{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{- | An Ellipsoid is a reasonable best fit for the surface of the 
Earth over some defined area. WGS84 is the standard used for the whole
of the Earth. Other Ellipsoids are considered a best fit for some
specific area.

module Geodetics.Ellipsoids (
   -- ** Helmert transform between geodetic reference systems
   Helmert (..),
   -- ** Ellipsoid models of the Geoid
   Ellipsoid (..),
   WGS84 (..),
   LocalEllipsoid (..),
   -- ** Auxiliary latitudes and related Values
   -- ** Tiny linear algebra library for 3D vectors
) where

import Data.Monoid
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude
import qualified Prelude as P

-- | 3d vector as @(X,Y,Z)@.
type Vec3 a = (a,a,a)

-- | 3x3 transform matrix for Vec3.
type Matrix3 a = Vec3 (Vec3 a)

-- | Multiply a vector by a scalar.
scale3 :: (Num a, Mul d d' d'') =>
   Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d a) -> Dimensional DQuantity d' a -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d'' a)
scale3 (x,y,z) s = (x*s, y*s, z*s)

-- | Negation of a vector.
negate3 :: (Num a) => Vec3 (Quantity d a) -> Vec3 (Quantity d a)
negate3 (x,y,z) = (negate x, negate y, negate z)

-- | Add two vectors
add3 :: (Num a) => Vec3 (Quantity d a) -> Vec3 (Quantity d a) -> Vec3 (Quantity d a)
add3 (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2, z1+z2)

-- | Multiply a matrix by a vector in the Dimensional type system.
transform3 :: (Num a, Mul d d' d'') => 
   Matrix3 (Dimensional DQuantity d a) -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d' a) -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d'' a) 
transform3 (tx,ty,tz) v = (t tx v, t ty v, t tz v)
      t (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2

-- | Inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
invert3 :: (Fractional a, Mul d d d2, Mul d2 d d3, Div  d2 d3 d1') => 
   Matrix3 (Dimensional DQuantity d a) -> Matrix3 (Dimensional DQuantity d1' a)
invert3 ((x1,y1,z1),
         (x3,y3,z3)) =
      ((det2 y2 z2 y3 z3 / det, det2 z1 y1 z3 y3 / det, det2 y1 z1 y2 z2 / det),
       (det2 z2 x2 z3 x3 / det, det2 x1 z1 x3 z3 / det, det2 z1 x1 z2 x2 / det),
       (det2 x2 y2 x3 y3 / det, det2 y1 x1 y3 x3 / det, det2 x1 y1 x2 y2 / det))
      det = (x1*y2*z3 + y1*z2*x3 + z1*x2*y3) - (z1*y2*x3 + y1*x2*z3 + x1*z2*y3)
      det2 a b c d = a*d - b*c

-- | Transpose of a 3x3 matrix.
trans3 :: Matrix3 a -> Matrix3 a
trans3 ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2),(x3,y3,z3)) = ((x1,x2,x3),(y1,y2,y3),(z1,z2,z3))

-- | Dot product of two vectors
dot3 :: (Num a, Mul d1 d2 d3) => 
   Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d1 a) -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d2 a) -> Dimensional DQuantity d3 a
dot3 (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2

-- | Cross product of two vectors
cross3 :: (Num a, Mul d1 d2 d3) => 
   Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d1 a) -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d2 a) -> Vec3 (Dimensional DQuantity d3 a)
cross3 (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) = (y1*z2 - z1*y2, z1*x2 - x1*z2, x1*y2 - y1*x2)

-- | The 7 parameter Helmert transformation. The monoid instance allows composition.
data Helmert = Helmert {
   cX, cY, cZ :: Length Double,
   helmertScale :: Dimensionless Double,  -- ^ Parts per million
   rX, rY, rZ :: Dimensionless Double } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid Helmert where
   mempty = Helmert (0 *~ meter) (0 *~ meter) (0 *~ meter) _1 _0 _0 _0
   mappend h1 h2 = Helmert (cX h1 + cX h2) (cY h1 + cY h2) (cZ h1 + cZ h2)
                           (helmertScale h1 + helmertScale h2)
                           (rX h1 + rX h2) (rY h1 + rY h2) (rZ h1 + rZ h2)

-- | The inverse of a Helmert transformation.
inverseHelmert :: Helmert -> Helmert
inverseHelmert h = Helmert (negate $ cX h) (negate $ cY h) (negate $ cZ h) 
                           (negate $ helmertScale h) 
                           (negate $ rX h) (negate $ rY h) (negate $ rZ h)

-- | Earth-centred, Earth-fixed coordinates as a vector. The origin and axes are
-- not defined: use with caution.
type ECEF = Vec3 (Length Double)

-- | Apply a Helmert transformation to earth-centered coordinates.
applyHelmert:: Helmert -> ECEF -> ECEF
applyHelmert h (x,y,z) = (
      cX h + s * (                x - rZ h * y + rY h * z),
      cY h + s * (        rZ h  * x +        y - rX h * z),
      cZ h + s * (negate (rY h) * x + rX h * y +        z))
      s = _1 + helmertScale h * (1e-6 *~ one)

