1.0.1 ----- * Compillability by GHC-9.2.4 * Fix cabal `tested-with` field 1.0.0 ----- * Fixed issue with too big terms in case of recursive types * Recpect the `size` argument * Types with parameters require `Arg` now 0.2.2 ----- * Resolved an issue where the size of the generators could become negative 0.2.1 ----- * Added compatibility with GHC 9.2.1 0.2.0 ----- * Added `GenericArbitrary` for use with the [DerivingVia](https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/doc/users_guide/exts/deriving_via.html) compiler extension. * Minimum bound on QuickCheck changed to 2.14. 0.1.0 ----- * Public release