Name: funflow Version: 1.0.0 Synopsis: Workflows with arrows Description: An arrow with resumable computations and logging License: MIT License-file: LICENSE Author: Tom Nielsen, Nicholas Clarke, Andreas Herrmann Maintainer: build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 homepage: bug-reports: category: Control Tested-With: GHC == 7.8.4, GHC == 7.10.2, GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.0.1 extra-source-files: Library ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-type-defaults hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 Exposed-modules: Control.Arrow.Async , Control.Arrow.Free , Control.Funflow , Control.Funflow.Cache.TH , Control.Funflow.ContentHashable , Control.Funflow.ContentStore , Control.Funflow.Diagram , Control.Funflow.External , Control.Funflow.External.Docker , Control.Funflow.External.Executor , Control.Funflow.External.Coordinator , Control.Funflow.External.Coordinator.Memory , Control.Funflow.External.Coordinator.Redis , Control.Funflow.External.Coordinator.SQLite , Control.Funflow.Lock , Control.Funflow.Orphans , Control.Funflow.Steps , Control.Funflow.Pretty , Control.Funflow.Exec.Simple Other-modules: Control.Funflow.Base , Control.Funflow.Class , Control.Funflow.ContentStore.Notify Build-depends: base >= 4.6 && <5 , aeson >= , async , bytestring , clock , constraints , containers , contravariant , cryptonite , data-default , directory , exceptions , filepath , ghc-prim , hashable , hedis , hostname , integer-gmp , katip >= , lens , lifted-async , memory , monad-control , mtl , path > 0.6.0 , path-io , pretty , process , random , safe-exceptions , scientific , sqlite-simple , stm , store , template-haskell >= 2.11 , text , time , transformers , unix , unordered-containers , vector , yaml if os(linux) CPP-options: -DOS_Linux Other-modules: Control.Funflow.ContentStore.Notify.Linux Build-depends: hinotify else if os(darwin) || os(freebsd) CPP-options: -DOS_BSD Other-modules: Control.Funflow.ContentStore.Notify.BSD Build-depends: kqueue Executable ffexecutord default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: app/FFExecutorD.hs build-depends: base >=4.6 && <5 , bytestring , clock , funflow , hedis , path , text , unix , safe-exceptions , optparse-applicative Test-suite test-funflow type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: TestFunflow.hs ghc-options: -Wall -threaded build-depends: base >=4.6 && <5 , funflow , filepath , hedis , path , path-io , text , safe-exceptions , unix Test-suite unit-tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test.hs other-modules: Funflow.ContentStore Funflow.SQLiteCoordinator Funflow.TestFlows Control.Arrow.Async.Tests ghc-options: -Wall -threaded build-depends: base , async , containers , data-default >= 0.7 , directory , filepath , funflow , path , path-io , process , random , safe-exceptions , tasty , tasty-hunit , temporary , unix