--# -path=.:../romance:../abstract:../common:prelude instance DiffIta of DiffRomance = open CommonRomance, PhonoIta, BeschIta, Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; param Prepos = P_di | P_a | P_da | P_in | P_su | P_con ; VType = VHabere | VEsse | VRefl ; oper dative : Case = CPrep P_a ; genitive : Case = CPrep P_di ; prepCase = \c -> case c of { Nom | Acc => [] ; CPrep p => case p of { P_di => "di" ; P_a => pre {"a" ; "ad" / vocale} ; P_da => "da" ; P_in => "in" ; P_su => "su" ; P_con => "con" } } ; artDef : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str = \g,n,c -> case of { <_, _, CPrep P_di> => prepArt "de" ; <_, _, CPrep P_da> => prepArt "da" ; <_, _, CPrep P_a> => prepArt "a" ; <_, _, CPrep P_in> => prepArt "ne" ; <_, _, CPrep P_su> => prepArt "su" ; <_, _, CPrep P_con> => prepArt "co" ; => elision "il" "l'" "lo" ; => elision "la" "l'" "la" ; => elision "i" "gli" "gli" ; => "le" } where { prepArt : Tok -> Tok = \de -> case of { => elision (de + "l") (de + "ll'") (de + "llo") ; => elision (de + "i") (de + "gli") (de + "gli") ; => elision (de + "lla") (de + "ll'") (de + "lla") ; => de + "lle" } } ; -- In these two, "de de/du/des" becomes "de". artIndef = \g,n,c -> case of { => prepCase c ++ genForms (elision "un" "un" "uno") (elision "una" "un'" "una") ! g ; _ => prepCase c } ; possCase = artDef ; partitive = \g,c -> case c of { CPrep P_di => "di" ; _ => prepCase c ++ artDef g Sg (CPrep P_di) } ; conjunctCase : Case -> Case = \c -> case c of { Nom => Nom ; _ => Acc } ; auxVerb : VType -> (VF => Str) = \vtyp -> case vtyp of { VHabere => avere_V.s ; _ => copula.s } ; partAgr : VType -> VPAgr = \vtyp -> case vtyp of { VHabere => vpAgrNone ; _ => VPAgrSubj } ; vpAgrClit : Agr -> VPAgr = \a0 -> let a = complAgr a0 in VPAgrClit a.g a.n ; pronArg = \n,p,acc,dat -> let pacc = case acc of { --- only accusative refl handled CRefl => case p of { P3 => "si" ; _ => argPron Fem n p Acc False --- no clitic after acc } ; CPron ag an ap => argPron ag an ap Acc False ; _ => [] } ; hasAcc = case acc of { CNone => False ; _ => True } ; hasDat = case dat of { CNone => False ; _ => True } ; pdat = case dat of { CPron ag an ap => argPron ag an ap dative hasAcc ; _ => [] } ; in ; infForm n p x y = (pronArg n p x y).p3 ; mkImperative b p vp = \\pol,g,n => let pe = case b of {True => P3 ; _ => p} ; agr = {g = g ; n = n ; p = pe} ; clpr = ; ---- TODO: True is clit verb = case of { => vp.s.s ! VInfin clpr.p3 ; ---- ! aag ; _ => vp.s.s ! vImper n pe } ; neg = vp.neg ! pol ; compl = clpr.p2 ++ vp.comp ! agr ++ vp.ext ! pol in neg.p1 ++ verb ++ bindIf clpr.p3 ++ clpr.p1 ++ compl ; ---- TODO non mi mangi negation : Polarity => (Str * Str) = table { Pos => <[],[]> ; Neg => <"non",[]> } ; conjThan = "di" ; --- che conjThat = "che" ; subjIf = "se" ; clitInf b cli inf = inf ++ bindIf b ++ cli ; relPron : Bool => AAgr => Case => Str = \\b,a,c => case c of { Nom | Acc => "che" ; CPrep P_di => "cui" ; _ => prepCase c ++ "cui" --- ilquale } ; pronSuch : AAgr => Str = aagrForms "tale" "tale" "tali" "tali" ; quelPron : AAgr => Str = aagrForms "quale" "quale" "quali" "quali" ; partQIndir = "ciņ" ; reflPron : Number -> Person -> Case -> Str = let cases : (x,y : Str) -> (Case -> Str) = \me,moi,c -> case c of { Acc | CPrep P_a => me ; _ => moi } ; in \n,p -> case of { => cases "mi" "me" ; => cases "ti" "te" ; => cases "ci" "noi" ; -- unlike French with just one alt! => cases "vi" "voi" ; _ => cases "si" "se" } ; argPron : Gender -> Number -> Person -> Case -> Bool -> Str = let cases : (x,y,z : Str) -> Case -> Bool -> Str = \ci,ce,noi,c,isPre -> case c of { Acc | CPrep P_a => if_then_Str isPre ce ci ; _ => noi } ; cases4 : (x,y,z,u : Str) -> Case -> Bool -> Str = \lo,gli,glie,lui,c,isPre -> case c of { Acc => lo ; CPrep P_a => if_then_Str isPre glie gli ; _ => lui } ; in \g,n,p -> case of { <_,Sg,P1> => cases "mi" "me" "me" ; <_,Sg,P2> => cases "ti" "te" "te" ; <_,Pl,P1> => cases "ci" "ce" "noi" ; -- unlike French with just one alt! <_,Pl,P2> => cases "vi" "ve" "voi" ; => cases4 "lo" "gli" "glie" "lui" ; => cases4 "la" "le" "glie" "lei" ; <_, Pl,P3> => cases4 "li" "li" "glie" "loro" } ; vRefl : VType = VRefl ; isVRefl : VType -> Bool = \ty -> case ty of { VRefl => True ; _ => False } ; auxPassive : Verb = venire_V ; copula = verbBesch (essere_1 "essere") ** {vtyp = VEsse} ; avere_V = verbBesch (avere_2 "avere") ** {vtyp = VHabere} ; venire_V = verbBesch (venire_110 "venire") ** {vtyp = VEsse} ; }