%% %% FMP Low-Level MetaPost Code %% Copyright (C) 1998 Joachim Korittky %% %% This file is part of Functional MetaPost. %% %% Functional MetaPost is free software; you can redistribute it %% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License %% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of %% the License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% Functional MetaPost is distributed in the hope that it will be %% useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty %% of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with Functional MetaPost; if not, write to the %% Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, %% Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA %% vardef bitline(expr x, y, d)(text s) = save i,ha,hb,h; string line; line:=""; for i=0 upto length s div 2-1: ha:= hex(substring(i*2,i*2+1) of s); hb:= hex(substring(i*2+1,i*2+2) of s); h := ha*16+hb; line := line & char h; endfor; if d=24: draw (line infont "fmp24") shifted (x, y) scaled 1; else: if d=8: draw ((line&char 255) infont "fmp8") shifted (x, y) scaled 1; else: draw (line infont "fmp1") shifted (x, y) scaled 1; fi; fi; enddef; % --------------------------------- vardef shapeit@# = beginbox_("shapepath_","sizebox_",@#,""); generic_declare(string) _n.p; generic_declare(pair) _n.n, _n.ne, _n.e, _n.se, _n.s, _n.sw, _n.w, _n.nw, _n.c; enddef; def shapepath_(suffix $) = scantokens $.p enddef; % --------------------------------- vardef cloneit@#(suffix $) = _n_ := str @#; generic_declare(pair) _n.off, _n.c; generic_declare(string) pproc_._n, sproc_._n, _n.p; generic_declare(picture) pic_._n; pproc_@# := pproc_$; sproc_@# := sproc_$; pic_@# := nullpicture; @#p = $p; generic_declare(pair) _n.sw, _n.s, _n.se, _n.e, _n.ne, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w; generic_declare(numeric) _n.dx, _n.dy; @#c = $c; @#off = $off; @#n = $n; @#ne = $ne; @#e = $e; @#se = $se; @#s = $s; @#sw = $sw; @#w = $w; @#nw = $nw; @#c = $c; @#dx = $dx; @#dy = $dy; enddef; % --------------------------------- vardef trans(expr a,b,c,d,e,f) = save localtrans; transform localtrans; xpart localtrans = e; ypart localtrans = f; xxpart localtrans = a; xypart localtrans = b; yxpart localtrans = c; yypart localtrans = d; localtrans enddef; % --------------------------------- def graduate(expr a, b, border, n, alpha) = begingroup picture pict,pictt; numeric h; pict:=nullpicture; pictt:=nullpicture; addto pictt doublepath border rotated -alpha; h:=ypart (ulcorner pictt-llcorner pictt); for i=0 upto n: addto pict doublepath llcorner pictt + (0,i/n*h) -- lrcorner pictt + (0,i/n*h) withcolor i/n*a+(n-i)/n*b withpen pencircle scaled (h/n+1); endfor pict:=pict rotated alpha; clip pict to border; draw pict; endgroup enddef; def graduatePathNoCycle(expr a, b, p, pat, pen, n) = if picture pat: begingroup picture pict,pictt; path circ; numeric h; pict:=nullpicture; pictt:=nullpicture; for i=0 upto n-1: pictt:=nullpicture; if numeric pen: addto pictt doublepath p dashed pat; else: addto pictt doublepath p dashed pat withpen pen; fi circ := point i/n*length p of p .. point (i+1)/n*length p of p .. cycle; clip pictt to circ; addto pict also pictt withcolor (i/n)*b+(1-i/n)*a; endfor; draw pict; endgroup else: begingroup for i=0 upto (n-1): draw subpath (i/n*length p,(i+1)/n*length p) of p withcolor (i/n)*b+(1-i/n)*a withpen pen; endfor endgroup fi enddef; def graduatePath(expr a, b, p, pat, pen, n, alpha) = if cycle p: begingroup phi := alpha / 360; graduatePathNoCycle(a, b, subpath (phi*length p,(phi+0.5)*length p) of p, pat, pen, n/2); graduatePathNoCycle(b, a, subpath ((phi+0.5)*length p,(1+phi)*length p) of p, pat, pen, n/2); endgroup else: graduatePathNoCycle(a, b, p, pat, pen, n); fi enddef; def graduatePic(expr a, b, pic, n, alpha) = picture pict,pictt; path p; numeric h; pict:=nullpicture; pictt:=pic rotated -alpha; h:=ypart (ulcorner pictt-llcorner pictt); p:=llcorner pictt -- lrcorner pictt -- lrcorner pictt + (0,1/n*h) -- llcorner pictt + (0,1/n*h) -- cycle; for i=0 upto n: pictt:=pic rotated -alpha; clip pictt to p shifted (0,i/n*h); draw pictt rotated alpha withcolor i/n*a+(n-i)/n*b; endfor; enddef; vardef varrowheadFull (expr p,l,a) = save q,e; path q,r; pair e; e = point length p of p; q = gobble(p shifted -e cutafter makepath(pencircle scaled 2l)) cuttings; if a < 180: (q rotated .5a & reverse q rotated -.5a -- cycle) shifted e else: r = (q rotated .5a & reverse q rotated -.5a -- cycle); (r shifted -(point 2.5 of r) shifted e) fi enddef; vardef varrowhead (expr p,l,a) = save q,e; path q,r; pair e; e = point length p of p; q = gobble(p shifted -e cutafter makepath(pencircle scaled 2l)) cuttings; (q rotated .5a & reverse q rotated -.5a) shifted e enddef;