-- | Parallel grammar compilation
module GF.CompileInParallel(parallelBatchCompile) where
import Prelude hiding (catch,(<>)) -- GHC 8.4.1 clash with Text.PrettyPrint
import Control.Monad(join,ap,when,unless)
import Control.Applicative
import GF.Infra.Concurrency
import GF.System.Concurrency
import System.FilePath
import qualified GF.System.Directory as D
import GF.System.Catch(catch,try)
import Data.List(nub,isPrefixOf,intercalate,partition)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GF.Compile.ReadFiles(getOptionsFromFile,findFile,gfImports,gfoImports,VersionTagged(..))
import GF.CompileOne(reuseGFO,useTheSource)
import GF.Infra.Option
import GF.Infra.UseIO
import GF.Data.Operations
import GF.Grammar.Grammar(emptyGrammar,prependModule)
import GF.Infra.Ident(moduleNameS)
import GF.Text.Pretty
import GF.System.Console(TermColors(..),getTermColors)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS

-- | Compile the given grammar files and everything they depend on,
-- like 'batchCompile'. This function compiles modules in parallel.
-- It keeps modules compiled in /present/ and /alltenses/ mode apart,
-- storing the @.gfo@ files in separate subdirectories to avoid creating
-- the broken PGF files that can result from mixing different modes in the
-- same concrete syntax.
-- The first argument controls the number of jobs to run in
-- parallel. This works if GF was compiled with GHC>=7.6, otherwise you have to
-- use the GHC run-time flag @+RTS -N -RTS@ to enable parallelism.
parallelBatchCompile jobs opts rootfiles0 =
  do setJobs jobs
     rootfiles <- mapM canonical rootfiles0
     lib_dirs1 <- getLibraryDirectory opts
     lib_dirs2 <- mapM canonical lib_dirs1
     let lib_dir = head lib_dirs2
     when (length lib_dirs2 >1) $ ePutStrLn ("GF_LIB_PATH defines more than one directory; using the first, " ++ show lib_dir)
     filepaths <- mapM (getPathFromFile [lib_dir] opts) rootfiles
     let groups = groupFiles lib_dir filepaths
         n = length groups
     when (n>1) $ ePutStrLn "Grammar mixes present and alltenses, dividing modules into two groups"
     (ts,sgrs) <- unzip <$> mapM (batchCompile1 lib_dir) groups
     return (maximum ts,sgrs)
    groupFiles lib_dir filepaths =
        if length groups>1 then groups else [(opts,filepaths)]
        groups = filter (not.null.snd) [(opts_p,present),(opts_a,alltenses)]
        (present,alltenses) = partition usesPresent filepaths
        gfoDir = flag optGFODir opts
        gfo = maybe "" id gfoDir
        opts_p = setGFO "present"
        opts_a = setGFO "alltenses"
        setGFO d = addOptions opts 
                              (modifyFlags $ \ f->f{optGFODir=Just (gfo</>d)})

        usesPresent (_,paths) = take 1 libs==["present"]
            libs = [p|path<-paths,
                      let (d,p0) = splitAt n path
                          p = dropSlash p0,
                      d==lib_dir,p `elem` all_modes]
            n = length lib_dir  

        all_modes = ["alltenses","present"]

        dropSlash ('/':p) = p
        dropSlash ('\\':p) = p
        dropSlash p = p

setJobs opt_n =
  do ok <- setNumCapabilities opt_n
     when (not ok) $
       ePutStrLn $ "To set the number of concurrent threads"
                   ++" you need to use +RTS -N"++maybe "" show opt_n
                   ++"\n   or recompile GF with ghc>=7.6"

