module Spec.Pure where import Fold.Pure import Test.Hspec import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>), liftA2) import Data.Bool (Bool (..)) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Function (id, on, (.), (&), flip) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just, Nothing)) import Data.Monoid (mempty) import Data.Semigroup (Sum (Sum)) import Prelude ((>), String, Integer, (+), (*), odd) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.List as List spec :: SpecWith () spec = describe "Fold" do describe "scanning functions" do let xs = [1 .. 5] :: [Integer] describe "scan" do it "gives all the intermediate states" do scan length xs `shouldBe` [0 .. 5] describe "prescan" do it "excludes the final state" do prescan length xs `shouldBe` [0 .. 4] describe "postscan" do it "excludes the initial state" do postscan length xs `shouldBe` [1 .. 5] describe "premap" do let xs = [1 .. 10] :: [Integer] it "applies f to each input" do let f = Sum fold = monoid z = Foldable.foldMap Sum xs run (premap f fold) xs `shouldBe` z run fold ( f xs) `shouldBe` z it "premap id = id" do let fold = sum (===) = shouldBe `on` \f -> run (f fold) xs premap id === id it "premap (f . g) = premap g . premap f" do let fold = sum f = (+ 1) g = (* 2) (===) = shouldBe `on` \r -> run (r fold) xs premap (f . g) === (premap g . premap f) it "premap k (pure r) = pure r" do let r = 5 :: Integer k = (+ 1) (===) = shouldBe `on` \fold -> run fold xs premap k (pure r) === pure r it "premap k (f <*> x) = premap k f <*> premap k x" do let k = (+ 1) f = (+) <$> product x = sum (===) = shouldBe `on` \fold -> run fold xs premap k (f <*> x) === (premap k f <*> premap k x) describe "prefilter" do it "run (prefilter p f) xs = run f (List.filter p xs)" do let xs = [1 .. 10] :: [Integer] p = (> 5) f = sum run (prefilter p f) xs `shouldBe` run f (List.filter p xs) describe "predropWhile" do it "run (predropWhile p f) xs = run f (List.dropWhile p xs)" do let xs = [10, 9, 5, 9] :: [Integer] fo = sum p = (> 5) run (predropWhile p fo) xs `shouldBe` run fo (List.dropWhile p xs) describe "drop" do it "run (drop n f) xs = run f (List.drop n xs)" do let xs = [10, 20, 30, 1, 2, 3] :: [Integer] f = sum :: Fold Integer Integer [0 .. 8] & traverse_ @[] \n -> run (drop n f) xs `shouldBe` run f (List.genericDrop n xs) describe "sum" do it "computes the sum of all inputs" do let xs = [1 .. 10] :: [Integer] run sum xs `shouldBe` 55 describe "product" do it "computes the product of all inputs" do let xs = [1 .. 5] :: [Integer] run product xs `shouldBe` 120 describe "monoid" do it "folds all inputs using (<>) and mempty" do let xs = ["Hello", " ", "world"] :: [String] run monoid xs `shouldBe` "Hello world" it "returns mempty when there are no inputs" do run monoid ([] :: [String]) `shouldBe` mempty describe "index" do let xs = [4, 5, 6] :: [Integer] it "0" do run (index 0) xs `shouldBe` Just 4 it "1" do run (index 1) xs `shouldBe` Just 5 it "2" do run (index 2) xs `shouldBe` Just 6 it "3" do run (index 3) xs `shouldBe` Nothing describe "listing functions" do let xs = [1 .. 4] :: [Integer] describe "list" do it "gets all inputs" do run list xs `shouldBe` xs describe "reverseList" do it "gets all inputs in reverse" do run reverseList xs `shouldBe` [4, 3, 2, 1] describe "endpoint functions" do describe "first" do it "gets the first item" do run first ([5, 4, 3] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` Just 5 it "returns Nothing with no input" do run first ([] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` Nothing describe "last" do it "gets the last item" do run last ([5, 4, 3] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` Just 3 it "returns Nothing with no input" do run last ([] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` Nothing describe "null" do it "True for []" do run null ([] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` True it "False for anything else" do run null ([1] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` False run null ([1,2] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` False run null ([1,2,3] :: [Integer]) `shouldBe` False describe "duplicate" do it "lets a fold run in two phases" do let a, b, c :: [Integer] a = [1..3] b = [4..6] c = [1..6] (sum & duplicate & flip run a & flip run b) `shouldBe` (List.sum c) describe "repeatedly" do let a, b, c :: [Integer] a = [2, 4] b = [10, 12, 5, 7, 8] c = [4, 5, 6] abc = [a, b, c] :: [[Integer]] it "can fold a list of lists" do run (repeatedly run sum) abc `shouldBe` List.sum (List.concat abc) it "works in Applicative combination with another fold" do let f = liftA2 (,) (repeatedly run length) length run f abc `shouldBe` (10, 3) it "works in Applicative combination with another 'repeatedly'" do let f = liftA2 (,) (repeatedly run (find odd)) (repeatedly run maximum) run f abc `shouldBe` (Just 5, Just 12) it "works on an Applicative combination" do let f = liftA2 (,) (find odd) maximum run (repeatedly run f) abc `shouldBe` (Just 5, Just 12)