{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Perform a restricted form of block+register tiling corresponding to -- the following pattern: -- * a redomap is quasi-perfectly nested inside a kernel with at -- least two parallel dimension (the perfectly nested restriction -- is relaxed a bit to allow for SGEMM); -- * all streamed arrays of redomap are one dimensional; -- * all streamed arrays are variant to exacly one of the two -- innermost parallel dimensions, and conversely for each of -- the two innermost parallel dimensions, there is at least -- one streamed array variant to it; -- * the stream's result is a tuple of scalar values, which are -- also the "thread-in-space" return of the kernel. -- * We have further restrictions that in principle can be relaxed: -- the redomap has exactly two array input -- the redomap produces one scalar result -- the kernel produces one scalar result module Futhark.Optimise.BlkRegTiling (mmBlkRegTiling, doRegTiling3D) where import Control.Monad import Data.List qualified as L import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Futhark.IR.GPU import Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD qualified as LMAD import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Optimise.TileLoops.Shared import Futhark.Tools import Futhark.Transform.Rename import Futhark.Transform.Substitute se0 :: SubExp se0 = intConst Int64 0 se1 :: SubExp se1 = intConst Int64 1 se2 :: SubExp se2 = intConst Int64 2 se4 :: SubExp se4 = intConst Int64 4 se8 :: SubExp se8 = intConst Int64 8 scratch :: (MonadBuilder m) => String -> PrimType -> [SubExp] -> m VName scratch se_name t shape = letExp se_name $ BasicOp $ Scratch t shape -- | Main helper function for Register-and-Block Tiling kkLoopBody :: Env -> ( (SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp), SegLevel, [Int], (VName, SubExp, VName, SubExp, SubExp), (VName, VName), (Stm GPU, VName, PrimType, Stm GPU, VName, PrimType), (Lambda GPU, Lambda GPU) ) -> VName -> (VName, VName, VName) -> Bool -> Builder GPU [VName] kkLoopBody env ( (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, _tk_div_ty, tx_rx), segthd_lvl, var_dims, (gtid_x, width_B, gtid_y, height_A, common_dim), (iii, jjj), (load_A, inp_A, pt_A, load_B, inp_B, pt_B), (map_lam, red_lam) ) kk0 (thd_res_merge, a_loc_init', b_loc_init') epilogue = do let (map_t1, map_t2) = (pt_A, pt_B) kk <- letExp "kk" =<< toExp (le64 kk0 * pe64 tk) -- copy A to local memory (a_loc, aCopyLoc2Reg) <- copyGlb2ShMem kk (gtid_y, iii, map_t1, height_A, inp_A, load_A, a_loc_init') -- copy B from global to shared memory (b_loc, bCopyLoc2Reg) <- copyGlb2ShMem kk (gtid_x, jjj, map_t2, width_B, inp_B, load_B, b_loc_init') -- inner loop updating this thread's accumulator (loop k in mmm_kernels). thd_acc <- forLoop tk [thd_res_merge] $ \k [acc_merge] -> resultBodyM =<< letTupExp' "foo" =<< eIf ( toExp $ if epilogue then le64 kk + le64 k .<. pe64 common_dim else true -- if in prologue, always compute redomap. ) ( do reg_mem <- segMap2D "reg_mem" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \(ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do -- copy A from local memory to registers asss <- aCopyLoc2Reg k ltid_y -- copy B from local memory to registers bsss <- bCopyLoc2Reg k ltid_x pure $ varsRes [asss, bsss] let [asss, bsss] = reg_mem mkRedomapOneTileBody acc_merge asss bsss True ) (resultBodyM [Var acc_merge]) pure [thd_acc, a_loc, b_loc] where mk_ik is_coal (thd_y, thd_x) (i0, k0) | is_coal = do -- not-transposed case (i.e., already coalesced) let (t_par, t_seq) = (tx, tk) k <- letExp "k" =<< toExp (le64 thd_x + le64 k0 * pe64 t_par) i <- letExp "i" =<< toExp (le64 thd_y + le64 i0 * pe64 t_par) -- we have padded to minimize bank conflicts, -- hence the length of inner dim is (t_seq + 1) let e = le64 k + le64 i * (pe64 t_seq + pe64 se1) pure (i, k, e) mk_ik _ (thd_y, thd_x) (i0, k0) = do -- matrix is transposed case (i.e., uncoalesced): let (t_par, tr_par) = (tx, tx_rx) k <- letExp "k" =<< toExp (le64 thd_y + le64 k0 * pe64 t_par) i <- letExp "i" =<< toExp (le64 thd_x + le64 i0 * pe64 t_par) -- we have padded to minimize bank conflicts, -- hence the length of inner dim is (tr_par + 1) let e = le64 i + le64 k * (pe64 tr_par + pe64 se1) pure (i, k, e) isInnerCoal :: Env -> VName -> Stm GPU -> Bool isInnerCoal (_, ixfn_env) slc_X (Let pat _ (BasicOp (Index x _))) | [slc_X'] <- patNames pat, slc_X == slc_X', Nothing <- M.lookup x ixfn_env = True -- if not in the table, we assume not-transposed! isInnerCoal (_, ixfn_env) slc_X (Let pat _ (BasicOp (Index x _))) | [slc_X'] <- patNames pat, slc_X == slc_X', Just lmad <- M.lookup x ixfn_env = innerHasStride1 lmad isInnerCoal _ _ _ = error "kkLoopBody.isInnerCoal: not an error, but I would like to know why!" innerHasStride1 lmad = let lmad_dims = LMAD.dims lmad stride = LMAD.ldStride $ last lmad_dims in stride == pe64 (intConst Int64 1) -- mkRedomapOneTileBody acc_merge asss bsss fits_ij = do -- the actual redomap. redomap_res <- segMap2D "redomap_res" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \(ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do as <- index "as" asss [ltid_y, ltid_x] bs <- index "bs" bsss [ltid_y, ltid_x] css_init <- index "css_init" acc_merge [ltid_y, ltid_x] css <- forLoop ry [css_init] $ \i [css_merge] -> do css <- forLoop rx [css_merge] $ \j [css_merge'] -> resultBodyM =<< letTupExp' "foo" =<< eIf ( toExp $ if fits_ij then true else -- this condition is never needed because -- if i and j are out of range than css[i,j] -- is garbage anyways and should not be written. -- so fits_ij should be always true!!! le64 iii + le64 i + pe64 ry * le64 ltid_y .<. pe64 height_A .&&. le64 jjj + le64 j + pe64 rx * le64 ltid_x .