module Spec.ShortcutNonempty where import Fold.ShortcutNonempty import Test.Hspec import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>), liftA2) import Data.Bool (Bool (..)) import Data.Function ((&), flip) import Data.List ((++)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..)) import Data.Ord (Ord (..)) import Positive (Positive) import Prelude (Integer, undefined, odd) import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Fold.Shortcut as Empty spec :: SpecWith () spec = describe "ShortcutNonemptyFold" do it "Applicative" do let x = do a <- length b <- find Char.isLetter c <- elementIndex 'x' d <- elementIndex 'y' e <- last pure (a, b, c, d, e) run x ('1' :| "234xyz" ++ undefined) `shouldBe` (6, Just 'x', Just 4, Just 5, 'y') describe "first" do it "gets the first item" do shouldBe @Integer (run first [5, 4, 3]) 5 it "is lazy" do shouldBe @Integer (run first (5 :| undefined)) 5 it "is tenacious" do shouldBe ((run ((,) <$> length <*> first)) ('a' :| "bc")) (1, 'a') describe "and" do it "True for [True, ...]" do run and [True] `shouldBe` True run and [True,True] `shouldBe` True run and [True,True,True] `shouldBe` True it "False for anything else" do run and [False] `shouldBe` False run and [False,True] `shouldBe` False run and [True,False] `shouldBe` False it "is lazy" do run and (False :| undefined) `shouldBe` False describe "or" do it "False for [False, ...]" do run or [False] `shouldBe` False run or [False,False] `shouldBe` False run or [False,False,False] `shouldBe` False it "True for anything else" do run or [True] `shouldBe` True run or [False,True] `shouldBe` True run or [True,False] `shouldBe` True it "is lazy" do run or (True :| undefined) `shouldBe` True describe "sum/product" do it "sum works with Positive" do run (liftA2 (,) (index 2) sum) [1,2,5,7] `shouldBe` (Just 5, 8 :: Positive) it "product works with Positive" do run (liftA2 (,) (index 2) product) [1,2,5,3] `shouldBe` (Just 5, 10 :: Positive) describe "duplicate" do it "lets a fold run in two phases" do let a :: NonEmpty Integer b :: [Integer] a = [1,2,3] b = [4,7,12,15] f = find (>= 10) (f & duplicate & flip run a & flip b) `shouldBe` Just 12 it "preserves laziness" do let a :: NonEmpty Integer b :: [Integer] a = 1 :| 15 : undefined b = undefined f = find (>= 10) (f & duplicate & flip run a & flip b) `shouldBe` Just 15 describe "repeatedly" do it "can find an item in a list of lists" do let a, b, c :: NonEmpty Integer a = [2, 8, 6] b = [12, 4, 5, 16] c = [4, 18, 20] run (repeatedly run (find odd)) [a, b, c] `shouldBe` Just 5 it "preserves laziness" do let a, b, c :: NonEmpty Integer a = [2, 8, 6] b = 12 :| 4 : 5 : undefined c = undefined run (repeatedly run (find odd)) [a, b, c] `shouldBe` Just 5 it "works within an Applicative combination with another 'repeatedly'" do let a, b, c :: NonEmpty Integer a = [2, 8, 6] b = 12 :| 4 : 5 : undefined c = undefined f = liftA2 (,) (repeatedly run (find odd)) (repeatedly run (find (> 5))) run f [a, b, c] `shouldBe` (Just 5, Just 8) it "works on an Applicative combination of 'repeatedly's" do let a, b, c :: NonEmpty Integer a = [2, 8, 6] b = 12 :| 4 : 5 : undefined c = undefined f = liftA2 (,) (find odd) (find (> 5)) run (repeatedly run f) [a, b, c] `shouldBe` (Just 5, Just 8) it "works within an Applicative combination with something ambivalent" do let a, b, c :: NonEmpty Integer a = [2, 8, 6] b = 12 :| 4 : 5 : undefined c = undefined f = liftA2 (,) (find odd) length run (repeatedly run f) [a, b, c] `shouldBe` (Just 5, 6)