batchCompile1 lib_dir (opts,filepaths) =
  do cwd <- D.getCurrentDirectory
     let rel = relativeTo lib_dir cwd
         prelude_dir = lib_dir</>"prelude"
         gfoDir = flag optGFODir opts
     maybe done (D.createDirectoryIfMissing True) gfoDir
     liftIO $ writeFile (maybe "" id gfoDir</>"paths")
                        (unlines . map (unwords . map rel) . nub $ map snd filepaths)
     prelude_files <- maybe [] id <$> 
                      maybeIO (D.getDirectoryContents prelude_dir)
     let fromPrelude f = lib_dir `isPrefixOf` f &&
                         takeFileName f `elem` prelude_files
         ppPath ps = "-path="<>intercalate ":" (map rel ps)
     deps <- newMVar M.empty
     toLog <- newLog id
     term <- getTermColors
     let --logStrLn = toLog . ePutStrLn
       --ok :: CollectOutput IO a -> IO a
         ok (CO m) = err bad good =<< tryIOE m
              good (o,r) = do toLog o; return r
              bad e = do toLog (redPutStrLn e); fail "failed"
              redPutStrLn s = do ePutStr (redFg term);ePutStr s
                                 ePutStrLn (restore term)
     sgr <- liftIO $ newMVar emptyGrammar
     let extendSgr sgr m =
           modifyMVar_ sgr $ \ gr ->
           do let gr' = prependModule gr m
--            logStrLn $ "Finished "++show (length (modules gr'))++" modules."
              return gr'
     fcache <- liftIO $ newIOCache $ \ _ (imp,Hide (f,ps)) ->
                 do (file,_,_) <- findFile gfoDir ps imp
                    return (file,(f,ps))
     let find f ps imp =
           do (file',(f',ps')) <- liftIO $ readIOCache fcache (imp,Hide (f,ps))
              when (ps'/=ps) $
                 do (file,_,_) <- findFile gfoDir ps imp
                    unless (file==file' || any fromPrelude [file,file']) $
                      do eq <- liftIO $ (==) <$> BS.readFile file <*> BS.readFile file'
                         unless eq $
                           fail $ render $ 
                             hang ("Ambiguous import of"<+>imp<>":") 4
                              (hang (rel file<+>"from"<+>rel f) 4 (ppPath ps)
                              hang (rel file'<+>"from"<+>rel f') 4 (ppPath ps'))
              return file'
         compile cache (file,paths) = readIOCache cache (file,Hide paths)
         compile' cache (f,Hide ps) =
           try $
           do let compileImport f = compile cache (f,ps)
                  findImports (f,ps) = mapM (find f ps) . nub . snd
                                         =<< getImports opts f
              imps <- ok (findImports (f,ps))
              modifyMVar_ deps (return . M.insert f imps)
              ([],tis) <- splitEither <$> parMapM compileImport imps
              let reuse gfo = do t <- D.getModificationTime gfo
                                 gr <- readMVar sgr
                                 r <- lazyIO $ ok (reuseGFO opts gr gfo)
                                 return (t,snd r)
                  compileSrc f =
                    do gr <- readMVar sgr
                       (Just gfo,mo) <- ok (useTheSource opts gr f)
                       t <- D.getModificationTime gfo
                       return (t,mo)
              (t,mo) <- if isGFO f
                        then reuse f
                        else do ts <- D.getModificationTime f
                                let gfo = gf2gfo' gfoDir f
                                to <- maybeIO (D.getModificationTime gfo)
                                if to>=Just (maximum (ts:tis))
                                  then reuse gfo
                                  else compileSrc f
              extendSgr sgr mo
              return (maximum (t:tis))
     cache <- liftIO $ newIOCache compile'
     (es,ts) <- liftIO $ splitEither <$> parMapM (compile cache) filepaths
     gr <- readMVar sgr
     let cnc = moduleNameS (justModuleName (fst (last filepaths)))
     ds <- M.toList <$> readMVar deps
     liftIO $ writeFile (maybe "" id gfoDir</>"dependencies")
                        (unlines [rel f++": "++unwords (map rel imps)
                                  | (f,imps)<-ds])
     putStrLnE $ render $
                   length ds<+>"modules in"
                   <+>length (nub (map (dropFileName.fst) ds))<+>"directories."
     let n = length es
     if n>0
       then fail $ "Errors prevented "++show n++" module"++['s'|n/=1]++
                   " from being compiled."
       else return (maximum ts,(cnc,gr))

splitEither es = ([x|Left x<-es],[y|Right y<-es])

canonical path = liftIO $ D.canonicalizePath path `catch` const (return path)

getPathFromFile lib_dir cmdline_opts file =
  do --file <- getRealFile file
     file_opts <- getOptionsFromFile file
     let file_dir = dropFileName file
         opts = addOptions (fixRelativeLibPaths file_dir lib_dir file_opts)
     paths <- mapM canonical . nub . (file_dir :) =<< extendPathEnv opts
     return (file,nub paths)

getImports opts file =
    if isGFO file then gfoImports' file else gfImports opts file
    gfoImports' file = check =<< gfoImports file
        check (Tagged imps) = return imps
        check WrongVersion = raise $ file++": .gfo file version mismatch"

relativeTo lib_dir cwd path =
    if length librel<length cwdrel then librel else cwdrel
    librel = "%"</>makeRelative lib_dir path
    cwdrel = makeRelative cwd path


data IOCache arg res
    = IOCache { op::arg->IO res,
                cache::MVar (M.Map arg (MVar res)) }

newIOCache op =
   do v <- newMVar M.empty
      let cache = IOCache (op cache) v
      return cache

readIOCache (IOCache op cacheVar) arg =
  join $ modifyMVar cacheVar $ \ cache ->
    case M.lookup arg cache of
       Nothing -> do v <- newEmptyMVar
                     let doit = do res <- op arg
                                   putMVar v res
                                   return res
                     return (M.insert arg v cache,doit)
       Just v  -> do return (cache,readMVar v)

newtype Hide a = Hide {reveal::a}
instance Eq (Hide a) where _ == _ = True
instance Ord (Hide a) where compare _ _ = EQ

newtype CollectOutput m a = CO {unCO::m (m (),a)}
runCO (CO m) = do (o,x) <- m
                  return x
instance Functor m => Functor (CollectOutput m) where
   fmap f (CO m) = CO (fmap (fmap f) m)

instance (Functor m,Monad m) => Applicative (CollectOutput m) where 
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad m => Monad (CollectOutput m) where
  return x = CO (return (done,x))
  CO m >>= f = CO $ do (o1,x) <- m
                       let CO m2 = f x
                       (o2,y) <- m2
                       return (o1>>o2,y)
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (CollectOutput m) where
  liftIO io = CO $ do x <- liftIO io
                      return (done,x)

instance Output m => Output (CollectOutput m) where
  ePutStr   s = CO (return (ePutStr s,()))
  ePutStrLn s = CO (return (ePutStrLn s,()))
  putStrLnE s = CO (return (putStrLnE s,()))
  putStrE   s = CO (return (putStrE s,()))

instance ErrorMonad m => ErrorMonad (CollectOutput m) where
  raise e = CO (raise e)
  handle (CO m) h = CO $ handle m (unCO . h)