<. pe64 width_B ) ( do a <- index "a" as [i] b <- index "b" bs [j] c <- index "c" css_merge' [i, j] map_lam' <- renameLambda map_lam red_lam' <- renameLambda red_lam -- the inputs to map are supposed to be permutted with the -- inverted permutation, so as to reach the original position; -- it just so happens that the inverse of [a,b] is [b,a] let map_inp_reg = if var_dims == [0, 1] then [a, b] else [b, a] map_res <- eLambda map_lam' (map (eSubExp . Var) map_inp_reg) ~[red_res] <- eLambda red_lam' (map eSubExp $ Var c : map resSubExp map_res) css <- update "css" css_merge' [i, j] (resSubExp red_res) resultBodyM [Var css] ) (resultBodyM [Var css_merge']) resultBodyM [Var css] pure [varRes css] resultBodyM $ map Var redomap_res -- copyGlb2ShMem :: VName -> (VName, VName, PrimType, SubExp, VName, Stm GPU, VName) -> Builder GPU (VName, VName -> VName -> Builder GPU VName) copyGlb2ShMem kk (gtid, ii, ptp_X_el, parlen_X, inp_X, load_X, x_loc_init') = do let (t_par, r_par, tseq_div_tpar) = (tx, rx, tk_div_tx) is_inner_coal = isInnerCoal env inp_X load_X str_A = baseString inp_X x_loc <- segScatter2D (str_A ++ "_glb2loc") x_loc_init' [r_par, tseq_div_tpar] (t_par, t_par) $ scatterFun is_inner_coal pure (x_loc, copyLoc2Reg is_inner_coal str_A x_loc) where copyLoc2Reg :: Bool -> String -> VName -> VName -> VName -> Builder GPU VName copyLoc2Reg is_inner_coal str_A x_loc k ltid_yx = do let (r_par, t_seq, tr_par) = (rx, tk, tx_rx) xsss_init <- scratch (str_A ++ "_init_regs") ptp_X_el [r_par] forLoop r_par [xsss_init] $ \ij [xsss_merge] -> do x_loc_ind <- letExp (str_A ++ "_loc_ind") =<< toExp ( if is_inner_coal then le64 k + (le64 ltid_yx * pe64 r_par + le64 ij) * (pe64 t_seq + pe64 se1) else le64 ij + le64 ltid_yx * pe64 r_par + le64 k * (pe64 tr_par + pe64 se1) ) xsss <- update (str_A ++ "_regs") xsss_merge [ij] . Var =<< index (str_A ++ "_loc_elem") x_loc [x_loc_ind] resultBodyM [Var xsss] -- scatterFun :: Bool -> [VName] -> (VName, VName) -> Builder GPU (SubExp, SubExp) scatterFun is_inner_coal [i0, k0] (thd_y, thd_x) = do let str_A = baseString inp_X t_seq = tk (i, k, epx_loc_fi) <- mk_ik is_inner_coal (thd_y, thd_x) (i0, k0) letBindNames [gtid] =<< toExp (le64 ii + le64 i) a_seqdim_idx <- letExp (str_A ++ "_seqdim_idx") =<< toExp (le64 kk + le64 k) a_elem <- letSubExp (str_A ++ "_elem") =<< eIf ( toExp $ le64 gtid .<. pe64 parlen_X .&&. if epilogue then le64 a_seqdim_idx .<. pe64 common_dim else true ) ( do addStm load_X res <- index "A_elem" inp_X [a_seqdim_idx] resultBodyM [Var res] ) (eBody [eBlank $ Prim ptp_X_el]) a_loc_ind <- letSubExp (str_A ++ "_loc_ind") =<< eIf (toExp $ le64 k .<. pe64 t_seq) (eBody [toExp epx_loc_fi]) (eBody [eSubExp $ intConst Int64 (-1)]) pure (a_elem, a_loc_ind) scatterFun _ _ _ = do error "Function scatterFun in Shared.hs: 2nd arg should be an array with 2 elements!" -- ToDo: we need tx == ty (named t_par), and rx == ry (named r_par) -- in order to handle all the cases without transpositions. -- additionally, of course, we need that tk is a multiple of t_par. mmBlkRegTiling :: Env -> Stm GPU -> TileM (Maybe (Stms GPU, Stm GPU)) mmBlkRegTiling env stm = do res <- mmBlkRegTilingAcc env stm case res of Nothing -> mmBlkRegTilingNrm env stm _ -> pure res mmBlkRegTilingAcc :: Env -> Stm GPU -> TileM (Maybe (Stms GPU, Stm GPU)) mmBlkRegTilingAcc env (Let pat aux (Op (SegOp (SegMap SegThread {} seg_space ts old_kbody)))) | KernelBody () kstms [Returns ResultMaySimplify cs (Var res_nm)] <- old_kbody, cs == mempty, -- check kernel has one result of primitive type [res_tp] <- ts, isAcc res_tp, -- we get the global-thread id for the two inner dimensions, -- as we are probably going to use it in code generation (gtid_x, width_B) : (gtid_y, height_A) : rem_outer_dims_rev <- reverse $ unSegSpace seg_space, rem_outer_dims <- reverse rem_outer_dims_rev, Just ( code2', (load_A, inp_A, map_t1, load_B, inp_B, map_t2), common_dim, var_dims, (map_lam, red_lam, red_ne, redomap_orig_res, red_t) ) <- matchesBlkRegTile seg_space kstms, checkAccumulatesRedomapRes res_nm code2' redomap_orig_res = do -- Here we start the implementation -- ---- in this binder: host code and outer seggroup (ie. the new kernel) ---- (new_kernel, host_stms) <- runBuilder $ do -- host code (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, tk_div_ty, tx_rx, ty_ry, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) <- mkTileMemSizes height_A width_B common_dim rk <- letSubExp "rk" $ BasicOp $ SubExp $ intConst Int64 8 -- 16 and 8 seem good values tk_rk <- letSubExp "tk_rk" =<< toExp (pe64 tk * pe64 rk) gridDim_t <- letSubExp "gridDim_t" =<< ceilDiv common_dim tk_rk gridDim_y <- letSubExp "gridDim_y" =<< ceilDiv height_A ty_ry gridDim_x <- letSubExp "gridDim_x" =<< ceilDiv width_B tx_rx let gridxyt_pexp = pe64 gridDim_y * pe64 gridDim_x * pe64 gridDim_t grid_pexp = foldl (\x d -> pe64 d * x) gridxyt_pexp $ map snd rem_outer_dims_rev (grid_size, tblock_size, segthd_lvl) <- mkNewSegthdLvl tx ty grid_pexp (gid_x, gid_y, gid_flat) <- mkGidsXYF gid_t <- newVName "gid_t" ---- in this binder: outer seggroup ---- (ret_seggroup, stms_seggroup) <- runBuilder $ do iii <- letExp "iii" =<< toExp (le64 gid_y * pe64 ty_ry) jjj <- letExp "jjj" =<< toExp (le64 gid_x * pe64 tx_rx) ttt <- letExp "ttt" =<< toExp (le64 gid_t * pe64 tk_rk) -- initialize register mem with neutral elements and create shmem (cssss, a_loc_init, b_loc_init) <- initRegShmem (rx, tx, ry, ty, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) (map_t1, map_t2, red_t) segthd_lvl red_ne -- build prologue. elems_on_t <- letSubExp "elems_on_t" =<< toExp (pe64 common_dim - le64 ttt) tiles_on_t <- letSubExp "tiles_on_t" $ BasicOp $ BinOp (SQuot Int64 Unsafe) elems_on_t tk full_tiles <- letExp "full_tiles" $ BasicOp $ BinOp (SMin Int64) rk tiles_on_t let ct_arg = ( (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, tk_div_ty, tx_rx), segthd_lvl, var_dims, (gtid_x, width_B, gtid_y, height_A, common_dim), (iii, jjj), (load_A, inp_A, map_t1, load_B, inp_B, map_t2), (map_lam, red_lam) ) prologue_res_list <- forLoop' (Var full_tiles) [cssss, a_loc_init, b_loc_init] $ \kk0 [thd_res_merge, a_loc_merge, b_loc_merge] -> do off_t <- letExp "off_t" =<< toExp (pe64 rk * le64 gid_t + le64 kk0) process_full_tiles <- kkLoopBody env ct_arg off_t (thd_res_merge, a_loc_merge, b_loc_merge) False resultBodyM $ map Var process_full_tiles let prologue_res : a_loc_reuse : b_loc_reuse : _ = prologue_res_list redomap_res_lst <- letTupExp "redomap_res_if" =<< eIf ( toExp $ le64 full_tiles .