{-# LANGUAGE PolymorphicComponents

    This file is part of funsat.

    funsat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    funsat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with funsat.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    Copyright 2008 Denis Bueno


The main SAT solver monad.  Embeds `ST'.  See type `SSTErrMonad', which stands
for ''State ST Error Monad''.

module Funsat.Monad
    ( liftST
    , runSSTErrMonad
    , evalSSTErrMonad
    , SSTErrMonad )
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.MonadST

instance MonadST s (SSTErrMonad e st s) where
    liftST = dpllST

-- | Perform an @ST@ action in the DPLL monad.
dpllST :: ST s a -> SSTErrMonad e st s a
{-# INLINE dpllST #-}
dpllST st = SSTErrMonad (\k s -> st >>= \x -> k x s)

-- | @runSSTErrMonad m s@ executes a `SSTErrMonad' action with initial state @s@
-- until an error occurs or a result is returned.
runSSTErrMonad :: (Error e) => SSTErrMonad e st s a -> (st -> ST s (Either e a, st))
runSSTErrMonad m = unSSTErrMonad m (\x s -> return (return x, s))

evalSSTErrMonad :: (Error e) => SSTErrMonad e st s a -> st -> ST s (Either e a)
evalSSTErrMonad m s = do (result, _) <- runSSTErrMonad m s
                         return result

-- | @SSTErrMonad e st s a@: the error type @e@, state type @st@, @ST@ thread
-- @s@ and result type @a@.
-- This is a monad embedding @ST@ and supporting error handling and state
-- threading.  It uses CPS to avoid checking `Left' and `Right' for every
-- `>>='; instead only checks on `catchError'. Idea adapted from
-- <http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Performance/Monads>.
newtype SSTErrMonad e st s a =
    SSTErrMonad { unSSTErrMonad :: forall r. (a -> (st -> ST s (Either e r, st)))
                                -> (st -> ST s (Either e r, st)) }

instance Monad (SSTErrMonad e st s) where
    return x = SSTErrMonad ($ x)
    (>>=)    = bindSSTErrMonad

bindSSTErrMonad :: SSTErrMonad e st s a -> (a -> SSTErrMonad e st s b)
                -> SSTErrMonad e st s b
{-# INLINE bindSSTErrMonad #-}
bindSSTErrMonad m f =
    {-# SCC "bindSSTErrMonad" #-}
    SSTErrMonad (\k -> unSSTErrMonad m (\a -> unSSTErrMonad (f a) k))

instance MonadState st (SSTErrMonad e st s) where
    get    = SSTErrMonad (\k s -> k s s)
    put s' = SSTErrMonad (\k _ -> k () s')

instance (Error e) => MonadError e (SSTErrMonad e st s) where
    throwError err =            -- throw away continuation
        SSTErrMonad (\_ s -> return (Left err, s))
    catchError action handler = {-# SCC "catchErrorSSTErrMonad" #-} SSTErrMonad
        (\k s -> do (x, s') <- runSSTErrMonad action s
                    case x of
                      Left error -> unSSTErrMonad (handler error) k s'
                      Right result -> k result s')

instance (Error e) => MonadPlus (SSTErrMonad e st s) where
    mzero     = SSTErrMonad (\_ s -> return (Left noMsg, s))
    mplus m n = SSTErrMonad (\k s ->
                                 do (r, s') <- runSSTErrMonad m s
                                    case r of
                                      Left _ -> unSSTErrMonad n k s'
                                      Right x -> k x s')