-- | An Ellipsoid is defined by the major radius and the inverse flattening (which define its shape), 
-- and its Helmert transform relative to WGS84 (which defines its position and orientation).
-- The inclusion of the Helmert parameters relative to WGS84 actually make this a Terrestrial 
-- Reference Frame (TRF), but the term "Ellipsoid" will be used in this library for readability.
-- Minimum definition: @majorRadius@, @flatR@ & @helmert@.
-- Laws:
-- > helmertToWGS84 = applyHelmert . helmert
-- > helmertFromWGS84 e . helmertToWGS84 e = id
class (Show a, Eq a) => Ellipsoid a where
   majorRadius :: a -> Length Double
   flatR :: a -> Dimensionless Double
      -- ^ Inverse of the flattening.
   helmert :: a -> Helmert
   helmertToWSG84 :: a -> ECEF -> ECEF
      -- ^ The Helmert transform that will convert a position wrt 
      -- this ellipsoid into a position wrt WGS84.
   helmertToWSG84 e = applyHelmert (helmert e)
   helmertFromWSG84 :: a -> ECEF -> ECEF
      -- ^ And its inverse.
   helmertFromWSG84 e = applyHelmert (inverseHelmert $ helmert e)

-- | The WGS84 geoid, major radius 6378137.0 meters, flattening = 1 / 298.257223563
-- as defined in \"Technical Manual DMA TM 8358.1 - Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and 
-- Grid Reference Systems\" at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
-- The WGS84 has a special place in this library as the standard Ellipsoid against
-- which all others are defined.
data WGS84 = WGS84

instance Eq WGS84 where _ == _ = True

instance Show WGS84 where
   show _ = "WGS84"
instance Ellipsoid WGS84 where
   majorRadius _ = 6378137.0 *~ meter
   flatR _ = 298.257223563 *~ one
   helmert _ = mempty
   helmertToWSG84 _ = id
   helmertFromWSG84 _ = id
-- | Ellipsoids other than WGS84, used within a defined geographical area where
-- they are a better fit to the local geoid. Can also be used for historical ellipsoids.
-- The @Show@ instance just returns the name.
-- Creating two different local ellipsoids with the same name is a Bad Thing.
data LocalEllipsoid = LocalEllipsoid {
   nameLocal :: String,
   majorRadiusLocal :: Length Double,
   flatRLocal :: Dimensionless Double,
   helmertLocal :: Helmert } deriving (Eq)

instance Show LocalEllipsoid where
    show = nameLocal  

instance Ellipsoid LocalEllipsoid where
   majorRadius = majorRadiusLocal
   flatR = flatRLocal
   helmert = helmertLocal

-- | Flattening (f) of an ellipsoid.
flattening :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Dimensionless Double
flattening e = _1 / flatR e

-- | The minor radius of an ellipsoid.
minorRadius :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Length Double
minorRadius e = majorRadius e * (_1 - flattening e)

-- | The eccentricity squared of an ellipsoid.
eccentricity2 :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Dimensionless Double
eccentricity2 e = _2 * f - (f * f) where f = flattening e

-- | The second eccentricity squared of an ellipsoid.
eccentricity'2 :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Dimensionless Double
eccentricity'2 e = (f * (_2 - f)) / (_1 - f * f) where f = flattening e

-- | Distance from the surface at the specified latitude to the 
-- axis of the Earth straight down. Also known as the radius of 
-- curvature in the prime vertical, and often denoted @N@.
normal :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Angle Double -> Length Double
normal e lat = majorRadius e / sqrt (_1 - eccentricity2 e * sin lat ^ pos2)

-- | Radius of the circle of latitude: the distance from a point 
-- at that latitude to the axis of the Earth.
latitudeRadius :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Angle Double -> Length Double
latitudeRadius e lat = normal e lat * cos lat

-- | Radius of curvature in the meridian at the specified latitude. 
-- Often denoted @M@.
meridianRadius :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Angle Double -> Length Double
meridianRadius e lat = 
   majorRadius e * (_1 - eccentricity2 e) 
   / sqrt ((_1 - eccentricity2 e * sin lat ^ pos2) ^ pos3)

-- | Radius of curvature of the ellipsoid perpendicular to the meridian at the specified latitude.
primeVerticalRadius :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Angle Double -> Length Double
primeVerticalRadius e lat =
   majorRadius e / sqrt (_1 - eccentricity2 e * sin lat ^ pos2)

-- | The isometric latitude. The isometric latitude is conventionally denoted by ψ 
-- (not to be confused with the geocentric latitude): it is used in the development 
-- of the ellipsoidal versions of the normal Mercator projection and the Transverse 
-- Mercator projection. The name "isometric" arises from the fact that at any point 
-- on the ellipsoid equal increments of ψ and longitude λ give rise to equal distance 
-- displacements along the meridians and parallels respectively.
isometricLatitude :: (Ellipsoid e) => e -> Angle Double -> Angle Double
isometricLatitude ellipse lat = atanh sinLat - e * atanh (e * sinLat)
      sinLat = sin lat
      e = sqrt $ eccentricity2 ellipse