==. pe64 rk .||. pe64 common_dim .==. (pe64 tk * le64 full_tiles + le64 ttt) ) (resultBodyM $ map Var prologue_res_list) ( do off_t <- letExp "off_t" =<< toExp (pe64 rk * le64 gid_t + le64 full_tiles) process_sprs_tile <- kkLoopBody env ct_arg off_t (prologue_res, a_loc_reuse, b_loc_reuse) True resultBodyM $ map Var process_sprs_tile ) let redomap_res : _ = redomap_res_lst -- support for non-empty code2' -- segmap (ltid_y < ty, ltid_x < tx) { -- for i < ry do -- for j < rx do -- res = if (iii+ltid_y*ry+i < height_A && jjj+ltid_x*rx+j < width_B) -- then code2' else dummy -- final_res[i,j] = res mkEpilogueAccRes segthd_lvl (redomap_orig_res, redomap_res) (res_nm, res_tp) (ty, tx, ry, rx) (iii, jjj) (gtid_y, gtid_x) (height_A, width_B, rem_outer_dims) code2' let grid = KernelGrid (Count grid_size) (Count tblock_size) level' = SegBlock SegNoVirt (Just grid) space' = SegSpace gid_flat (rem_outer_dims ++ [(gid_t, gridDim_t), (gid_y, gridDim_y), (gid_x, gridDim_x)]) kbody' = KernelBody () stms_seggroup ret_seggroup pure $ Let pat aux $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap level' space' ts kbody' pure $ Just (host_stms, new_kernel) where sameAccType acc_sglton (Acc sglton _ _ _) = acc_sglton == sglton sameAccType _ _ = False getAccumFV (Acc singleton _shp [_eltp] _) = do let fvs = namesToList $ freeIn old_kbody -- code tps <- localScope (scopeOfSegSpace seg_space) $ do mapM lookupType fvs let (acc_0s, _) = unzip $ filter (sameAccType singleton . snd) $ zip fvs tps case acc_0s of [acc_0] -> pure acc_0 _ -> error "Impossible case reached when treating accumulators!" getAccumFV tp = error ("Should be an accumulator type at this point, given: " ++ prettyString tp) -- -- checks that the redomap result is used directly as the accumulated value, -- in which case it is safe to parallelize the innermost dimension (of tile tk) checkAccumulatesRedomapRes res_nm acc_code redomap_orig_res = do foldl getAccumStm False $ reverse $ stmsToList acc_code where getAccumStm True _ = True getAccumStm False (Let (Pat [pat_el]) _aux (BasicOp (UpdateAcc _acc_nm _ind vals))) | [v] <- vals, patElemName pat_el == res_nm = v == Var redomap_orig_res getAccumStm False _ = False -- -- epilogue for accumulator result type mkEpilogueAccRes segthd_lvl (redomap_orig_res, redomap_res) (res_nm, res_tp) (ty, tx, ry, rx) (iii, jjj) (gtid_y, gtid_x) (height_A, width_B, _rem_outer_dims) code2' = do rss_init <- getAccumFV res_tp rssss_list <- segMap2D "rssss" segthd_lvl ResultMaySimplify (ty, tx) $ \(ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do (css, ii, jj) <- getThdRedomapRes (rx, ry) (ltid_x, ltid_y) (iii, jjj, redomap_res) rss <- forLoop ry [rss_init] $ \i [rss_merge] -> do rss' <- forLoop rx [rss_merge] $ \j [rss_merge'] -> do prereqAddCode2 (gtid_x, gtid_y) (ii, i, jj, j) (css, redomap_orig_res) let code2_subs = substituteNames (M.singleton rss_init rss_merge') code2' res_el <- letSubExp "res_elem" =<< eIf ( toExp $ le64 gtid_y .<. pe64 height_A .&&. le64 gtid_x .<. pe64 width_B ) ( do addStms code2_subs resultBodyM [Var res_nm] ) (resultBodyM [Var rss_merge']) resultBodyM [res_el] resultBodyM [Var rss'] pure [varRes rss] let epilogue_res_acc : _ = rssss_list pure [Returns ResultMaySimplify (Certs []) $ Var epilogue_res_acc] mmBlkRegTilingAcc _ _ = pure Nothing -------------------------- -------------------------- mmBlkRegTilingNrm :: Env -> Stm GPU -> TileM (Maybe (Stms GPU, Stm GPU)) mmBlkRegTilingNrm env (Let pat aux (Op (SegOp (SegMap SegThread {} seg_space ts old_kbody)))) | KernelBody () kstms [Returns ResultMaySimplify cs (Var res_nm)] <- old_kbody, cs == mempty, -- check kernel has one result of primitive type [res_tp] <- ts, primType res_tp, -- we get the global-thread id for the two inner dimensions, -- as we are probably going to use it in code generation (gtid_x, width_B) : (gtid_y, height_A) : rem_outer_dims_rev <- reverse $ unSegSpace seg_space, rem_outer_dims <- reverse rem_outer_dims_rev, Just ( code2', (load_A, inp_A, map_t1, load_B, inp_B, map_t2), common_dim, var_dims, (map_lam, red_lam, red_ne, redomap_orig_res, red_t) ) <- matchesBlkRegTile seg_space kstms = do -- Here we start the implementation ---- in this binder: host code and outer seggroup (ie. the new kernel) ---- (new_kernel, host_stms) <- runBuilder $ do -- host code (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, tk_div_ty, tx_rx, ty_ry, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) <- mkTileMemSizes height_A width_B common_dim gridDim_x <- letSubExp "gridDim_x" =<< ceilDiv width_B tx_rx gridDim_y <- letSubExp "gridDim_y" =<< ceilDiv height_A ty_ry let gridxy_pexp = pe64 gridDim_y * pe64 gridDim_x let grid_pexp = foldl (\x d -> pe64 d * x) gridxy_pexp $ map snd rem_outer_dims_rev (grid_size, tblock_size, segthd_lvl) <- mkNewSegthdLvl tx ty grid_pexp (gid_x, gid_y, gid_flat) <- mkGidsXYF ---- in this binder: outer seggroup ---- (ret_seggroup, stms_seggroup) <- runBuilder $ do iii <- letExp "iii" =<< toExp (le64 gid_y * pe64 ty_ry) jjj <- letExp "jjj" =<< toExp (le64 gid_x * pe64 tx_rx) -- initialize register mem with neutral elements and create shmem (cssss, a_loc_init, b_loc_init) <- initRegShmem (rx, tx, ry, ty, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) (map_t1, map_t2, red_t) segthd_lvl red_ne -- build prologue. full_tiles <- letExp "full_tiles" $ BasicOp $ BinOp (SQuot Int64 Unsafe) common_dim tk let ct_arg = ( (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, tk_div_ty, tx_rx), segthd_lvl, var_dims, (gtid_x, width_B, gtid_y, height_A, common_dim), (iii, jjj), (load_A, inp_A, map_t1, load_B, inp_B, map_t2), (map_lam, red_lam) ) prologue_res_list <- forLoop' (Var full_tiles) [cssss, a_loc_init, b_loc_init] $ \kk0 [thd_res_merge, a_loc_merge, b_loc_merge] -> do process_full_tiles <- kkLoopBody env ct_arg kk0 (thd_res_merge, a_loc_merge, b_loc_merge) False resultBodyM $ map Var process_full_tiles let prologue_res : a_loc_reuse : b_loc_reuse : _ = prologue_res_list -- build epilogue. epilogue_res_list <- kkLoopBody env ct_arg full_tiles (prologue_res, a_loc_reuse, b_loc_reuse) True let redomap_res : _ = epilogue_res_list -- support for non-empty code2' -- segmap (ltid_y < ty, ltid_x < tx) { -- for i < ry do -- for j < rx do -- res = if (iii+ltid_y*ry+i < height_A && jjj+ltid_x*rx+j < width_B) -- then code2' else dummy -- final_res[i,j] = res mkEpiloguePrimRes segthd_lvl (redomap_orig_res, redomap_res) (res_nm, res_tp) (ty, tx, ry, rx) (iii, jjj) (gtid_y, gtid_x) (height_A, width_B, rem_outer_dims) code2' let grid = KernelGrid (Count grid_size) (Count tblock_size) level' = SegBlock SegNoVirt (Just grid) space' = SegSpace gid_flat (rem_outer_dims ++ [(gid_y, gridDim_y), (gid_x, gridDim_x)]) kbody' = KernelBody () stms_seggroup ret_seggroup pure $ Let pat aux $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap level' space' ts kbody' pure $ Just (host_stms, new_kernel) where mkEpiloguePrimRes segthd_lvl (redomap_orig_res, redomap_res) (res_nm, res_tp) (ty, tx, ry, rx) (iii, jjj) (gtid_y, gtid_x) (height_A, width_B, rem_outer_dims) code2' = do epilogue_res <- if redomap_orig_res == res_nm then pure redomap_res -- epilogue_res_list else do rssss_list <- segMap2D "rssss" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \(ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do rss_init <- scratch "rss_init" (elemType res_tp) [ry, rx] (css, ii, jj) <- getThdRedomapRes (rx, ry) (ltid_x, ltid_y) (iii, jjj, redomap_res) rss <- forLoop ry [rss_init] $ \i [rss_merge] -> do rss' <- forLoop rx [rss_merge] $ \j [rss_merge'] -> do prereqAddCode2 (gtid_x, gtid_y) (ii, i, jj, j) (css, redomap_orig_res) res_el <- letSubExp "res_elem" =<< eIf ( toExp $ le64 gtid_y .<. pe64 height_A .&&. le64 gtid_x .<. pe64 width_B ) ( do addStms code2' resultBodyM [Var res_nm] ) (eBody [eBlank res_tp]) rss'' <- update "rss" rss_merge' [i, j] res_el resultBodyM [Var rss''] resultBodyM [Var rss'] pure [varRes rss] let rssss : _ = rssss_list pure rssss let regtile_ret_dims = map (\(_, sz) -> (sz, se1, se1)) rem_outer_dims ++ [(height_A, ty, ry), (width_B, tx, rx)] -- Add dummy dimensions to tile to reflect the outer dimensions. epilogue_res' <- if null rem_outer_dims then pure epilogue_res else do epilogue_t <- lookupType epilogue_res let (block_dims, rest_dims) = splitAt 2 $ arrayDims epilogue_t ones = map (const $ intConst Int64 1) rem_outer_dims new_shape = Shape $ concat [ones, block_dims, ones, rest_dims] letExp "res_reshaped" . BasicOp $ Reshape ReshapeArbitrary new_shape epilogue_res pure [RegTileReturns mempty regtile_ret_dims epilogue_res'] mmBlkRegTilingNrm _ _ = pure Nothing -- pattern match the properties of the code that we look to -- tile: a redomap whose two input arrays are each invariant -- to one of the last two (innermost) parallel dimensions. matchesBlkRegTile :: SegSpace -> Stms GPU -> Maybe ( Stms GPU, (Stm GPU, VName, PrimType, Stm GPU, VName, PrimType), SubExp, [Int], (Lambda GPU, Lambda GPU, SubExp, VName, PrimType) ) matchesBlkRegTile seg_space kstms | -- build the variance table, that records, for -- each variable name, the variables it depends on initial_variance <- M.map mempty $ scopeOfSegSpace seg_space, variance <- varianceInStms initial_variance kstms, -- check that the code fits the pattern having: -- some `code1`, followed by one Screma SOAC, followed by some `code2` (code1, Just screma_stmt, code2) <- matchCodeStreamCode kstms, Let pat_redomap _ (Op _) <- screma_stmt, -- checks that the Screma SOAC is actually a redomap and normalizes it Just (common_dim, arrs, (_, red_lam, red_nes, map_lam)) <- isTileableRedomap screma_stmt, -- check that exactly two 1D arrays are streamed thorugh redomap, -- and the result of redomap is one scalar -- !!!I need to rearrange this whole thing!!! including inp_A and inp_B length arrs == 2, [red_ne] <- red_nes, [map_t1t, map_t2t] <- map paramDec $ lambdaParams map_lam, [red_t1, _] <- map paramDec $ lambdaParams red_lam, primType map_t1t && primType map_t2t && primType red_t1, map_t1_0 <- elemType map_t1t, map_t2_0 <- elemType map_t2t, -- checks that the input arrays to redomap are variant to -- exactly one of the two innermost dimensions of the kernel Just var_dims <- isInvarTo1of2InnerDims mempty seg_space variance arrs, -- get the variables on which the first result of redomap depends on [redomap_orig_res] <- patNames pat_redomap, Just res_red_var <- M.lookup redomap_orig_res variance, -- variance of the reduce result -- we furthermore check that code1 is only formed by -- 1. statements that slice some globally-declared arrays -- to produce the input for the redomap, and -- 2. potentially some statements on which the redomap -- is independent; these are recorded in `code2''` Just (code2'', tab_inv_stm) <- foldl (processIndirections (namesFromList arrs) res_red_var) (Just (Seq.empty, M.empty)) code1, -- identify load_A, load_B tmp_stms <- mapMaybe (`M.lookup` tab_inv_stm) arrs, length tmp_stms == length arrs = let zip_AB = zip3 tmp_stms arrs [map_t1_0, map_t2_0] [(load_A, inp_A, map_t1), (load_B, inp_B, map_t2)] = if var_dims == [0, 1] then zip_AB else reverse zip_AB code2' = code2'' <> code2 in Just ( code2', (load_A, inp_A, map_t1, load_B, inp_B, map_t2), common_dim, var_dims, (map_lam, red_lam, red_ne, redomap_orig_res, elemType red_t1) ) matchesBlkRegTile _ _ = Nothing -- ceiled division expression ceilDiv :: (MonadBuilder m) => SubExp -> SubExp -> m (Exp (Rep m)) ceilDiv x y = pure $ BasicOp $ BinOp (SDivUp Int64 Unsafe) x y mkTileMemSizes :: SubExp -> SubExp -> SubExp -> Builder GPU ( SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp ) mkTileMemSizes height_A width_B common_dim = do tk_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Tk" tx_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Tx" ty_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Ty" rx_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Rx" ry_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Ry" (ty, ry) <- getParTiles ("Ty", "Ry") (ty_name, ry_name) height_A (tx, rx) <- getParTiles ("Tx", "Rx") (tx_name, rx_name) width_B tk <- getSeqTile "Tk" tk_name common_dim tx ty tk_div_tx <- letSubExp "tk_div_tx" =<< ceilDiv tk tx tk_div_ty <- letSubExp "tk_div_ty" =<< ceilDiv tk ty tx_rx <- letSubExp "TxRx" =<< toExp (pe64 tx * pe64 rx) ty_ry <- letSubExp "TyRy" =<< toExp (pe64 ty * pe64 ry) let pad_term = sMax64 (pe64 tk) (pe64 ty * pe64 ry) -- if A not transposed, its shmem should be [ty*ry][tk] -- we pad to [ty*ry][tk+1] size to minimize bank conflicts a_loc_sz <- letSubExp "a_loc_sz" =<< toExp (pe64 ty * pe64 ry * pe64 tk + pad_term) -- if B is transposed, its shmem should be [tk][tx*rx] -- we pad as above, by assuming tx*rx == ty*ry >= tk -- ToDo: we can decrease the size by checking at this -- point whether A and B are transposed (or not). b_loc_sz <- letSubExp "b_loc_sz" =<< toExp (pe64 tx * pe64 rx * pe64 tk + pad_term) -- (pe64 tk * pe64 tx * pe64 rx) pure (rx, ry, tx, ty, tk, tk_div_tx, tk_div_ty, tx_rx, ty_ry, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) mkNewSegthdLvl :: SubExp -> SubExp -> TPrimExp Int64 VName -> Builder GPU (SubExp, SubExp, SegLevel) mkNewSegthdLvl tx ty grid_pexp = do grid_size <- letSubExp "grid_size" =<< toExp grid_pexp tblock_size <- letSubExp "tblock_size" =<< toExp (pe64 ty * pe64 tx) let segthd_lvl = SegThreadInBlock (SegNoVirtFull (SegSeqDims [])) pure (grid_size, tblock_size, segthd_lvl) mkGidsXYF :: Builder GPU (VName, VName, VName) mkGidsXYF = do gid_y <- newVName "gid_y" gid_x <- newVName "gid_x" gid_flat <- newVName "gid_flat" pure (gid_x, gid_y, gid_flat) initRegShmem :: (SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp, SubExp) -> (PrimType, PrimType, PrimType) -> SegLevel -> SubExp -> Builder GPU (VName, VName, VName) initRegShmem (rx, tx, ry, ty, a_loc_sz, b_loc_sz) (map_t1, map_t2, red_t) segthd_lvl red_ne = do -- initialize register mem with neutral elements. cssss_list <- segMap2D "cssss" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \_ -> do css_init <- scratch "css_init" red_t [ry, rx] css <- forLoop ry [css_init] $ \i [css_merge] -> do css' <- forLoop rx [css_merge] $ \j [css_merge'] -> do css'' <- update "css" css_merge' [i, j] red_ne resultBodyM [Var css''] resultBodyM [Var css'] pure [varRes css] let [cssss] = cssss_list -- scratch shared memory a_loc_init <- scratch "A_loc" map_t1 [a_loc_sz] b_loc_init <- scratch "B_loc" map_t2 [b_loc_sz] pure (cssss, a_loc_init, b_loc_init) getThdRedomapRes :: (SubExp, SubExp) -> (VName, VName) -> (VName, VName, VName) -> Builder GPU (VName, VName, VName) getThdRedomapRes (rx, ry) (ltid_x, ltid_y) (iii, jjj, redomap_res) = do css <- index "redomap_thd" redomap_res [ltid_y, ltid_x] ii <- letExp "ii" =<< toExp (le64 iii + le64 ltid_y * pe64 ry) jj <- letExp "jj" =<< toExp (le64 jjj + le64 ltid_x * pe64 rx) pure (css, ii, jj) prereqAddCode2 :: (VName, VName) -> (VName, VName, VName, VName) -> (VName, VName) -> Builder GPU () prereqAddCode2 (gtid_x, gtid_y) (ii, i, jj, j) (css, redomap_orig_res) = do c <- index "redomap_elm" css [i, j] cpy_stm <- mkLetNamesM [redomap_orig_res] $ BasicOp $ SubExp $ Var c addStm cpy_stm letBindNames [gtid_y] =<< toExp (le64 ii + le64 i) letBindNames [gtid_x] =<< toExp (le64 jj + le64 j) -- | Tries to identify the following pattern: -- code followed by some Screma followed by more code. matchCodeStreamCode :: Stms GPU -> (Stms GPU, Maybe (Stm GPU), Stms GPU) matchCodeStreamCode kstms = let (code1, screma, code2) = foldl ( \acc stmt -> case (acc, stmt) of ((cd1, Nothing, cd2), Let _ _ (Op (OtherOp Screma {}))) -> (cd1, Just stmt, cd2) ((cd1, Nothing, cd2), _) -> (cd1 ++ [stmt], Nothing, cd2) ((cd1, Just strm, cd2), _) -> (cd1, Just strm, cd2 ++ [stmt]) ) ([], Nothing, []) (stmsToList kstms) in (stmsFromList code1, screma, stmsFromList code2) -- | Checks that all streamed arrays are variant to exacly one of -- the two innermost parallel dimensions, and conversely, for -- each of the two innermost parallel dimensions, there is at -- least one streamed array variant to it. The result is the -- number of the only variant parallel dimension for each array. isInvarTo1of2InnerDims :: Names -> SegSpace -> VarianceTable -> [VName] -> Maybe [Int] isInvarTo1of2InnerDims branch_variant kspace variance arrs = let inner_perm0 = map varToOnly1of2InnerDims arrs inner_perm = catMaybes inner_perm0 ok1 = elem 0 inner_perm && elem 1 inner_perm ok2 = length inner_perm0 == length inner_perm in if ok1 && ok2 then Just inner_perm else Nothing where varToOnly1of2InnerDims :: VName -> Maybe Int varToOnly1of2InnerDims arr = do (j, _) : (i, _) : _ <- Just $ reverse $ unSegSpace kspace let variant_to = M.findWithDefault mempty arr variance branch_invariant = not $ nameIn j branch_variant || nameIn i branch_variant if not branch_invariant then Nothing -- if i or j in branch_variant; return nothing else if nameIn i variant_to && j `notNameIn` variant_to then Just 0 else if nameIn j variant_to && i `notNameIn` variant_to then Just 1 else Nothing processIndirections :: Names -> -- input arrays to redomap Names -> -- variables on which the result of redomap depends on. Maybe (Stms GPU, M.Map VName (Stm GPU)) -> Stm GPU -> Maybe (Stms GPU, M.Map VName (Stm GPU)) processIndirections arrs _ acc stm@(Let patt _ (BasicOp (Index _ _))) | Just (ss, tab) <- acc, [p] <- patElems patt, p_nm <- patElemName p, p_nm `nameIn` arrs = Just (ss, M.insert p_nm stm tab) processIndirections _ res_red_var acc stm'@(Let patt _ _) | Just (ss, tab) <- acc, ps <- patElems patt, all (\p -> patElemName p `notNameIn` res_red_var) ps = Just (ss Seq.