found unexpected code"
                            thisLine <- line
                            -- return $ unsafePerformIO (putStrLn ("MRC: got " ++ thisLine))
                            remainder <- multiReplyComponent
                            return (thisLine : remainder)
                      ) <|> return []

multiReply :: Parser FTPResult
multiReply = try (do
                  x <- singleReplyLine
                  return (fst x, [snd x])
             <|> (do
                  start <- startOfMultiReply
                  component <- multiReplyComponent
                  end <- expectedReplyLine (fst start)
                  return (fst start, snd start : (component ++ [snd end]))

-- The real code

-- | Parse a FTP reply.  Returns a (result code, text) pair.

parseReply :: String -> FTPResult
parseReply input =
    case parse multiReply "(unknown)" input of
         Left err -> error ("FTP: " ++ (show err))
         Right reply -> reply

-- | Parse a FTP reply.  Returns a (result code, text) pair.
-- If the result code indicates an error, raise an exception instead
-- of just passing it back.

parseGoodReply :: String -> IO FTPResult
parseGoodReply input =
    let reply = parseReply input
        if (fst reply) >= 400
        then fail ("FTP:" ++ (show (fst reply)) ++ ": " ++ (join "\n" (snd reply)))
        else return reply

-- | Parse a FTP reply.  Logs debug messages.
debugParseGoodReply :: String -> IO FTPResult
debugParseGoodReply contents =
    let logPlugin :: String -> String -> IO String
        logPlugin [] [] = return []
        logPlugin [] accum = do
                             logit accum 
                             return []
        logPlugin (x:xs) accum = 
            case x of
                   '\n' -> do logit (strip (accum))
                              next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ logPlugin xs []
                              return (x : next)
                   y -> do
                        next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ logPlugin xs (accum ++ [x])
                        return (x : next)
        loggedStr <- logPlugin contents []
        parseGoodReply loggedStr

{- | Converts a socket address to a string suitable for a PORT command.


> toPortString (SockAddrInet (PortNum 0x1234) (0xaabbccdd)) ->
>                              "170,187,204,221,18,52"
toPortString :: SockAddr -> IO String
toPortString (SockAddrInet port hostaddr) =
    let wport = (fromIntegral (port))::Word16
        in do
           hn <- inet_ntoa hostaddr
           return ((replace "." "," hn) ++ "," ++ 
                   (genericJoin "," . getBytes $ wport))
toPortString _ = 
    error "toPortString only works on AF_INET addresses"

-- | Converts a port string to a socket address.  This is the inverse calculation of 'toPortString'.
fromPortString :: String -> IO SockAddr
fromPortString instr =
    let inbytes = split "," instr
        hostname = join "." (take 4 inbytes)
        portbytes = map read (drop 4 inbytes)
        addr <- inet_addr hostname
        return $ SockAddrInet (fromInteger $ fromBytes portbytes) addr

respToSockAddrRe = mkRegex("([0-9]+,){5}[0-9]+")
-- | Converts a response code to a socket address
respToSockAddr :: FTPResult -> IO SockAddr
respToSockAddr f =
    forceioresp 200 f
    if (fst f) /= 227 then
       fail ("Not a 227 response: " ++ show f)
       else case matchRegexAll respToSockAddrRe (head (snd f)) of
                  Nothing -> fail ("Could not find remote endpoint in " ++ (show f))
                  Just (_, x, _, _) -> fromPortString x

parseDirName :: FTPResult -> Maybe String
parseDirName (257, name:_) =
    let procq [] = []
        procq ['"'] = []
        procq ('"' : '"' : xs) = '"' : procq xs
        procq (x:xs) = x : procq xs
        if head name /= '"'
           then Nothing
           else Just (procq (tail name))