{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} module Control.Effect.Cut ( -- * Cut effect Cut(..) , cutfail , call , cut -- * Cut carrier , runCut , runCutAll , CutC(..) -- * Re-exports , Carrier , Member , run ) where import Control.Effect.Carrier import Control.Effect.NonDet import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..)) import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- | 'Cut' effects are used with 'NonDet' to provide control over backtracking. data Cut m k = Cutfail | forall a . Call (m a) (a -> m k) deriving instance Functor m => Functor (Cut m) instance HFunctor Cut where hmap _ Cutfail = Cutfail hmap f (Call m k) = Call (f m) (f . k) {-# INLINE hmap #-} instance Effect Cut where handle _ _ Cutfail = Cutfail handle state handler (Call m k) = Call (handler (m <$ state)) (handler . fmap k) {-# INLINE handle #-} -- | Fail the current branch, and prevent backtracking within the nearest enclosing 'call' (if any). -- -- Contrast with 'empty', which fails the current branch but allows backtracking. -- -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (cutfail <|> pure a))) === [] -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (pure a <|> cutfail))) === [a] cutfail :: (Carrier sig m, Member Cut sig) => m a cutfail = send Cutfail {-# INLINE cutfail #-} -- | Delimit the effect of 'cutfail's, allowing backtracking to resume. -- -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (call (cutfail <|> pure a) <|> pure b))) === [b] call :: (Carrier sig m, Member Cut sig) => m a -> m a call m = send (Call m pure) {-# INLINE call #-} -- | Commit to the current branch, preventing backtracking within the nearest enclosing 'call' (if any) on failure. -- -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (pure a <|> cut *> pure b))) === [a, b] -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (cut *> pure a <|> pure b))) === [a] -- prop> run (runNonDet (runCut (cut *> empty <|> pure a))) === [] cut :: (Alternative m, Carrier sig m, Member Cut sig) => m () cut = pure () <|> cutfail {-# INLINE cut #-} -- | Run a 'Cut' effect within an underlying 'Alternative' instance (typically another 'Carrier' for a 'NonDet' effect). -- -- prop> run (runNonDetOnce (runCut (pure a))) === Just a runCut :: Alternative m => CutC m a -> m a runCut m = runCutC m ((<|>) . pure) empty empty -- | Run a 'Cut' effect, returning all its results in an 'Alternative' collection. runCutAll :: (Alternative f, Applicative m) => CutC m a -> m (f a) runCutAll (CutC m) = m (fmap . (<|>) . pure) (pure empty) (pure empty) newtype CutC m a = CutC { -- | A higher-order function receiving three parameters: a function to combine each solution with the rest of the solutions, an action to run when no results are produced (e.g. on 'empty'), and an action to run when no results are produced and backtrcking should not be attempted (e.g. on 'cutfail'). runCutC :: forall b . (a -> m b -> m b) -> m b -> m b -> m b } deriving (Functor) instance Applicative (CutC m) where pure a = CutC (\ cons nil _ -> cons a nil) {-# INLINE pure #-} CutC f <*> CutC a = CutC $ \ cons nil fail -> f (\ f' fs -> a (cons . f') fs fail) nil fail {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} instance Alternative (CutC m) where empty = CutC (\ _ nil _ -> nil) {-# INLINE empty #-} CutC l <|> CutC r = CutC (\ cons nil fail -> l cons (r cons nil fail) fail) {-# INLINE (<|>) #-} instance Monad (CutC m) where CutC a >>= f = CutC $ \ cons nil fail -> a (\ a' as -> runCutC (f a') cons as fail) nil fail {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} instance Fail.MonadFail m => Fail.MonadFail (CutC m) where fail s = CutC (\ _ _ _ -> Fail.fail s) {-# INLINE fail #-} instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (CutC m) where mfix f = CutC (\ cons nil _ -> mfix (\ a -> runCutC (f (head a)) (fmap . (:)) (pure []) (pure [])) >>= foldr cons nil) {-# INLINE mfix #-} instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (CutC m) where liftIO io = CutC (\ cons nil _ -> liftIO io >>= flip cons nil) {-# INLINE liftIO #-} instance MonadPlus (CutC m) instance MonadTrans CutC where lift m = CutC (\ cons nil _ -> m >>= flip cons nil) {-# INLINE lift #-} instance (Carrier sig m, Effect sig) => Carrier (Cut :+: NonDet :+: sig) (CutC m) where eff (L Cutfail) = CutC $ \ _ _ fail -> fail eff (L (Call m k)) = CutC $ \ cons nil fail -> runCutC m (\ a as -> runCutC (k a) cons as fail) nil nil eff (R (L Empty)) = empty eff (R (L (Choose k))) = k True <|> k False eff (R (R other)) = CutC $ \ cons nil _ -> eff (handle [()] (fmap concat . traverse runCutAll) other) >>= foldr cons nil {-# INLINE eff #-} -- $setup -- >>> :seti -XFlexibleContexts -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck -- >>> import Control.Effect.Cull -- >>> import Control.Effect.Pure