|> stm', tab) | otherwise = Nothing getParTiles :: (String, String) -> (Name, Name) -> SubExp -> Builder GPU (SubExp, SubExp) getParTiles (t_str, r_str) (t_name, r_name) len_dim = case len_dim of Constant (IntValue (Int64Value 8)) -> pure (se8, se1) Constant (IntValue (Int64Value 16)) -> pure (se8, se2) Constant (IntValue (Int64Value 32)) -> pure (se8, se4) _ -> do t <- letSubExp t_str $ Op $ SizeOp $ GetSize t_name SizeTile r <- letSubExp r_str $ Op $ SizeOp $ GetSize r_name SizeRegTile pure (t, r) getSeqTile :: String -> Name -> SubExp -> SubExp -> SubExp -> Builder GPU SubExp getSeqTile tk_str tk_name len_dim tx ty = case (tx, ty) of (Constant (IntValue (Int64Value v_x)), Constant (IntValue (Int64Value v_y))) -> letSubExp tk_str . BasicOp . SubExp . constant $ case len_dim of Constant (IntValue (Int64Value v_d)) -> min v_d $ min v_x v_y _ -> min v_x v_y _ -> letSubExp tk_str $ Op $ SizeOp $ GetSize tk_name SizeTile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 3D Tiling (RegTiling for the outermost dimension & Block tiling for the innermost two) --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxRegTile :: Int64 maxRegTile = 30 mkRegTileSe :: Int64 -> SubExp mkRegTileSe = constant variantToDim :: VarianceTable -> VName -> VName -> Bool variantToDim variance gid_outer nm = gid_outer == nm || nameIn gid_outer (M.findWithDefault mempty nm variance) -- | Checks that all streamed arrays are variant to exacly one of -- the two innermost parallel dimensions, and conversely, for -- each of the two innermost parallel dimensions, there is at -- least one streamed array variant to it. The result is the -- number of the only variant parallel dimension for each array. isInvarTo2of3InnerDims :: Names -> SegSpace -> VarianceTable -> [VName] -> Maybe [Int] isInvarTo2of3InnerDims branch_variant kspace variance arrs = let inner_perm0 = map varToOnly1of3InnerDims arrs inner_perm = catMaybes inner_perm0 ok1 = elem 0 inner_perm && elem 1 inner_perm && elem 2 inner_perm ok2 = length inner_perm0 == length inner_perm in if ok1 && ok2 then Just inner_perm else Nothing where varToOnly1of3InnerDims :: VName -> Maybe Int varToOnly1of3InnerDims arr = do (k, _) : (j, _) : (i, _) : _ <- Just $ reverse $ unSegSpace kspace let variant_to = M.findWithDefault mempty arr variance branch_invariant = not $ nameIn k branch_variant || nameIn j branch_variant || nameIn i branch_variant if not branch_invariant then Nothing -- if i or j or k in branch_variant; return nothing else if nameIn i variant_to && not (nameIn j variant_to || nameIn k variant_to) then Just 0 else if nameIn j variant_to && not (nameIn i variant_to || nameIn k variant_to) then Just 1 else if nameIn k variant_to && not (nameIn i variant_to || nameIn j variant_to) then Just 2 else Nothing -- | Expects a kernel statement as argument. -- CONDITIONS for 3D tiling optimization to fire are: -- 1. a) The kernel body can be broken into -- scalar-code-1 ++ [Redomap stmt] ++ scalar-code-2. -- b) The kernels has a per-thread result, and obviously -- the result is variant to the 3rd dimension -- (counted from innermost to outermost) -- 2. For the Redomap: -- a) the streamed arrays are one dimensional -- b) each of the array arguments of Redomap are variant -- to exactly one of the three innermost-parallel dimension -- of the kernel. This condition can be relaxed by interchanging -- kernel dimensions whenever possible. -- 3. For scalar-code-1: -- a) each of the statements is a slice that produces one of the -- streamed arrays -- -- mmBlkRegTiling :: Stm GPU -> TileM (Maybe (Stms GPU, Stm GPU)) -- mmBlkRegTiling (Let pat aux (Op (SegOp (SegMap SegThread{} seg_space ts old_kbody)))) doRegTiling3D :: Stm GPU -> TileM (Maybe (Stms GPU, Stm GPU)) doRegTiling3D (Let pat aux (Op (SegOp old_kernel))) | SegMap SegThread {} space kertp (KernelBody () kstms kres) <- old_kernel, -- build the variance table, that records, for -- each variable name, the variables it depends on initial_variance <- M.map mempty $ scopeOfSegSpace space, variance <- varianceInStms initial_variance kstms, -- we get the global-thread id for the two inner dimensions, -- as we are probably going to use it in code generation (gtid_x, d_Kx) : (gtid_y, d_Ky) : (gtid_z, d_M) : rem_outer_dims_rev <- reverse $ unSegSpace space, rem_outer_dims <- reverse rem_outer_dims_rev, -- check that the code fits the pattern having: -- some `code1`, followed by one Screma SOAC, followed by some `code2` (code1, Just screma_stmt, code2) <- matchCodeStreamCode kstms, Let pat_redomap _ (Op _) <- screma_stmt, -- checks that the Screma SOAC is actually a redomap and normalize it Just (common_dim, inp_soac_arrs, (_, red_lam, red_nes, map_lam)) <- isTileableRedomap screma_stmt, not (null red_nes), -- assuming we have a budget of maxRegTile registers, we distribute -- that budget across the result of redomap and the kernel result num_res <- max (length red_nes) (length kres), reg_tile <- maxRegTile `quot` fromIntegral num_res, reg_tile_se <- mkRegTileSe reg_tile, -- check that the element-type of the map and reduce are scalars: all (primType . paramDec) $ lambdaParams map_lam, red_res_tps <- map paramDec $ take (length red_nes) $ lambdaParams red_lam, all primType red_res_tps, -- checks that the input arrays to redomap are variant