Name: gf-exb Version: 1.0 Cabal-version: >= 1.8 Build-type: Simple License: GPL Synopsis: Example-based grammar writing for the Grammatical Framework executable exb.fcgi main-is: exb-fcgi.hs Hs-source-dirs: . ../server ../compiler ../runtime/haskell other-modules: ExampleService ExampleDemo FastCGIUtils Cache GF.Compile.ToAPI -- and a lot more... ghc-options: -threaded if impl(ghc>=7.0) ghc-options: -rtsopts build-depends: base >=4.2 && <5, json, cgi, fastcgi, random, containers, old-time, directory, bytestring, utf8-string, pretty, array, mtl, fst, filepath if os(windows) ghc-options: -optl-mwindows else build-depends: unix