# generic-lens [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kcsongor/generic-lens.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/kcsongor/generic-lens) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/generic-lens.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens) Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. Available on [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens) This library uses `GHC.Generics` to derive efficient optics (traversals, lenses and prisms) for algebraic data types in a type-directed way, with a focus on good type inference and error messages when possible. The derived optics use the so-called van Laarhoven representation, thus are fully interoperable with the combinators found in mainstream lens libraries. Examples can be found in the `examples` and `tests` folders. Table of contents ================= * [Preliminaries](#preliminaries) * [Taxonomy of optics](#taxonomy-of-optics) * [Lenses](#lenses) * [By name](#by-name) * [By position](#by-position) * [By type](#by-type) * [By structure](#by-structure) * [Traversals](#traversals) * [By type](#by-type-1) * [By parameter](#by-parameter) * [By constraint](#by-constraint) * [Prisms](#prisms) * [By name](#by-name-1) * [By type](#by-type-2) * [Performance](#performance) * [Inspection testing](#inspection-testing) * [Benchmarks](#benchmarks) * [Contributors](#contributors) # Preliminaries A typical module using `generic-lens` will usually have the following extensions turned on: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} ``` # Taxonomy of optics Here is a comprehensive list of the optics exposed by `generic-lens`. The combinators each allow a different way of identifying certain parts of algebraic data types. ## Lenses A lens identifies exactly one part of a product type, and allows querying and updating it. ### By name ```haskell data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show) sally :: Person sally = Person "Sally" 25 ``` Record fields can be accessed by their label using the `field` lens. ```haskell >>> sally ^. field @"name" "Sally" >>> sally & field @"name" .~ "Tamas" Person {name = "Tamas", age = 25} ``` Here we use [visible type application](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#visible-type-application) to specify which field we're interested in, and use the `^.` and `.~` combinators from a lens library ([lens](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens), [microlens](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/microlens), etc.) to query and update the field. Or for standalone use, the `getField` and `setField` functions can be used instead. ```haskell >>> getField @"age" sally 25 >>> setField @"age" 26 sally Person {name = "Sally", age = 26} ``` When a non-existent field is requested, the library generates a helpful type error: ```haskell >>> sally ^. field @"pet" error: • The type Person does not contain a field named 'pet' ``` For types with multiple constructors, we can still use `field` as long as all constructors contain the required field ```haskell data Two = First { wurble :: String, banana :: Int } | Second { wurble :: String } deriving (Generic, Show) >>> Second "woops" ^. field @"wurble" "woops" >>> Second "woops" ^. field @"banana" ... • Not all constructors of the type Two contain a field named 'banana'. The offending constructors are: • Second ... ``` The type of `field` is ```haskell field :: HasField name s t a b => Lens s t a b ``` Therefore it allows polymorphic (type-changing) updates, when the accessed field mentions type parameters. ```haskell data Foo f a = Foo { foo :: f a } deriving (Generic, Show) foo1 :: Foo Maybe Int foo1 = Foo (Just 10) -- | -- >>> foo2 -- Foo {foo = ["10"]} foo2 :: Foo [] String foo2 = foo1 & field @"foo" %~ (maybeToList . fmap show) ``` This example shows that higher-kinded parameters can also be changed (`Maybe` -> `[]`). We turn a `Foo Maybe Int` into a `Foo [] String` by turning the inner `Maybe Int` into a `[String]`. With `DuplicateRecordFields`, multiple data types can share the same field name, and the `field` lens works in this case too. No more field name prefixing! ### By position Fields can be accessed by their position in the data structure (index starting at 1): ```haskell data Point = Point Int Int Int deriving (Generic, Show) data Polygon = Polygon Point Point Point deriving (Generic, Show) polygon :: Polygon polygon = Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 7 (-2)) ``` ```haskell >>> polygon ^. position @1 . position @2 5 >>> polygon & position @3 . position @2 %~ (+10) Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 17 (-2)) >>> polygon ^. position @10 error: • The type Polygon does not contain a field at position 10 ``` Since tuples are an instance of `Generic`, the positional lens readily works: ```haskell >>> (("hello", True), 5) ^. position @1 . position @2 True >>> (("hello", True, "or"), 5, "even", "longer") ^. position @1 . position @2 True ``` ### By type Fields can be accessed by their type in the data structure, assuming that this type is unique: ```haskell >>> sally ^. typed @String "Sally" >>> setTyped @Int sally 26 Person {name = "Sally", age = 26} ``` ### By structure The `super` lens generalises the `field` lens to focus on a collection rather than a single field. We can say that a record is a (structural) `subtype' of another, if its fields are a superset of those of the other. ```haskell data Human = Human { name :: String , age :: Int , address :: String } deriving (Generic, Show) data Animal = Animal { name :: String , age :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show) human :: Human human = Human {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50, address = "London"} ``` ```haskell >>> human ^. super @Animal Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50} >>> upcast human :: Animal Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50} ``` We can apply a function that operates on a supertype to the larger (subtype) structure, by focusing on the supertype first: ```haskell growUp :: Animal -> Animal growUp (Animal name age) = Animal name (age + 50) >>> human & super @Animal %~ growUp Human {name = "Tunyasz", age = 60, address = "London"} ``` ## Traversals Traversals allow multiple values to be queried or updated at the same time. As a running example, consider a data type of weighted trees. There are two type parameters, which correspond to the type of elements and weights in the tree: ```haskell data WTree a w = Leaf a | Fork (WTree a w) (WTree a w) | WithWeight (WTree a w) w deriving (Generic, Show) mytree :: WTree Int Int mytree = Fork (WithWeight (Leaf 42) 1) (WithWeight (Fork (Leaf 88) (Leaf 37)) 2) ``` ### By type Focus on all values of a given type. ```haskell types :: HasTypes s a => Traversal' s a ``` ```haskell >>> toListOf (types @Int) myTree [42,1,88,37,2] ``` Note that this traversal is "deep": the subtrees are recursively traversed. ### By parameter As the above example shows, the `types` traversal is limited in that it cannot distinguish between the two types of `Int`s: the weights and the values. Instead, the `param` traversal allows specifying types that correspond to a certain type parameter. ```haskell param :: HasParam pos s t a b => Traversal s t a b ``` ```haskell >>> toListOf (param @1) myTree [42,88,37] ``` Here, the numbering starts from 0, with 0 being the rightmost parameter. Because `param` is guaranteed to focus on parametric values, it allows the type to be changed as well. For example, we can implement `Functor` for `WTree` as simply as: ```haskell instance Functor (WTree a) where fmap = over (param @0) ``` ### By constraint The most general type of traversal: we can apply a given function to every value in a structure, by requiring that all values have an instance for some type class. ```haskell constraints :: HasConstraints c s t => Applicative g => (forall a b . c a b => a -> g b) -> s -> g t constraints' :: HasConstraints' c s => Applicative g => (forall a . c a => a -> g a) -> s -> g s ``` Consider the `Numbers` type, which contains three different numeric types: ```haskell data Numbers = Numbers Int Float Double deriving (Show, Generic) numbers = Numbers 10 20.0 30.0 ``` With `constraints'`, we can uniformly add 20 to each number in one go: ```haskell >>> constraints' @Num (\x -> pure (x + 20)) numbers Numbers 30 40.0 50.0 ``` ## Prisms A prism focuses on one part of a sum type (which might not be present). Other than querying the type, they can be "turned around" to inject the data into the sum (like a constructor). ### By name Constructor components can be accessed using the constructor's name: ```haskell type Name = String type Age = Int data Dog = MkDog { name :: Name, age :: Age } deriving (Generic, Show) data Animal = Dog Dog | Cat Name Age | Duck Age deriving (Generic, Show) shep = Dog (MkDog "Shep" 4) mog = Cat "Mog" 5 donald = Duck 4 ``` ```haskell >>> shep ^? _Ctor @"Dog" Just (MkDog {name = "Shep", age = 4}) >>> shep ^? _Ctor @"Cat" Nothing ``` Constructors with multiple fields can be focused as a tuple ``` >>> mog ^? _Ctor @"Cat" Just ("Mog",5) >>> _Ctor @"Cat" # ("Garfield", 6) :: Animal Cat "Garfield" 6 ``` ### By type Constructor components can be accessed using the component's type, assuming that this type is unique: ```haskell type Name = String type Age = Int data Dog = MkDog { name :: Name, age :: Age } deriving (Generic, Show) data Animal = Dog Dog | Cat Name Age | Duck Age deriving (Generic, Show) shep = Dog (MkDog "Shep" 4) mog = Cat "Mog" 5 donald = Duck 4 ``` ```haskell >>> mog ^? _Typed @Dog Nothing >>> shep ^? _Typed @Dog Just (MkDog {name = "Shep", age = 4}) >>> donald ^? _Typed @Age Just 4 >>> mog ^? _Typed @(Name, Age) ("Mog", 5) >>> donald ^? _Typed @Float error: • The type Animal does not contain a constructor whose field is of type Float >>> _Typed @Age # 6 :: Animal Duck 6 ``` # Performance The runtime characteristics of the derived optics is in most cases identical at `-O1`, in some cases only slightly slower than the hand-written version. This is thanks to GHC's optimiser eliminating the generic overhead. The [inspection-testing](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/inspection-testing) library is used to ensure (see [here](test/Spec.hs)) that everything gets inlined away. TODO push benchmarks too # Contributors + [Matthew Pickering](https://github.com/mpickering) + [Toby Shaw](https://github.com/TobyShaw) + [Will Jones](https://github.com/lunaris)