to -- exactly one of the two innermost dimensions of the kernel Just _ <- isInvarTo2of3InnerDims mempty space variance inp_soac_arrs, -- get the free variables on which the result of redomap depends on redomap_orig_res <- patElems pat_redomap, res_red_var <- -- variance of the reduce result mconcat $ mapMaybe ((`M.lookup` variance) . patElemName) redomap_orig_res, mempty /= res_red_var, -- we furthermore check that code1 is only formed by -- 1. statements that slice some globally-declared arrays -- to produce the input for the redomap, and -- 2. potentially some statements on which the redomap -- is independent; these are recorded in `code2''` Just (code2'', arr_tab0) <- foldl (processIndirections (namesFromList inp_soac_arrs) res_red_var) (Just (Seq.empty, M.empty)) code1, -- check that code1 contains exacly one slice for each of the input array to redomap tmp_stms <- mapMaybe (`M.lookup` arr_tab0) inp_soac_arrs, length tmp_stms == length inp_soac_arrs, -- code1' <- stmsFromList $ stmsToList code1 \\ stmsToList code2'', code2' <- code2'' <> code2, -- we assume the kernel results are variant to the thrid-outer parallel dimension -- (for sanity sake, they should be) ker_res_nms <- mapMaybe getResNm kres, length ker_res_nms == length kres, all primType kertp, all (variantToDim variance gtid_z) ker_res_nms = do -- HERE STARTS THE IMPLEMENTATION: (new_kernel, host_stms) <- runBuilder $ do -- host code -- process the z-variant arrays that need transposition; -- these "manifest" statements should come before the kernel (tab_inn, tab_out) <- foldM (insertTranspose variance (gtid_z, d_M)) (M.empty, M.empty) $ M.toList arr_tab0 tx_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Tx" ty_name <- nameFromString . prettyString <$> newVName "Ty" tx0 <- letSubExp "Tx" $ Op $ SizeOp $ GetSize tx_name SizeTile ty0 <- letSubExp "Ty" $ Op $ SizeOp $ GetSize ty_name SizeTile ty <- limitTile "Ty" ty0 d_Ky tx <- limitTile "Tx" tx0 d_Kx let rz = reg_tile_se gridDim_x <- letSubExp "gridDim_x" =<< ceilDiv d_Kx tx gridDim_y <- letSubExp "gridDim_y" =<< ceilDiv d_Ky ty gridDim_z <- letSubExp "gridDim_z" =<< ceilDiv d_M rz let gridxyz_pexp = pe64 gridDim_z * pe64 gridDim_y * pe64 gridDim_x let grid_pexp = product $ gridxyz_pexp : map (pe64 . snd) rem_outer_dims_rev grid_size <- letSubExp "grid_size_tile3d" =<< toExp grid_pexp tblock_size <- letSubExp "tblock_size_tile3d" =<< toExp (pe64 ty * pe64 tx) let segthd_lvl = SegThreadInBlock (SegNoVirtFull (SegSeqDims [])) count_shmem <- letSubExp "count_shmem" =<< ceilDiv rz tblock_size gid_x <- newVName "gid_x" gid_y <- newVName "gid_y" gid_z <- newVName "gid_z" gid_flat <- newVName "gid_flat" ---- in this binder: outer seggroup ---- (ret_seggroup, stms_seggroup) <- runBuilder $ do ii <- letExp "ii" =<< toExp (le64 gid_z * pe64 rz) jj1 <- letExp "jj1" =<< toExp (le64 gid_y * pe64 ty) jj2 <- letExp "jj2" =<< toExp (le64 gid_x * pe64 tx) -- initialize the register arrays corresponding to the result of redomap; reg_arr_nms <- segMap2D "res" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \_ -> forM (zip red_nes red_res_tps) $ \(red_ne, red_t) -> do css_init <- scratch "res_init" (elemType red_t) [rz] css <- forLoop rz [css_init] $ \i [css_merge] -> do css' <- update "css" css_merge [i] red_ne resultBodyM [Var css'] pure $ varRes css -- scratch the shared-memory arrays corresponding to the arrays that are -- input to the redomap and are invariant to the outermost parallel dimension. loc_arr_nms <- forM (M.toList tab_out) $ \(nm, (ptp, _)) -> scratch (baseString nm ++ "_loc") ptp [rz] prologue_res_list <- forLoop' common_dim (reg_arr_nms ++ loc_arr_nms) $ \q var_nms -> do let reg_arr_merge_nms = take (length red_nes) var_nms let loc_arr_merge_nms = drop (length red_nes) var_nms -- collective copy from global to shared memory loc_arr_nms' <- forLoop' count_shmem loc_arr_merge_nms $ \tt loc_arr_merge2_nms -> do loc_arr_merge2_nms' <- forM (zip loc_arr_merge2_nms (M.toList tab_out)) $ \(loc_Y_nm, (glb_Y_nm, (ptp_Y, load_Y))) -> do ltid_flat <- newVName "ltid_flat" ltid <- newVName "ltid" let segspace = SegSpace ltid_flat [(ltid, tblock_size)] ((res_v, res_i), stms) <- runBuilder $ do offs <- letExp "offs" =<< toExp (pe64 tblock_size * le64 tt) loc_ind <- letExp "loc_ind" =<< toExp (le64 ltid + le64 offs) letBindNames [gtid_z] =<< toExp (le64 ii + le64 loc_ind) let glb_ind = gtid_z y_elm <- letSubExp "y_elem" =<< eIf (toExp $ le64 glb_ind .<. pe64 d_M) ( do addStm load_Y res <- index "Y_elem" glb_Y_nm [q] resultBodyM [Var res] ) (eBody [eBlank $ Prim ptp_Y]) y_ind <- letSubExp "y_loc_ind" =<< eIf (toExp $ le64 loc_ind .<. pe64 rz) (toExp loc_ind >>= letTupExp' "loc_fi" >>= resultBodyM) (eBody [pure $ BasicOp $ SubExp $ intConst Int64 (-1)]) -- y_tp <- subExpType y_elm pure (y_elm, y_ind) let ret = WriteReturns mempty loc_Y_nm [(Slice [DimFix res_i], res_v)] let body = KernelBody () stms [ret] loc_Y_nm_t <- lookupType loc_Y_nm res_nms <- letTupExp "Y_glb2loc" <=< renameExp $ Op . SegOp $ SegMap segthd_lvl segspace [loc_Y_nm_t] body let res_nm : _ = res_nms pure res_nm resultBodyM $ map Var loc_arr_merge2_nms' redomap_res <- segMap2D "redomap_res" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (ty, tx) $ \(ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do letBindNames [gtid_y] =<< toExp (le64 jj1 + le64 ltid_y) letBindNames [gtid_x] =<< toExp (le64 jj2 + le64 ltid_x) reg_arr_merge_nms_slc <- forM reg_arr_merge_nms $ \reg_arr_nm -> index "res_reg_slc" reg_arr_nm [ltid_y, ltid_x] fmap subExpsRes . letTupExp' "redomap_guarded" =<< eIf (toExp $ le64 gtid_y .<. pe64 d_Ky .&&. le64 gtid_x .<. pe64 d_Kx) ( do inp_scals_invar_outer <- forM (M.toList tab_inn) $ \(inp_arr_nm, load_stm) -> do addStm load_stm index (baseString inp_arr_nm) inp_arr_nm [q] -- build the loop of count R whose body is semantically the redomap code reg_arr_merge_nms' <- forLoop' rz reg_arr_merge_nms_slc $ \i reg_arr_mm_nms -> do letBindNames [gtid_z] =<< toExp (le64 ii + le64 i) resultBodyM =<< letTupExp' "redomap_lam" =<< eIf (toExp $ le64 gtid_z .