abstract Communications = MidLevelOntology, Geography ** { -- An AMRadioStation is an -- engineeringSubcomponent of an AMRadioSystem. fun AMRadioStation : Class ; fun AMRadioStation_Class : SubClass AMRadioStation RadioStation ; -- An AMRadioSystem consists of Radios, -- AMRadioStations, and other components that work together to make -- AM radio broadcasting possible in a given area. fun AMRadioSystem : Class ; fun AMRadioSystem_Class : SubClass AMRadioSystem RadioSystem ; -- An ArtificialSatellite is a Device -- that orbits the earth in space and performs various functions such as -- aiding in communication, photographing the earth's surface, and others. fun ArtificialSatellite : Class ; fun ArtificialSatellite_Class : SubClass ArtificialSatellite (both EngineeringComponent Satellite) ; -- A BroadcastingStation is -- an engineeringSubcomponent of either a TelevisionSystem or -- a RadioStation. fun BroadcastingStation : Class ; fun BroadcastingStation_Class : SubClass BroadcastingStation (both CommunicationDevice (both EngineeringComponent StationaryArtifact)) ; -- A CableTelevisionSystem -- is a CommunicationSystem for cable television. fun CableTelevisionSystem : Class ; fun CableTelevisionSystem_Class : SubClass CableTelevisionSystem CommunicationSystem ; -- Relatively low power broadcasting -- devices designed for voice communication among specialized groups -- in which each receiver also has the power to transmit, unlike -- broadcast radio where most components transmitting or receiving on -- a given frequency or set of frequencies are receivers only. This -- includes unlicensed walkie_talkies, public safety radios, military -- communication systems and CB radios. fun CommunicationRadio : Class ; fun CommunicationRadio_Class : SubClass CommunicationRadio CommunicationDevice ; -- A CommunicationSatellite is an -- ArtificialSatellite that serves as one engineeringSubcomponent of a -- CommunicationSystem. fun CommunicationSatellite : Class ; fun CommunicationSatellite_Class : SubClass CommunicationSatellite (both ArtificialSatellite CommunicationDevice) ; -- An Eutelsat is one type of -- CommunicationSatellite. fun Eutelsat : Class ; fun Eutelsat_Class : SubClass Eutelsat CommunicationSatellite ; -- A FMRadioStation is an -- engineeringSubcomponent of an FMRadioSystem. fun FMRadioStation : Class ; fun FMRadioStation_Class : SubClass FMRadioStation RadioStation ; -- A FMRadioSystem consists of Radios, -- FMRadioStations, and other components that work together to make -- FM radio broadcasting possible in a given area. fun FMRadioSystem : Class ; fun FMRadioSystem_Class : SubClass FMRadioSystem RadioSystem ; -- An Inmarsat is one type of -- CommunicationSatellite. fun Inmarsat : Class ; fun Inmarsat_Class : SubClass Inmarsat CommunicationSatellite ; -- An Intelsat is one type of -- CommunicationSatellite. fun Intelsat : Class ; fun Intelsat_Class : SubClass Intelsat CommunicationSatellite ; -- The Internet is a CommunicationSystem -- for the rapid delivery of information between computers. fun Internet : Ind CommunicationSystem ; -- An InternetServiceProvider serves as an engineeringSubcomponent of -- the Internet for a given area. fun InternetServiceProvider : Class ; fun InternetServiceProvider_Class : SubClass InternetServiceProvider CommunicationSystem ; -- An InternetUser is an individual who -- uses the Internet. fun InternetUser : Ind SocialRole ; -- An Intersputnik is one type of -- CommunicationSatellite. fun Intersputnik : Class ; fun Intersputnik_Class : SubClass Intersputnik CommunicationSatellite ; -- A MainTelephoneLine is one -- engineeringSubcomponent of a TelephoneSystem used for voice communication -- or computer data transfer. fun MainTelephoneLine : Class ; fun MainTelephoneLine_Class : SubClass MainTelephoneLine CommunicationDevice ; -- A Telephone that can be used without -- connection to a MainTelephoneLine. fun MobileCellPhone : Class ; fun MobileCellPhone_Class : SubClass MobileCellPhone Telephone ; -- An Orbita is one type of -- CommunicationSatellite. fun Orbita : Class ; fun Orbita_Class : SubClass Orbita CommunicationSatellite ; -- A RadioStation is an -- engineeringSubcomponent of a RadioSystem. fun RadioStation : Class ; fun RadioStation_Class : SubClass RadioStation BroadcastingStation ; -- A RadioSystem consists of Radios, -- RadioStations, and other components that work together to make -- radio broadcasting possible in a given area. fun RadioSystem : Class ; fun RadioSystem_Class : SubClass RadioSystem CommunicationSystem ; -- A ShortwaveRadioStation -- is an engineeringSubcomponent of a ShortwaveRadioSystem. fun ShortwaveRadioStation : Class ; fun ShortwaveRadioStation_Class : SubClass ShortwaveRadioStation RadioStation ; -- A ShortwaveRadioSystem consists -- of Radios, ShortwaveRadioStations, and other components that work -- together to make shortwave radio broadcasting possible in a given area. fun ShortwaveRadioSystem : Class ; fun ShortwaveRadioSystem_Class : SubClass ShortwaveRadioSystem RadioSystem ; -- A TelephoneSystem consists of a complete -- interconnection of Telephones, MainTelephoneLines, and other components -- that work together to make telephonic communication possible from point to -- point in a given area. fun TelephoneSystem : Class ; fun TelephoneSystem_Class : SubClass TelephoneSystem CommunicationSystem ; -- A TelevisionStation is an -- engineeringSubcomponent of a TelevisionSystem. fun TelevisionStation : Class ; fun TelevisionStation_Class : SubClass TelevisionStation BroadcastingStation ; -- A system for Broadcasting and -- receiving television signals. fun TelevisionSystem : Class ; fun TelevisionSystem_Class : SubClass TelevisionSystem CommunicationSystem ; -- The expression -- (communicationSatelliteForArea ?AREA ?SATELLITE ?INTEGER) means that -- ?INTEGER number of CommunicationSatellites of the type ?SATELLITE serve -- as an engineeringSubcomponent of a TelephoneSystem of the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA. fun communicationSatelliteForArea: El GeopoliticalArea -> Desc Satellite -> El Integer -> Formula ;-- replaced-- -- (internetCountryCode ?AREA ?CODE) -- relates a GeopoliticalArea to the SymbolicString ?CODE used to -- identify the ?AREA on internet websites. fun internetCountryCode : El GeopoliticalArea -> El SymbolicString -> Formula ; }