{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
-- | n-ary sums (and sums of products)
module Generics.SOP.NS
  ( -- * Datatypes
  , SOP(..)
  , unZ
  , unSOP
    -- * Constructing sums
  , Injection
  , injections
  , shift
  , shiftInjection
  , apInjs_NP
  , apInjs_POP
    -- * Application
  , ap_NS
  , ap_SOP
    -- * Lifting / mapping
  , liftA_NS
  , liftA_SOP
  , liftA2_NS
  , liftA2_SOP
  , cliftA_NS
  , cliftA_SOP
  , cliftA2_NS
  , cliftA2_SOP
  , map_NS
  , map_SOP
  , cmap_NS
  , cmap_SOP
    -- * Dealing with @'All' c@
  , cliftA2'_NS
    -- * Collapsing
  , collapse_NS
  , collapse_SOP
    -- * Sequencing
  , sequence'_NS
  , sequence'_SOP
  , sequence_NS
  , sequence_SOP
  ) where

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Control.Applicative

import Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors
import Generics.SOP.Classes
import Generics.SOP.Constraint
import Generics.SOP.NP
import Generics.SOP.Sing

-- * Datatypes

-- | An n-ary sum.
-- The sum is parameterized by a type constructor @f@ and
-- indexed by a type-level list @xs@. The length of the list
-- determines the number of choices in the sum and if the
-- @i@-th element of the list is of type @x@, then the @i@-th
-- choice of the sum is of type @f x@.
-- The constructor names are chosen to resemble Peano-style
-- natural numbers, i.e., 'Z' is for "zero", and 'S' is for
-- "successor". Chaining 'S' and 'Z' chooses the corresponding
-- component of the sum.
-- /Examples:/
-- > Z         :: f x -> NS f (x ': xs)
-- > S . Z     :: f y -> NS f (x ': y ': xs)
-- > S . S . Z :: f z -> NS f (x ': y ': z ': xs)
-- > ...
-- Note that empty sums (indexed by an empty list) have no
-- non-bottom elements.
-- Two common instantiations of @f@ are the identity functor 'I'
-- and the constant functor 'K'. For 'I', the sum becomes a
-- direct generalization of the 'Either' type to arbitrarily many
-- choices. For @'K' a@, the result is a homogeneous choice type,
-- where the contents of the type-level list are ignored, but its
-- length specifies the number of options.
-- In the context of the SOP approach to generic programming, an
-- n-ary sum describes the top-level structure of a datatype,
-- which is a choice between all of its constructors.
-- /Examples:/
-- > Z (I 'x')      :: NS I       '[ Char, Bool ]
-- > S (Z (I True)) :: NS I       '[ Char, Bool ]
-- > S (Z (I 1))    :: NS (K Int) '[ Char, Bool ]
data NS :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
  Z :: f x -> NS f (x ': xs)
  S :: NS f xs -> NS f (x ': xs)

deriving instance All (Show `Compose` f) xs => Show (NS f xs)
deriving instance All (Eq   `Compose` f) xs => Eq   (NS f xs)
deriving instance (All (Eq `Compose` f) xs, All (Ord `Compose` f) xs) => Ord (NS f xs)

-- | Extract the payload from a unary sum.
-- For larger sums, this function would be partial, so it is only
-- provided with a rather restrictive type.
-- /Example:/
-- >>> unZ (Z (I 'x'))
-- I 'x'
-- @since
unZ :: NS f '[x] -> f x
unZ (Z x) = x
unZ _     = error "inaccessible" -- needed even in GHC 8.0.1

-- | A sum of products.
-- This is a 'newtype' for an 'NS' of an 'NP'. The elements of the
-- (inner) products are applications of the parameter @f@. The type
-- 'SOP' is indexed by the list of lists that determines the sizes
-- of both the (outer) sum and all the (inner) products, as well as
-- the types of all the elements of the inner products.
-- An @'SOP' 'I'@ reflects the structure of a normal Haskell datatype.
-- The sum structure represents the choice between the different
-- constructors, the product structure represents the arguments of
-- each constructor.
newtype SOP (f :: (k -> *)) (xss :: [[k]]) = SOP (NS (NP f) xss)

deriving instance (Show (NS (NP f) xss)) => Show (SOP f xss)
deriving instance (Eq   (NS (NP f) xss)) => Eq   (SOP f xss)
deriving instance (Ord  (NS (NP f) xss)) => Ord  (SOP f xss) 

