module Control.Concurrent.Bag.Implicit
 ( module Control.Concurrent.Bag.Task
 , newTaskBag
 , newEvalBag
 , SplitFunction
 , takeFirst
 , newInterruptingBag
 , newInterruptibleBag
 , BufferType (..)

import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Bag.Basic as Basic
import Control.Concurrent.Bag.Task
import Control.Concurrent.Bag.TaskBufferSTM
  ( TaskBufferSTM (..)
  , SplitFunction
  , takeFirst
  , BufferType (..) )
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TStack (TStack)

newTaskBag :: BufferType
           -> Maybe (SplitFunction r)
                                   -- ^ Possible split function
                                   --   If the function is given, we will create
                                   --   a bag with one buffer per worker
                                   --   reducing the communication between the
                                   --   workers.
           -> [TaskIO r (Maybe r)] -- ^ list of initial tasks
           -> IO [r]
newTaskBag buf split ts = do
  bag <- Basic.newBag_ buf split
  mapM_ (\t -> Basic.addTask bag (runTaskIO t (Basic.addTask bag) (Basic.writeResult bag))) ts
  Basic.noMoreTasks bag
  dummy <- newIORef ()
  _     <- mkWeakIORef dummy (Basic.terminateBag bag)
  lazyResults bag dummy
  lazyResults bag dummy = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
    r <- Basic.getResult bag
    case r of
      Nothing -> do
        writeIORef dummy ()
        return []
      Just v  -> do
        vs <- lazyResults bag dummy
        return (v:vs)

-- | Like 'newTaskBag', but it takes a list of expressions that will be
--   evaluated to weak head normal form using 'Prelude.seq'.
--   __WARNING__: This does not evaluate to normal form, but only to weak head
--   normal form.
newEvalBag :: BufferType
           -> Maybe (SplitFunction r)
           -> [r]
           -> IO [r]
newEvalBag buf split es =
  newTaskBag buf split (map (\e -> e `seq` return $ Just e) es)

newInterruptibleBag :: BufferType
                    -> Maybe (SplitFunction r)
                    -> [Interruptible r]
                    -> IO [r]
newInterruptibleBag buf split ts = do
  newTaskBag buf split $ map runInterruptible ts

-- | Similar to 'newTaskBag', but interrupts the tasks in certain intervals.
--   Using a 'Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan' as buffer, this ensures
--   completeness: all tasks that have a result will get their time to evaluate
--   it. Note, that calculations, that do no memory allocation, cannot be
--   interrupted.
newInterruptingBag :: BufferType
                   -> Maybe (SplitFunction r)
                   -> [Interruptible r]
                   -> IO [r]
newInterruptingBag buf split ts = do
  newTaskBag buf split $ map runInterrupted ts