<. pe64 d_M) ( do -- read from shared memory ys <- forM loc_arr_nms' $ \loc_arr_nm -> index "inp_reg_var2z" loc_arr_nm [i] cs <- forM reg_arr_mm_nms $ \reg_arr_nm -> index "res_reg_var2z" reg_arr_nm [i] -- here we need to put in order the scalar inputs to map: let tab_scals = M.fromList $ zip (map fst $ M.toList tab_out) ys ++ zip (map fst $ M.toList tab_inn) inp_scals_invar_outer map_inp_scals <- forM inp_soac_arrs $ \arr_nm -> case M.lookup arr_nm tab_scals of Nothing -> error "Impossible case reached in tiling3D\n" Just nm -> pure nm map_lam' <- renameLambda map_lam red_lam' <- renameLambda red_lam map_res_scals <- eLambda map_lam' (map (eSubExp . Var) map_inp_scals) red_res <- eLambda red_lam' (map eSubExp (map Var cs ++ map resSubExp map_res_scals)) css <- forM (zip reg_arr_mm_nms red_res) $ \(reg_arr_nm, c) -> update (baseString reg_arr_nm) reg_arr_nm [i] (resSubExp c) resultBodyM $ map Var css ) (resultBodyM $ map Var reg_arr_mm_nms) resultBodyM $ map Var reg_arr_merge_nms' ) (resultBodyM $ map Var reg_arr_merge_nms_slc) resultBodyM $ map Var $ redomap_res ++ loc_arr_nms' -- support for non-empty code2' -- segmap (ltid_y < ty, ltid_x < tx) { -- for i < rz do -- res = if (ii+i < d_M && jj1+ltid_y < d_Ky && jj2 + ltid_x < d_Kx) -- then code2' else dummy -- final_res[i] = res let redomap_res = take (length red_nes) prologue_res_list epilogue_res <- if length redomap_orig_res == length ker_res_nms && ker_res_nms == map patElemName redomap_orig_res then segMap3D "rssss" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (se1, ty, tx) $ \(_ltid_z, ltid_y, ltid_x) -> forM (zip kertp redomap_res) $ \(res_tp, res) -> do rss_init <- scratch "rss_init" (elemType res_tp) [rz, se1, se1] fmap varRes $ forLoop rz [rss_init] $ \i [rss] -> do let slice = Slice [DimFix $ Var i, DimFix se0, DimFix se0] thread_res <- index "thread_res" res [ltid_y, ltid_x, i] rss' <- letSubExp "rss" $ BasicOp $ Update Unsafe rss slice $ Var thread_res resultBodyM [rss'] else segMap3D "rssss" segthd_lvl ResultPrivate (se1, ty, tx) $ \(_ltid_z, ltid_y, ltid_x) -> do letBindNames [gtid_y] =<< toExp (le64 jj1 + le64 ltid_y) letBindNames [gtid_x] =<< toExp (le64 jj2 + le64 ltid_x) rss_init <- forM kertp $ \res_tp -> scratch "rss_init" (elemType res_tp) [rz, se1, se1] rss <- forLoop' rz rss_init $ \i rss_merge -> do letBindNames [gtid_z] =<< toExp (le64 ii + le64 i) forM_ (zip redomap_orig_res redomap_res) $ \(o_res, n_res) -> do c <- index "redomap_thd" n_res [ltid_y, ltid_x, i] letBindNames [patElemName o_res] =<< toExp (le64 c) pure c res_els <- letTupExp' "res_elem" =<< eIf ( toExp $ le64 gtid_y .<. pe64 d_Ky .&&. le64 gtid_x .<. pe64 d_Kx .&&. le64 gtid_z .<. pe64 d_M ) ( do addStms code2' resultBodyM $ map Var ker_res_nms ) (eBody $ map eBlank kertp) rss' <- forM (zip res_els rss_merge) $ \(res_el, rs_merge) -> do let slice = Slice [DimFix $ Var i, DimFix se0, DimFix se0] letSubExp "rss" $ BasicOp $ Update Unsafe rs_merge slice res_el resultBodyM rss' pure $ varsRes rss ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Finally, reshape the result arrays for the RegTileReturn --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- let regtile_ret_dims = map (\(_, sz) -> (sz, se1, se1)) rem_outer_dims ++ [(d_M, se1, rz), (d_Ky, ty, se1), (d_Kx, tx, se1)] epilogue_res' <- forM epilogue_res $ \res -> if null rem_outer_dims then pure res else do -- Add dummy dimensions to tile to reflect the outer dimensions res_tp' <- lookupType res let (block_dims, rest_dims) = splitAt 2 $ arrayDims res_tp' ones = map (const se1) rem_outer_dims new_shape = Shape $ concat [ones, block_dims, ones, rest_dims] letExp "res_reshaped" . BasicOp $ Reshape ReshapeArbitrary new_shape res pure $ map (RegTileReturns mempty regtile_ret_dims) epilogue_res' -- END (ret_seggroup, stms_seggroup) <- runBuilder $ do let grid = KernelGrid (Count grid_size) (Count tblock_size) level' = SegBlock SegNoVirt (Just grid) space' = SegSpace gid_flat (rem_outer_dims ++ [(gid_z, gridDim_z), (gid_y, gridDim_y), (gid_x, gridDim_x)]) kbody' = KernelBody () stms_seggroup ret_seggroup pure $ Let pat aux $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap level' space' kertp kbody' -- END (new_kernel, host_stms) <- runBuilder $ do pure $ Just (host_stms, new_kernel) where getResNm (Returns ResultMaySimplify _ (Var res_nm)) = Just res_nm getResNm _ = Nothing limitTile :: String -> SubExp -> SubExp -> Builder GPU SubExp limitTile t_str t d_K = letSubExp t_str $ BasicOp $ BinOp (SMin Int64) t d_K insertTranspose :: VarianceTable -> (VName, SubExp) -> (M.Map VName (Stm GPU), M.Map VName (PrimType, Stm GPU)) -> (VName, Stm GPU) -> Builder GPU (M.Map VName (Stm GPU), M.Map VName (PrimType, Stm GPU)) insertTranspose variance (gidz, _) (tab_inn, tab_out) (p_nm, stm@(Let patt yy (BasicOp (Index arr_nm slc)))) | [p] <- patElems patt, ptp <- elemType $ patElemType p, p_nm == patElemName p = case L.findIndices (variantSliceDim variance gidz) (unSlice slc) of [] -> pure (M.insert p_nm stm tab_inn, tab_out) i : _ -> do arr_tp <- lookupType arr_nm let perm = [i + 1 .. arrayRank arr_tp - 1] ++ [0 .. i] let arr_tr_str = baseString arr_nm ++ "_transp" arr_tr_nm <- letExp arr_tr_str $ BasicOp $ Manifest perm arr_nm let e_ind' = BasicOp $ Index arr_tr_nm slc let stm' = Let patt yy e_ind' pure (tab_inn, M.insert p_nm (ptp, stm') tab_out) insertTranspose _ _ _ _ = error "\nUnreachable case reached in insertTranspose case, doRegTiling3D\n" variantSliceDim :: VarianceTable -> VName -> DimIndex SubExp -> Bool variantSliceDim variance gidz (DimFix (Var vnm)) = variantToDim variance gidz vnm variantSliceDim _ _ _ = False doRegTiling3D _ = pure Nothing