-- | Unwrap a sum of products.
unSOP :: SOP f xss -> NS (NP f) xss
unSOP (SOP xss) = xss

-- * Constructing sums

-- | The type of injections into an n-ary sum.
-- If you expand the type synonyms and newtypes involved, you get
-- > Injection f xs a = (f -.-> K (NS f xs)) a ~= f a -> K (NS f xs) a ~= f a -> NS f xs
-- If we pick @a@ to be an element of @xs@, this indeed corresponds to an
-- injection into the sum.
type Injection (f :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]) = f -.-> K (NS f xs)

-- | Compute all injections into an n-ary sum.
-- Each element of the resulting product contains one of the injections.
injections :: forall xs f. SListI xs => NP (Injection f xs) xs
injections = case sList :: SList xs of
  SNil   -> Nil
  SCons  -> fn (K . Z) :* liftA_NP shiftInjection injections

-- | Shift an injection.
-- Given an injection, return an injection into a sum that is one component larger.
shiftInjection :: Injection f xs a -> Injection f (x ': xs) a
shiftInjection (Fn f) = Fn $ K . S . unK . f

{-# DEPRECATED shift "Use 'shiftInjection' instead." #-}
-- | Shift an injection.
-- Given an injection, return an injection into a sum that is one component larger.
shift :: Injection f xs a -> Injection f (x ': xs) a
shift = shiftInjection

-- | Apply injections to a product.
-- Given a product containing all possible choices, produce a
-- list of sums by applying each injection to the appropriate
-- element.
-- /Example:/
-- >>> apInjs_NP (I 'x' :* I True :* I 2 :* Nil)
-- [Z (I 'x'), S (Z (I True)), S (S (Z (I 2)))]
apInjs_NP  :: SListI xs  => NP  f xs  -> [NS  f xs]
apInjs_NP  = hcollapse . hap injections

-- | Apply injections to a product of product.
-- This operates on the outer product only. Given a product
-- containing all possible choices (that are products),
-- produce a list of sums (of products) by applying each
-- injection to the appropriate element.
-- /Example:/
-- >>> apInjs_POP (POP ((I 'x' :* Nil) :* (I True :* I 2 :* Nil) :* Nil))
-- [SOP (Z (I 'x' :* Nil)),SOP (S (Z (I True :* (I 2 :* Nil))))]
apInjs_POP :: SListI xss => POP f xss -> [SOP f xss]
apInjs_POP = map SOP . apInjs_NP . unPOP

-- * Application

-- | Specialization of 'hap'.
ap_NS :: NP (f -.-> g) xs -> NS f xs -> NS g xs
ap_NS (Fn f  :* _)   (Z x)   = Z (f x)
ap_NS (_     :* fs)  (S xs)  = S (ap_NS fs xs)
ap_NS _ _ = error "inaccessible"

-- | Specialization of 'hap'.
ap_SOP  :: POP (f -.-> g) xss -> SOP f xss -> SOP g xss
ap_SOP (POP fss') (SOP xss') = SOP (go fss' xss')
    go :: NP (NP (f -.-> g)) xss -> NS (NP f) xss -> NS (NP g) xss
    go (fs :* _  ) (Z xs ) = Z (ap_NP fs  xs )
    go (_  :* fss) (S xss) = S (go    fss xss)
    go _           _       = error "inaccessible"

-- The definition of 'ap_SOP' is a more direct variant of
-- '_ap_SOP_spec'. The direct definition has the advantage
-- that it avoids the 'SListI' constraint.
_ap_SOP_spec :: SListI xss => POP (t -.-> f) xss -> SOP t xss -> SOP f xss
_ap_SOP_spec (POP fs) (SOP xs) = SOP (liftA2_NS ap_NP fs xs)

type instance Prod NS  = NP
type instance Prod SOP = POP

type instance SListIN NS  = SListI
type instance SListIN SOP = SListI2

instance HAp NS  where hap = ap_NS
instance HAp SOP where hap = ap_SOP

-- * Lifting / mapping

-- | Specialization of 'hliftA'.
liftA_NS  :: SListI     xs  => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> NS  f xs  -> NS  g xs
-- | Specialization of 'hliftA'.
liftA_SOP :: All SListI xss => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> SOP f xss -> SOP g xss

