# Changelog Latest version: https://github.com/Lysxia/generic-random/blob/master/changelog.md # - Add newtypes for `DerivingVia` - Drop compatibility with GHC 8.0 and 8.2 # - Add option to use only coherent instances - Export `SetSized` and `SetUnsized` - Drop compatibility with GHC 7 # - Fix small typos in documentation. # - Add `ConstrGen` (custom generators for fields specified by constructor name and index). - Stop requiring custom generators lists to be terminated by `:+ ()`, or to be lists at all. - Breaking minor change: when a record field has a different type than a `FieldGen` custom generator for the same field name, this is now a compilation error. This was simply ignored before. - Miscellaneous documentation improvements in `Generic.Random` module. # - Fix a bug where generators did not decrease the size parameter with single-field constructors - The sized generators now use a custom generator for lists. Use `genericArbitraryRecG ()` to disable that. See tutorial for more information. - Lists of custom generators are now constructed using `(:+)` instead of `GenList` - Rename `Field` to `FieldGen` - Add `Gen1`, `Gen1_` (custom generators for unary type constructors) - Add `listOf'`, `listOf1'`, `vectorOf'` - Remove deprecated module `Generic.Random.Generic` # - Improved performance # - Fix build for GHC<8 # - Add option to specify custom generators for certain fields, overriding Arbitrary instances + Add `genericArbitraryG`, `genericArbitraryUG`, `genericArbitrarySingleG`, `genericArbitraryRecG` - Add `GArbitrary` and `GUniformWeight` synonyms - Deprecate `Generic.Random.Generic` - Remove `weights` from the external API # - Make the main module `Generic.Random` - Rework generic base case generation + You can explicitly provide a trivial generator (e.g., returning a nullary constructor) using `withBaseCase` + Generically derive `BaseCaseSearch` and let `BaseCase` find small values, no depth parameter must be specified anymore - Add `genericArbitrarySingle`, `genericArbitraryRec`, `genericArbitraryU'` - Deprecate `weights` - Fixed bug with `genericArbitrary'` not dividing the size parameter # - Turn off dependency on boltzmann-samplers by default - Add `genericArbitraryU`, `genericArbitraryU0` and `genericArbitraryU1` - Compatible with GHC 7.8.4 and GHC 7.10.3 # - Move Boltzmann sampler modules to another package: boltzmann-samplers # - Check well-formedness of constructor distributions at compile time. - No longer support GHC 7.10.3 (the above feature relies on Generic information which does not exist before GHC 8) # - Support GHC 7.10.3 - Replace `TypeApplications` with ad-hoc data types in `genericArbitraryFrequency'`/`genericArbitrary'`