concrete NounBul of Noun = CatBul ** open ResBul, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; coding=cp1251 ; lin DetCN det cn = { s = \\role => let nf = case of { => case role of { RSubj => NFSgDefNom ; RVoc => NFVocative ; _ => NF Sg Def } ; => case role of { RVoc => NFVocative ; _ => NF Sg Indef } ; => NF det.n det.spec ; => case cn.g of { AMasc Human => NF Pl Indef; _ => case det.countable of { True => NFPlCount ; False => NF Pl Indef } } } ; s = det.s ! True ! cn.g ! role ++ cn.s ! nf in case role of { RObj Dat => "на" ++ s; _ => s } ; a = {gn = gennum cn.g det.n; p = P3} ; } ; DetNP det = { s = \\role => let s = det.s ! False ! ANeut ! role in case role of { RObj Dat => "на" ++ s; _ => s } ; a = {gn = gennum ANeut det.n; p = P3} ; } ; UsePN pn = { s = table { RObj Dat => "на" ++ pn.s; _ => pn.s } ; a = {gn = GSg pn.g; p = P3} } ; UsePron p = {s = p.s; a=p.a} ; PredetNP pred np = { s = \\c => pred.s ! ++ np.s ! c ; a = np.a } ; PPartNP np v2 = { s = \\c => np.s ! c ++ v2.s ! Perf ! VPassive (aform Indef c) ; a = np.a } ; AdvNP np adv = { s = \\c => np.s ! c ++ adv.s ; a = np.a } ; DetQuant quant num = { s = \\sp,g,c => let sp' = case num.nonEmpty of { True => True ; False => sp } in quant.s ! sp' ! aform (gennum g num.n) (case c of {RVoc=>Indef; _=>Def}) c ++ num.s ! dgenderSpecies g quant.spec c ; n = num.n ; countable = num.nonEmpty ; spec = case num.nonEmpty of {True=>Indef; _=>quant.spec} } ; DetQuantOrd = \quant, num, ord -> { s = \\_,g,c => quant.s ! True ! aform (gennum g num.n) (case c of {RVoc=>Indef; _=>Def}) c ++ num.s ! dgenderSpecies g quant.spec c ++ ord.s ! aform (gennum g num.n) (case num.nonEmpty of {True=>Indef; _=>quant.spec}) c ; n = num.n ; countable = num.nonEmpty ; spec=Indef } ; PossPron p = { s = \\_ => p.gen ; nonEmpty = True ; spec = ResBul.Indef } ; NumSg = {s = \\_ => []; n = Sg; nonEmpty = False} ; NumPl = {s = \\_ => []; n = Pl; nonEmpty = False} ; NumCard n = n ** {nonEmpty = True} ; NumDigits n = {s = \\gspec => n.s ! NCard gspec; n = n.n} ; OrdDigits n = {s = \\aform => n.s ! NOrd aform} ; NumNumeral numeral = {s = \\gspec => numeral.s ! NCard gspec; n = numeral.n; nonEmpty = True} ; OrdNumeral numeral = {s = \\aform => numeral.s ! NOrd aform} ; AdNum adn num = {s = \\gspec => adn.s ++ num.s ! gspec; n = num.n; nonEmpty = num.nonEmpty} ; OrdSuperl a = {s = \\aform => "най" ++ "-" ++ a.s ! aform} ; DefArt = { s = table { True => \\_ => [] ; False => table { ASg Masc _ => "той" ; ASgMascDefNom => "той" ; ASg Fem _ => "тя" ; ASg Neut _ => "то" ; APl _ => "те" } } ; nonEmpty = False ; spec = ResBul.Def } ; IndefArt = { s = table { True => \\_ => [] ; False => table { ASg Masc _ => "един" ; ASgMascDefNom => "един" ; ASg Fem _ => "една" ; ASg Neut _ => "едно" ; APl _ => "едни" } } ; nonEmpty = False ; spec = ResBul.Indef } ; MassNP cn = { s = table { RVoc => cn.s ! NFVocative ; RObj Dat => "на" ++ cn.s ! (NF Sg Indef); _ => cn.s ! (NF Sg Indef) } ; a = {gn = gennum cn.g Sg; p = P3} ; } ; UseN noun = noun ; UseN2 noun = noun ; ComplN2 f x = {s = \\nf => f.s ! nf ++ f.c2.s ++ x.s ! RObj f.c2.c; g=f.g} ; ComplN3 f x = {s = \\nf => f.s ! nf ++ f.c2.s ++ x.s ! RObj f.c2.c; c2 = f.c3; g=f.g} ; Use2N3 f = {s = f.s ; g=f.g ; c2 = f.c2} ; Use3N3 f = {s = f.s ; g=f.g ; c2 = f.c3} ; AdjCN ap cn = { s = \\nf => case ap.isPre of { True => (ap.s ! nform2aform nf cn.g) ++ (cn.s ! (indefNForm nf)) ; False => (cn.s ! nf) ++ (ap.s ! nform2aform (indefNForm nf) cn.g) } ; g = cn.g } ; RelCN cn rs = { s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ rs.s ! {gn=gennum cn.g (numNForm nf); p=P3} ; g = cn.g } ; AdvCN cn ad = { s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ ad.s ; g = cn.g } ; SentCN cn sc = {s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ sc.s; g=ANeut} ; ApposCN cn np = {s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ np.s ! RSubj; g=cn.g} ; RelNP np rs = { s = \\r => np.s ! r ++ rs.s ! np.a ; a = np.a } ; }