liftA_NS  = hliftA
liftA_SOP = hliftA

-- | Specialization of 'hliftA2'.
liftA2_NS  :: SListI     xs  => (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a) -> NP  f xs  -> NS  g xs  -> NS   h xs
-- | Specialization of 'hliftA2'.
liftA2_SOP :: All SListI xss => (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a) -> POP f xss -> SOP g xss -> SOP  h xss

liftA2_NS  = hliftA2
liftA2_SOP = hliftA2

-- | Specialization of 'hmap', which is equivalent to 'hliftA'.
map_NS  :: SListI     xs  => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> NS  f xs  -> NS  g xs
-- | Specialization of 'hmap', which is equivalent to 'hliftA'.
map_SOP :: All SListI xss => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> SOP f xss -> SOP g xss

map_NS  = hmap
map_SOP = hmap

-- | Specialization of 'hcliftA'.
cliftA_NS  :: All  c xs  => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> NS   f xs  -> NS  g xs
-- | Specialization of 'hcliftA'.
cliftA_SOP :: All2 c xss => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> SOP  f xss -> SOP g xss

cliftA_NS  = hcliftA
cliftA_SOP = hcliftA

-- | Specialization of 'hcliftA2'.
cliftA2_NS  :: All  c xs  => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a -> h a) -> NP  f xs  -> NS  g xs  -> NS  h xs
-- | Specialization of 'hcliftA2'.
cliftA2_SOP :: All2 c xss => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a -> h a) -> POP f xss -> SOP g xss -> SOP h xss

cliftA2_NS  = hcliftA2
cliftA2_SOP = hcliftA2

-- | Specialization of 'hcmap', which is equivalent to 'hcliftA'.
cmap_NS  :: All  c xs  => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> NS   f xs  -> NS  g xs
-- | Specialization of 'hcmap', which is equivalent to 'hcliftA'.
cmap_SOP :: All2 c xss => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> SOP  f xss -> SOP g xss

cmap_NS  = hcmap
cmap_SOP = hcmap

-- * Dealing with @'All' c@

-- | Specialization of 'hcliftA2''.
{-# DEPRECATED cliftA2'_NS "Use 'cliftA2_NS' instead." #-}
cliftA2'_NS :: All2 c xss => proxy c -> (forall xs. All c xs => f xs -> g xs -> h xs) -> NP f xss -> NS g xss -> NS h xss

cliftA2'_NS = hcliftA2'

-- * Collapsing

-- | Specialization of 'hcollapse'.
collapse_NS  ::               NS  (K a) xs  ->   a
-- | Specialization of 'hcollapse'.
collapse_SOP :: SListI xss => SOP (K a) xss ->  [a]

collapse_NS (Z (K x)) = x
collapse_NS (S xs)    = collapse_NS xs

collapse_SOP = collapse_NS . hliftA (K . collapse_NP) . unSOP

type instance CollapseTo NS  a =  a
type instance CollapseTo SOP a = [a]

instance HCollapse NS  where hcollapse = collapse_NS
instance HCollapse SOP where hcollapse = collapse_SOP

-- * Sequencing

-- | Specialization of 'hsequence''.
sequence'_NS  ::              Applicative f  => NS  (f :.: g) xs  -> f (NS  g xs)

-- | Specialization of 'hsequence''.
sequence'_SOP :: (SListI xss, Applicative f) => SOP (f :.: g) xss -> f (SOP g xss)

sequence'_NS (Z mx)  = Z <$> unComp mx
sequence'_NS (S mxs) = S <$> sequence'_NS mxs

sequence'_SOP = fmap SOP . sequence'_NS . hliftA (Comp . sequence'_NP) . unSOP

instance HSequence NS  where hsequence' = sequence'_NS
instance HSequence SOP where hsequence' = sequence'_SOP

-- | Specialization of 'hsequence'.
sequence_NS  :: (SListI xs,  Applicative f) => NS  f xs  -> f (NS  I xs)

-- | Specialization of 'hsequence'.
sequence_SOP :: (All SListI xss, Applicative f) => SOP f xss -> f (SOP I xss)

sequence_NS   = hsequence
sequence_SOP  = hsequence