\documentclass{article} %include lhs2TeX.fmt \long\def\ignore#1{} \usepackage[left=3cm,top=2.5cm,right=3cm,bottom=3cm,nohead]{geometry} \begin{document} \title{System.Random.Generators: A Monad for Convenient Randomness in Haskell} \author{Liam O'Connor-Davis} \maketitle \section{Introduction} Randomness in Haskell has always been an \emph{ugly} affair, requiring acquisition of a @RandomGen@ value and then a threading of each successive generator throughout the code. The @System.Random@ library, while flexible, is rather unwieldly for common applications. In particular, making a series of random decisions (such as navigating a random path through a space, or generating a sequence of text), or negotiating situations where the set of options for a random generator are dependent on the previously determined random value, are rather unimpressive using @System.Random@, and fail to demonstrate Haskell's excellent expressive power. Random generators in @System.Random@ are tied to data types, instances of the @Random@ typeclass, and more complicated generators must be painstakingly specified. In this Literate Haskell Module I present a @Generator@ data structure, a Monad, that when provided with a seed value or a @RandomGen@ value, will provide an infinite list of random choices based on some composition of other @Generator@s. \ignore { \begin{code} -- | Randomness in Haskell has always been an \emph{ugly} affair, requiring acquisition of a @RandomGen@ value and then a threading of each successive generator throughout the code. The @System.Random@ library, while flexible, is rather unwieldly for common applications. -- | In particular, making a series of random decisions (such as navigating a random path through a space, or generating a sequence of text), or negotiating situations where the set of options for a random generator are dependent on the previously determined random value, are rather unimpressive using @System.Random@, and fail to demonstrate Haskell's excellent expressive power. -- | Random generators in @System.Random@ are tied to data types, instances of the @Random@ typeclass, and more complicated generators must be painstakingly specified. -- | In this Literate Haskell Module I present a @Generator@ data structure, a Monad, that when provided with a seed value or a @RandomGen@ value, will provide an infinite list of random choices based on some composition of other @Generator@s. -- | For full documentation, please see: http://liamoc.net/lhs/Generator.pdf \end{code} } > module System.Random.Generators > ( Generator > , runGenerator > , runGeneratorWith > , constantG > , randomG > , rangeG > , listG > ) where > import Control.Monad.Reader > import System.Random > import Data.List(transpose) > import Control.Applicative((<$>)) \section {Implementation} First we define a @Generator@ type, which is a simple transformer around a @Reader@ Monad containing a @StdGen@ and returning a list of random values. The list of values produced by the encapsulated @Reader@ is an \emph{infinite} list of random choices. > newtype Generator v = Generator { extract :: Reader StdGen [v] } To instantiate @Functor@, we map the function over each value in the infinite list. > instance Functor Generator where > fmap f (Generator z) = Generator $ fmap (map f) z As we have provided a @Functor@ instance, we define @>>=@ in terms of @joinGen@. @return@ produces a constant @Generator@ (that is, a @Generator@ that always produces the same value). > instance Monad Generator where > xs >>= f = joinGen (fmap f xs) > return v = Generator $ return $ repeat v The @joinGen@ function produces a random list of seed values from the generator within the @Reader@, runs each @Generator@ produced by the outer @Generator@ with its own unique seed value, and then merges the results. Unlike the (similar) List monad, the @Generator@ monad @transpose@s the results before concatenating, as each result set is infinite - simply concatenating would mean that any result set after the first would become inaccessible (as the first result set is infinitely long). > joinGen :: Generator (Generator a) -> Generator a > joinGen (Generator g) = Generator $ do > v <- ask > z <- g > return $ concat $ transpose $ > map (\(v,s) -> flip runReader (mkStdGen s) $ extract $ v) > (zip z (randoms v :: [Int])) \section {Interface} \subsection {Inbuilt Generators} @constantGen@ produces a @Generator@ that always generates the value specified. > constantG :: v -> Generator v > constantG = return @randomG@ produces a @Generator@ that produces random values for some instance of the @Random@ typeclass. For example, @randomG :: Generator Int@ is a random @Int@ generator. > randomG :: Random r => Generator r > randomG = Generator $ randoms <$> ask @rangeG@ is the same as @randomG@ except that it also accepts an allowable range of values, such that @rangeG ('a','z')@ is the set of lowercase letters. > rangeG :: Random r => (r,r) -> Generator r > rangeG rs = Generator $ randomRs rs <$> ask @listG@ is a generator that selects a random value from the list. For example, @listG "aeiou"@ is a generator for vowels. > listG :: [a] -> Generator a > listG ps = (ps !!) <$> rangeG (0,length ps - 1) \subsection {Using Generators} @runGenerator@ takes an integer seed and a @Generator@, and produces an infinite list of random values, depending on the @Generator@. > runGenerator :: Int -> Generator v -> [v] > runGenerator seed = runGeneratorWith (mkStdGen seed) @runGeneratorWith@ takes a @StdGen@ value, which allows you to use the standard @System.Random@ generators to seed these @Generator@s. > runGeneratorWith :: StdGen -> Generator v -> [v] > runGeneratorWith std gen = runReader (extract gen) std \section{Example: Pronouncable Words} A @Generator@ for a random list of words of a specified length, that consist of a consonant, followed by a vowel, followed by a consonant, and so on. > vowels :: Generator Char > vowels = listG "aeiou" > consonants :: Generator Char > consonants = listG "qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm" > pronouncable :: Int -> Generator String > pronouncable l = pronouncable' consonants vowels l > where pronouncable' _ _ 0 = return [] > pronouncable' current other l = do > c <- current > rest <- pronouncable' other current (l-1) > return (c:rest) \end{document}