{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Type-level metadata
-- This module provides datatypes (to be used promoted) that can represent the
-- metadata of Haskell datatypes on the type level.
-- We do not reuse the term-level metadata types, because these are GADTs that
-- incorporate additional invariants. We could (at least in GHC 8) impose the
-- same invariants on the type level as well, but some tests have revealed that
-- the resulting type are rather inconvenient to work with.
-- So we use simple datatypes to represent the type-level metadata, even if
-- this means that some invariants are not explicitly captured.
-- We establish a relation between the term- and type-level versions of the
-- metadata by automatically computing the term-level version from the type-level
-- version.
-- As we now have two versions of metadata (term-level and type-level)
-- with very similar, yet slightly different datatype definitions, the names
-- between the modules clash, and this module is recommended to be imported
-- qualified when needed.
-- The interface exported by this module is still somewhat experimental.
-- @since
module Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata
  ( module Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata
    -- * re-exports
  , Associativity(..)
  ) where

import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics (Associativity(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
import GHC.Types
import GHC.TypeLits

import qualified Generics.SOP.Metadata as M
import Generics.SOP.NP
import Generics.SOP.Sing

-- Regarding the CPP in the datatype definitions below:
-- We cannot promote type synonyms in GHC 7, so we
-- use equivalent yet less descriptive definitions
-- for the older GHCs.

-- | Metadata for a datatype (to be used promoted).
-- A type of kind @'DatatypeInfo'@ contains meta-information about a datatype
-- that is not contained in its code. This information consists
-- primarily of the names of the datatype, its constructors, and possibly its
-- record selectors.
-- The constructor indicates whether the datatype has been declared using @newtype@
-- or not.
-- @since
data DatatypeInfo =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    ADT ModuleName DatatypeName [ConstructorInfo]
    -- ^ Standard algebraic datatype
  | Newtype ModuleName DatatypeName ConstructorInfo
    -- ^ Newtype
    ADT Symbol Symbol [ConstructorInfo]
    -- ^ Standard algebraic datatype
  | Newtype Symbol Symbol ConstructorInfo
    -- ^ Newtype

-- | Metadata for a single constructors (to be used promoted).
-- @since
data ConstructorInfo =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    Constructor ConstructorName
    -- ^ Normal constructor
  | Infix ConstructorName Associativity Fixity
    -- ^ Infix constructor
  | Record ConstructorName [FieldInfo]
    -- ^ Record constructor
    Constructor Symbol
    -- ^ Normal constructor
  | Infix Symbol Associativity Nat
    -- ^ Infix constructor
  | Record Symbol [FieldInfo]
    -- ^ Record constructor

-- | Metadata for a single record field (to be used promoted).
-- @since
data FieldInfo =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    FieldInfo FieldName
    FieldInfo Symbol

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
-- | The name of a datatype.
type DatatypeName    = Symbol

-- | The name of a module.
type ModuleName      = Symbol

-- | The name of a data constructor.
type ConstructorName = Symbol

-- | The name of a field / record selector.
type FieldName       = Symbol

-- | The fixity of an infix constructor.
type Fixity          = Nat

-- Demotion
-- The following classes are concerned with computing the
-- term-level metadata from the type-level metadata.

-- | Class for computing term-level datatype information from
-- type-level datatype information.
-- @since
class DemoteDatatypeInfo (x :: DatatypeInfo) (xss :: [[*]]) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level datatype information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information.
  -- @since
  demoteDatatypeInfo :: proxy x -> M.DatatypeInfo xss

     (KnownSymbol m, KnownSymbol d, DemoteConstructorInfos cs xss)
  => DemoteDatatypeInfo ('ADT m d cs) xss where
  demoteDatatypeInfo _ =
      (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
      (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy d))
      (demoteConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy cs))

     (KnownSymbol m, KnownSymbol d, DemoteConstructorInfo c '[ x ])
  => DemoteDatatypeInfo ('Newtype m d c) '[ '[ x ] ] where
  demoteDatatypeInfo _ =
      (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
      (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy d))
      (demoteConstructorInfo (Proxy :: Proxy c))

-- | Class for computing term-level constructor information from
-- type-level constructor information.
-- @since
class DemoteConstructorInfos (cs :: [ConstructorInfo]) (xss :: [[*]]) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level constructor information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information as a product.
  -- @since
  demoteConstructorInfos :: proxy cs -> NP M.ConstructorInfo xss

instance DemoteConstructorInfos '[] '[] where
  demoteConstructorInfos _ = Nil

     (DemoteConstructorInfo c xs, DemoteConstructorInfos cs xss)
  => DemoteConstructorInfos (c ': cs) (xs ': xss) where
  demoteConstructorInfos _ =
    demoteConstructorInfo (Proxy :: Proxy c) :* demoteConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy cs)

-- | Class for computing term-level constructor information from
-- type-level constructor information.
-- @since
class DemoteConstructorInfo (x :: ConstructorInfo) (xs :: [*]) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level constructor information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information.
  -- @since
  demoteConstructorInfo :: proxy x -> M.ConstructorInfo xs

instance (KnownSymbol s, SListI xs) => DemoteConstructorInfo ('Constructor s) xs where
  demoteConstructorInfo _ = M.Constructor (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))

     (KnownSymbol s, DemoteAssociativity a, KnownNat f)
  => DemoteConstructorInfo ('Infix s a f) [y, z] where
  demoteConstructorInfo _ =
      (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))
      (demoteAssociativity (Proxy :: Proxy a))
      (fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy f)))

instance (KnownSymbol s, DemoteFieldInfos fs xs) => DemoteConstructorInfo ('Record s fs) xs where
  demoteConstructorInfo _ =
    M.Record (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)) (demoteFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy fs))

-- | Class for computing term-level field information from
-- type-level field information.
-- @since
class SListI xs => DemoteFieldInfos (fs :: [FieldInfo]) (xs :: [*]) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level field information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information as a product.
  -- @since
  demoteFieldInfos :: proxy fs -> NP M.FieldInfo xs

instance DemoteFieldInfos '[] '[] where
  demoteFieldInfos _ = Nil

     (DemoteFieldInfo f x, DemoteFieldInfos fs xs)
  => DemoteFieldInfos (f ': fs) (x ': xs) where
  demoteFieldInfos _ = demoteFieldInfo (Proxy :: Proxy f) :* demoteFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy fs)

-- | Class for computing term-level field information from
-- type-level field information.
-- @since
class DemoteFieldInfo (x :: FieldInfo) (a :: *) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level field information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information.
  -- @since
  demoteFieldInfo :: proxy x -> M.FieldInfo a

instance KnownSymbol s => DemoteFieldInfo ('FieldInfo s) a where
  demoteFieldInfo _ = M.FieldInfo (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))

-- | Class for computing term-level associativity information
-- from type-level associativity information.
-- @since
class DemoteAssociativity (a :: Associativity) where
  -- | Given a proxy of some type-level associativity information,
  -- return the corresponding term-level information.
  -- @since
  demoteAssociativity :: proxy a -> M.Associativity

instance DemoteAssociativity 'LeftAssociative where
  demoteAssociativity _ = M.LeftAssociative

instance DemoteAssociativity 'RightAssociative where
  demoteAssociativity _ = M.RightAssociative

instance DemoteAssociativity 'NotAssociative where
  demoteAssociativity _ = M.NotAssociative